Call of duty but with tanks

If you’re talking about any point other than “The % of a population not changing when you add more people of the same type” then your point is just off topic, though (whatever it is), since that was the only point that mattered here.

Yeah this confirms you didnt understand my point at all. So this is my last response. Have a good day!

The best I can come up with it maybe you’re just talking about random variation, a bell curve. But the possibility that 80 more thieves than usual in this example showed up is no more likely than there having been 920 thieves instead (80 FEWER thieves)

Some small chance of 920 + higher chance of 1,000 + same small chance of 1080 = average best possible guess is 1,000, which is the same % as before

Not worth arguing with arrogant people, they are extremely defensive of their CoD play style. We should just ignore them and provide ideas and actual feedback instead of wasting time on hostile users.

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It’s not about arrogant people, we are just talking about a different subject.

God, no. I just used the translator for this, I don’t know if it’s all right. I’m talking about the people who like this mode, if there are more people in the community the number can only increase, if you remove people from the community there is a certain probability that those people are the ones who like this mode therefore this number goes down, but if you add people to the community the amount of people who like this mode can only increase, that’s what I mean. God I feel silly after using my poor level of English for a conversation like this. At this point I confirm you that the problem here was my poor English XD. And now I really have to go so I won’t be able to answer any more, my children are calling me. Have a nice day

if there are more people in the community the number can only increase

Yes but a percentage, by definition has TWO parts, “numerator” and “denominator”:


You can’t only talk about the top number (which is what you’re doing), it’s only half of the story. When you add more people to the group, you’re also increasing the bottom number, too. So yes you have more people playing sim, but you are dividing that by a bigger number as well. So the % does not go up.

The raw number goes up.

The percent does not go up.

Yep this keeps confirming my “theory” that you don’t understand/want to understand my point, at this point I can only think that either you don’t want to know the point of view of others, or that you are really arrogant triying to act like a teacher on others, which I don’t want to think you are, because I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I have already explained with the translator and I already apologized for the use of wrong words because the misunderstanding was my fault due to my lack of knowledge of English, but you keep trying to “prove” i am wrong with my own point which has nothing in common with what you are talking about (due to the wrong word choosing from my part, i REPEAT i know that was my fault not choosing the correct words due to my lack of knowledge of English). So end of discussion.

Okay I mean sure stop responding and go play with your kids whenever you want.

But bottom line is the percent doesn’t change. The raw number of sim players does. Percent no. The original start of the conversation was me posting this link ( with < 1% of people playing sim, and people disputing it. Which is shown in %.

  • Since the % doesn’t change when you add more of the same people, the link’s information is still accurate. Still gonna be < 1% playing sim

  • So Gaijin shouldn’t spend very many resources on sim if it’s only < 1% of the population.

I don’t need to know whatever it was you were trying to say, because my goal isn’t “to prove whatever you were saying wrong”, my goal is to defend the true stats of how many people play which mode and therefore what Gaijin should spend money on. And only % matters for that.

I mean we got people that play 3hour long matches on hell let loose. Im sure the dame people jump over to war thunder. And hell let loose is a hot game

Hell Let Loose is also a very, VERY different game that War Thunder is

Hell Let Loose isn’t War Thunder. Beyond the gameplay mechanical differences in Hell Let Loose I can actually communicate with my team over VOIP and make tactical decisions.


Fellas fellas relaaax, youre missing the point. I never said they were the same game lmaoo chill haha i was referring to how if a game is good enough, and fun enough, people will play any amount of time in a match. There fore, if warthunder changes to more realistic ground approach, people will still play a round for more than an hour if needed.

“more realistic” needs to be clarified

Simulator battles is “more realistic” it doesn’t draw as much players

What is “more realistic”