Call of duty but with tanks

I think it is just pore logic at this point.

If youre at a soccer stadium with 10k people let put a 5% of being an *sshole (500)
If youre at a soccer stadium with 20k people the chande of people being an *sshole increase, so the percentage increase, maybe not by an pure 100% but let´s put a 30%. Is the percentage chaging because the population? YES

That’s not how math works at all, what are you talking about? For it to change form 5% to 30% when you go from 10k to 20k people would require that the second half of people going into the stadium had TWELVE TIMES more assholes in it than the equally sized first group.

…why would that ever happen? It doesn’t. Example makes zero sense.

Because these stats are from 2 years ago, almost 3. The player base increases, increasing the chance, changing these stats?

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If 1 out of every 100 people enjoys SB mode, then:

  • At 10,000 total players, you have 100 SB players = 1%

  • At 50,000 total players, you have 500 SB players = 1%

  • At 200,000 total players, you have 2,000 SB players = 1%

Changing population size does not change % when there is no reason to believe that the newer population has any different preferences than the older population. And you have given no such reason.

Why would people joining in 2023 like SB way more than people joining in 2020? They wouldn’t. It’s not like Gaijin started running some huge SB-focused advertising campaign, or did any major updates to SB that make it better, or anything else.

You didn´t undestand my example at all maybe by the language barriers. There´s the problem. Im talking about the 30% of 5%, just to not put having another solid 5% of *ssholes, remaining on the chance increasing in 1.5% with 20k. 5+1.5= 6.5% of 20k being *ssholes

Thats because you asked door to door personally or because you came with the same preference for everyone being like robots?

the 30% of 5%, just to not put having another solid 5% of *ssholes, remaining on the chance increasing in 1.5% with 20k. 5+1.5= 6.5% of 20k being *ssholes

That’s pretty much just word salad, man. You need to be WAY more clear what you’re talking about if you want that to be helpful to anything.

Thats because you asked door to door personally or because you came with the same preference for everyone being like robots?

Shit doesn’t just randomly wildly change for no reason, lol. It can change if there’s some REASON why people in 2023 absolutely love simulator games to death but didn’t in 2020. But none of you have managed to come up with a single even quasi-plausible explanation of such a reason yet. You haven’t even tried. I asked multiple times.

Like if PC Gamer magazine did a study and showed simulator genre is on the rise in a major way this year in polls of players, then sure, that would be some reason to doubt this.

But you have no such thing. Just a big old pile of arbitrary wishful thinking

Saying this only by a misunderstanding by lagunage barriers doesn´t own you a point, so…

You asked I answwered. More pople = more chances = more percentage. Just logic

At this point this comment it is less helpful than you comment here:

I mean, it is. I’m not trying to insult you, but that was completely unclear. It’s due to a language barrier: okay fine, that’s understandable, but whatever you were trying to say with that math wasn’t understandable. You would have to rewrite it step by step and explain where you are getting each number from, for it to contribute here meaningfully.

Here’s a good a good simple analogy for %-ages NOT changing when you add more people, when the underlying causes didn’t change:

  • What % of a classroom’s worth of people, 30-ish people, are women?

  • What % of a stadium’s worth of people, are women?

  • What % of a nation’s worth of people, are women?

  • What % of the world population, is women?

I’m adding MASSIVE numbers of people at each bullet point. Did the % change?

Dont worry i dont see like you want to insult me, im not from the glass gen.

SImple on a city with 10k of population there´s a 5% of thiefs. If you increase the population, the chance of having thiefs in town increases.

It is just an exaple of logic, im not using any exact number for this because is only logic

Easy, more people = more chance ¿Is that clear?

No it doesn’t, because 5% of the people moving into town are also thieves (unless there’s some good reason why people moving in would be different kinds of people)

  • So you started with 10,000 people in town, and 500 thieves

  • Of the next 10,000 people to move into town, 500 were also thieves.

  • So now we have (500+500) 1,000 thieves, out of (10,000+10,000) 20,000 people

1,000 thieves / 20,000 people = 5%

Percent didn’t change.

Take a look at this comment further above, and please actually answer the questions (it should only take like 20 seconds): Call of duty but with tanks - #72 by A_Cute_Chihuahua

I think it is the clearest way to talk about it.

At this point its obvious it is language barriers.

10k 500 thieves
20k 1000 thieves = percentage
20k 1080 thieves = more percentage
25k 1200 thieves = less percentage
30k 2501 thieves = more percentage

3 years. more than 100% of player base. Im talking bout the chance of having more people liking this mode is more than the chance of people who dont like it, and YES it can be reversed. So yeah at this point you didnt understand by laguage. Im talking about the chance of having more people who like these modes. If my language barrier didnt let me explain i apologizes

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Take a look at this comment further above, and please actually answer the questions (it should only take like 20 seconds): Call of duty but with tanks - #72 by A_Cute_Chihuahua

I think it is the clearest way to talk about it.

Sorry at this point is usseless to “argue” with you if you dont want to understand others point. Have a good day!

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So you did read it, did answer the questions, realized that the answer was “50%-51% women” no matter how many people were added, but didn’t want to admit you were wrong, couldn’t come up with any way to spin it, so suddenly switched to “I’m done talking” instead. Gotcha.

Your point of view, from mine we are talking about different points so again. Have a good day!

P.S: i dont have any problem admmiting if im wrong, i commited errors on my life and the best i did is learn from them, but this is not a “youre wrong” arguing because we´re talking about different things.