Every other game mode but ground forces seems to have a real feel to it. Ground forces is very much unplayable at high tiers. Every one camps, peaks, shoots, hides. Then we have the guys that just show up and camp spawn from ridiculous angles. Its not fun anymore.
There has to be something done to ground forces or im just gonna wait for the next best thing that comes out. This game promotes camping, only in GB. Everything is too fast, and unrealistic. Feels like a hollywood film the way people play. There has to be a plan, strategy, a new game mode of the sort and get rid of everything else.
I personally think the only way to better ground forces is to make longer games, and to make longer games you need larger maps, realistic maps. By that i mean, in the real world, militaries wouldnt send tanks to a location if it would deem any armored vehicles useless because of its geographical features. Theres a youtube video where a real tanker tried war thunder and said the maps in game are locations where they wouldnt send armor just because it would be useless due to high points, and disadvantages like too many buildings without proper recon.
Next would be taking fuel into account. Fuel would make a player choose how much to drive and how far they should drive. Making them less prone to drive to the other side of the map to farm kills. Maybe after securing an area it would provide fuel.
I dont know im just throwing ideas out there. Next would be a game mode that would mimic a real life armored battle. Forget A B and C point. We need something more real, maybe a player vs ai. Where both team on there way to secure a sector , need to watch out for ground troops(militia or whatever it may be) that plant IED’s or shoot rockets at your tank , and you have to watch out for mines on the road etc.
I ran out of ideas, but thats all i got. I work a 9-5 job and want to come home from work and enjoy the game, but then i come across people who dont work and just make the game boring by killing me from ridiculous angles.
War thunder has so much potential to make something great out of ground battles. If it doesnt, soon enough the player base will start to drop when the next best thing comes out. Im just here with an idea to save the games future. Hopefully some devs get a chance to read this.