British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

A gripen already underperforming compared to how it should be.

Almost certainly. Gripen has been the main aircraft complained about and when you consider that F-15 and Su-27 lack BOL. Its an easy target to balance them,

(especially when you consider that the standard tactic in ARB seems to be to run flare only and just continuously drop flares throughout a match)


Underperforming or not, doesn’t change the fact that right now the gripen is the best RB plane and by far the best SB plane from what I heard, granted I don’t play SB myself. The plane gets stats I thought impossible to attain in top tier flying solo. I hope it gets reverted though as honestly the only way to have fun in top tier is to use the gripen imo.

Eh, not exactly the best. It’s used by people who had to deal with their best being a tornado/harrier or a viggen.

Give those nations an actually decently competitive option and it will perform far and away better than anything else. It should be made accurate to reality, as should the su 27. I am not saying it is bad. As it is, it is quite good. But it is not as good as it ought to be.

Only saying this given the cries of realism from the devs and others associated with the project. Doesn’t really work out when an F15’s performing better than it ought to, and the competitors got shafted to make it comparable.


SB main here so…

Eh… Thats complicated…

In FM, yes, its probably the best.

The Aim-9M being smokeless make them very hard to spot and no RWR launch warnings either

The large CM count means you can be reasonably safe from incoming missiles.

The cockpit is good with good visibility and fairly good HUD (far better than something like the Tornado F3 which is lacking a lot of symology)

Now where it gets a tad complicated.

The Radar is a total mess, and is rather buggy (though I think I was getting the same thing in the Tornado F3 in a short match the other day, so maybe its a “radar” issue and not a “Gripen” issue. With the need to ID targets via radar IFF, this is HIGHLY problematic. Actually putting me off playing the Gripen currently because im fnding it that annoying. (its also placeholder though… so… we’ll have to see if/when its finished)

The Lack of BVR is somewhat felt too. How much BVR is useful in top tier is a hotly debated topic though I think having 10.7 BVR missiles (Phantom FGR2/FG1 are 10.7) is kinda insane though and cannot even hope to compete.

Whilst the Aim-9M are good in some situations, they are lacking in a few, like lock range. They really dont like locking on past about 2km in a head-on. Should be more like 14km. (Community Bug Reporting System). So with the right adjustments they could compensate for the lack of effective BVR.

I havent really properly flown the Gripen C yet (in part because of the radar issues and in part because its not really na aircraft I have massive interest in) but its certainly solid. Though rarely played in comparison to US and USSR aircraft. But that might change as more people farm them out, though Sweden and Britain air will probabkly remain rather under-played for quite a while.

This too. Anyone use to 11.3 vs 12/12.3 (i.e Britain and Sweden for the whole of 2023) is naturally going to be better in a 12.7 vs 12.7s

The IFF is generally a British thing from my experience in Sim recently. Could pretty reliable ID things with IFF using the Su 39. Confirmed a few kills and they were all of the other team. The BVR issue is quite problematic due to the whole 6 R27 situation, in my personal opinion. But I mainly play ground attack subsonic aircraft, and haven’t taken the Gripen out for the Swedes on account of radar issues that seem to be parallel with Britain.

Though IFF could also just be Russian stuff working the best, like usual, for no bloody reason.


Yeah, ive stuck with the Sea Harrier and tornado Gr1 of late, even though we have the Gripen because im just not finding it fun currently. Maybe in March when Im guessing they’ll fix/finish the radars and give the Gripen C and Gripen C cockpit and not the Gripen As cockpit like it has now

(Providing we dont get the FA2)

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FA2 would be nice. Be fun to have a harrier that isn’t blind.

Yeah it will, FRS1 overhaul was nice (though I still really want it finished) but the radar in that can be a pain at times

Didn’t see anything regarding them touching up the sea harrier, can you link anything related to it? I’m sure it exists, just haven’t seen it. Oh and also with the BOL changes, Gripen isn’t exactly safe at present, if an R24 can hit a harrier through CMs it is likely to hit a gripen through them.

While I do think the idea that minor nations have generally better players the has so many qualities that makes it easy to use, such as being near impossible to kill with performance + CM count, that also makes it the perfect carry plane. Normally I wouldn’t post stats but I think this is a good way of showing how dumb this plane is, considering there are many players better than I, and this plane gave me better stats than even OP props where missiles are not a factor.

When they replaced the Gr1/Gr3 cockpit with its own and replaced the F-5E radar with its own.

Just needs its proper HUD now. Still got a placeholder

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Doen’t really work pulling stats up without the other side to compare to, and in my experience you can just HMD launch a 9m and pull away and the yanks don’t flare it. Other team incompetency is just as big a part of the plane performing well as personal skill.

Plane’s not bad, never said it was, but the performance is worse than it should be (both flight model and weaponry) and with the state of the F15’s ahistorical buffs, the Gripen should at least be closer to reality than the fiction they’ve given us. As loathe as I am to say a russian thing needs a buff, same applies to the flanker.


Oh thats another issue with the Gripen in SB. Yes it has HMD, but the reticle is the same as it is for the third person and its WAY too big. I actually find it more of a hinderance at times than an asset. Until it gets its own HMD interface, they really need to scale that reticle down by 50% in SB. Really annoying

Forgot that was an issue, haven’t touched Gripen since it fucked me with the IFF. Probably should put in a report/suggestion/idk about that.

I was gunna leave it until the aircraft gets finished. Probably be fixed if/when the Gripen C goes from the A cockpit to the C cockpit. the whole of th gripen felt like it was rushed a bit

Mention Gripen and Apollo appears.

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We said Gripen 3 times in a row :P

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