M1A1/IPM1/T90A/T80UM2/Type90/B,All stronger than this humorous tank (Google Translate)
That’s the point. IRL the armor should be twice as effective.
The armor level is OK-ish. The only source I know of rating the armor states 450mm KE for the turret and 350-400 for the front hull. Its kinda what we already have. The problems with Mk.3 lie elsewhere:
Thanks to M322 and being constantly uptiered to 12.0, the tank is meant to play like a glass cannon.
Nevertheless forcing a glass cannon to start the grind with an extremely bad round for the purpose (HEAT) is borderline criminal.
Instead the tank should start stock with M321 APFSDS.
Nevertheless 11.3 is no place for it. Should be lowered to 11.0 or even 10.7 so that its not condemned to uptiers.
In WT it’s horrible. IRL it’s more over 400 mm KE in the hull and turret, being fully capable of resisting 3BM42 all over the front (apart from the LFP, where the enging block absorbs the damage). In the game, however, you can get penatrated frontally and even one-shoted at by 2S38 and even 30 mm shells from the front.
IRL, yes, and even more. Not in WT.
In-game the UFP has 180-250 mm KE protection max. The turret has ~350 KE protection max.
… Which is no more than avarage at 11.3 BR…
With no mobility to get to a position and no gun depression to snipe…
A miswriting or something I’m not yet aware of? Never heard of M321 before… Do you mean M322?
For once we agree.
Again we agree!
More like 10.7 or 10.3, it is legitimately wotse than any 10.7 MBT.
AFAIK M321 was the first 120mm APFSDS used by Israel. Its listed on many sites but I never found an actual brochure or concrete information on it.
But we are mostly in agreement, they want you to play the Mk.3 like a glass cannon but they don´t give you the tools to do it. So yeah, perhaps the armor needs a little tunning (but we are kinda scarce on sources for that) but even so it won´t make much of a difference at 11.3. Perhaps I could accept the current BR if Mk.3 had M322 stock and M338 as a researcheable. However I rather have M321 as stock and see the BR lowered to 11.0 or 10.7.
Thank you, good to know!
Sad to know. :(
Yes, like an actual good gun.
Or, technically, has to be doubled to even scratch the bottom of it’s real-life estimated values…
Yes we are, but there are enough sources to do it.
Yes, but at 10.7-11.0 it would be a menace with full armor like real life and also full real capabilities - the armor is not the only thing missing on it.
Technically, the Mk.3C has to be able to use M338, but I’d rather have this 1991 tank not playing against 2A7s, thank you very much.
Me too, but ONLY if the armor is to be raised to at least 3BM42 resistancy.
We are! :D