That’s if they shoot first, and I have repair kits and fire extinguishers.
Dying isn’t the end of the world, dying without progress done is.
And the Merkava being front-engined makes their idler wheel weakspot less of an issue compared to T-series and Leopard.
Yes, I may lose my engine, and they will lose their tank.
The front engine makes pushing corners far safer than rear-engined tanks thanks to the stronger idler wheel position.
Only two extinguishers (unlike it’s real-life 7-10), and repairing takes forever since your crew level are lower than avarage (because Israel for some reason starts at rank IV).
Which is… a tiny place to shoot, when they can, and in most cases WILL, shoot you in the turret/UFP, which gurantees you being one-shoted and they getting a free kill. Honestly, why would they even aim for the idler wheel when Merkavas are so easily recogniseable and well-known to be easy targets? And besides, even when shot in the idler wheel Merkavas have a high chance of being killed or disabled.
You may lose your tank.
Also, they won’t lose their tank so often - ERA, spall liners, fuel tanks etc. could easily save them, and I can recall many times when I shot a Type 90 in the side at the perfect angle of 30-45 degrees, and nothing happened to it despite my glorified M322 round. And this applies to Leopards, Abrams tanks, Chinese and Soviet tanks (which may lose their autoloader, but not get ammoracked and they one-shot you with the one round they got loaded).
Disagreed. The front engine in WT decreases your vision, allows the enemy to shoot first and turns you on fire, which wierdly and completley opposed to real life makes you burn down faster than other tanks. And again, only fools would go for the Merkavas’ idler wheel when literally any other spot is a guranteed one-shot.
What turret? They see the front first.
And UFP is something only American mains do from my experience, which is something no player should do against any tank.
Strv 122 fires the same round as the Merkava Mk3 as well.
And vision decreasing is only in simulator.
Also any-other spot is harder to see. Even your mythical UFP requires them to move further in front of you.
To hit your rear half where your crew is they have to move more in front of you.
The loader side for instance. They often see it before you can shoot them, and don’t forget that unlike them, you actually have to aim for weakspots.
But unlike the Merkava, has a ton of armor and great mobility.
It’s way harder to look around the corner with it in RB as well - unless you expose your front.
But the gigantic engine block can still be hit way before you can shoot the enemy.
But not as much as you need to move in front of them.
Which is completley unnecessary since you can easily just shoot the UFP, which most skilled people do to you since Merkavas are known to be made out of paper. You can also shoot the idler wheel, which results in either being one-shoted or disabled, unable to fire back. Even if that won’t happen, a mobility kill will still put you in a situation where you can’t fire back, since the enemy had a shot way before you did and thus put you stational in a place where you can’t kill them from. And even with the new rolling-after-engine-killed mechanic, you still need to reload, aim for a weakspot and pray for a rare one-shot while burning and probably having half your crew already dead. Good luck with that, mate.
Very hard, much wow. Even easier if you’re not directly against the wall.
I see @simsimkek is jumping topics posting contrarian provocations with anti-player stances as usual.
We say Israeli vehicles have flaws, he comes in calling you and I unreasonable, noam.
His post portrays Israel tanks as perfect with no flaws.
But at 11.3, the 589 mm of pen are no longer impressive. You combine 11.3 gun with 9.0 armor and 9.7 mobility, still at 11.3? Nonsense.
The Sabra has an 11.3 gun with 9.0 armor and 8.3 mobility, sitting at 9.7. Makes way more sense.
Nah, it’s shit. Yeah you can still get good results in the mk 3 if you’re skilled because the gun hits like a truck usually, but everything else is just subpar. Also is extremely difficult not to get hit in this thing since it’s as big as an house, it’s almost impossible to be sneaky, the combination of a big silhouette and absolutely no freaking armor is what makes this tank so miserable to play imo.
I have no idea why only 12.0 Merkavas got a reload buff when 11.3 M1A1 got it as well ?
Right now, M1A1 is the outright better Merkava that sits at the same BR, that’s kind of sad.
Compression is never the answer, BUT a quick fix of pulling all Mk.3s down to 11.0 will hardly affect anyone who faces it while making the Mk3 more viable. If the devs were to lower It’s BR to 11.0, the new vehicles who face it will be:
M3A3 Bradley - 800mm penning ATGM, no problem handling Mk3
Radkampf - DM33 easily penning Mk3
Leo2K - DM33 easily penning Mk3
Sprut - 3BM60 Lolpenning Mk3
Desert warrior - 800mm penning ATGM
ZBD04 - 600mm penning the entire front hull of the Mk3
Dardo and VCC80/30 - 800mm penning ATGM
These vehicle have no armor. Putting them against the Mk3 won’t make a slight difference to them, as they are already being lolpenned by any round that sits in this BR bracket. AND, they can still easily defeat the Mk3, because of its weaknesses.
It would also benefit the Israeli TT by giving a lineup to 11.0 (currently, only the Namer Tzrikhon is 11.0)
And it will still be uptiered to 12.0, so i think its balanced
Of course its just a band aid, and DECOMPRESSION is the key to having just a bit more fun in this conquest of a game…
Mk.3 has to go down to 10.3, not 11.0. It’s weaker than M1 and Leo 2A4. But I would compremise on 10.7 for sure.
If the armor on it is to be buffed, I would agree on 11.0.
Mk.3 has 9.3 level of mobility and armor. At 10.3, it would be but a glass cannon. Therefore, to not make people shout ‘Israel Bias’, it would be moved to 10.7, alongside the Leo 2A4 - which is superior to it - and the T-80UD, which is even more superior to it.
Or instead, it could be buffed to be realisticly armored and equipped, and then still be put down to 11.0, due to still being rather inferior to most 11.3 tanks (and being a tank from the hell 1980’s, so why would anyone make it face tanks from the 2010’s?).
It doesn’t matter if you get one-shoted or two-shoted at (although, from my experience it’s one-shot most of the time). You are dead nonetheless, since any hit kills gun/breech/gunner+commander/turret ring+engine.