British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

For whatever its performance is. I think we should be very careful nerfing it for ‘balance reasons’ when the meta is gonna change in a few updates anyways with Eurofighter and Rafale, we don’t want a ‘gimped’ Gripen when they arrive, and there’s always going to be a meta fighter jet. Currently I think its FM is as accurate as it gets with the current available information, most of it is classified. Unless SAAB releases more documents this year which I seriously doubt lol, there should not be further changes.

It’s at 12.7 now, let it be a 12.7 jet.

With that said I’m very surprised at how many other jets entered 12.7, Gaijin even admitted themselves Gripen was one of the only jets that make sense at 12.7.
I still appreciate it for decompression reasons, but it’s a bit odd.


Eh, if you look at the engine presently, it is a bit fucked. And the turn performance is utterly stupid comparing it to the 16 that it is meant to be comparable to. Unless they’ve changed that in a shadow update.

Not talking standing thrust btw, but when at altitude and/or speed, output is pretty lacking compared to what we should expect.

Gripen C cockpit is also strange, I just straight up think they didn’t bother modelling it. It wasn’t even ready altogether until after the dev server and even then it was just a straight up copy-paste of Gripen A.

I think it performing better than other 12.3s can be purely chalked up to Britain and Sweden players having such a big handicap for so long. But the main reason for all 12.3s moving to 12.7 (except the F-15s because US) is becuse of them fighting the 11.3s. It may yet move to 13.0. But I doubt it at this point. I think its fine at 12.7. BRs are a range not an absolute. At any BR you will have those that are stronger and those that are weaker. Doesnt mean they arent hte same BR worthy

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yeah, it looks like they just modeled the A and then just changed the name for Britain. Kinda sucks actually. I reckon an actual C will come for Britain when Sweden gets the C.

But I still peg it at about 50/50 if Gripen C for Britian will get AMRAAM

Well, fwiw It seems pretty accurate to all the acceleration times IRL, so either we have this thrust, or we get more thrust and they’ll just add more drag to get the same result…

I’m a bit forgiving with Gaijin with that kinda stuff since this is all in code, their drag and aerodynamics factors are probably not 100% accurate to an IRL aerodynamic simulator, so I understand them having some lee-way as long as it’s performance is close to irl

It really depends on how much emphasis Gaijin plan for the Gripen to have on the UK tech tree - is it just a filler for a few months until Eurofighter? or will it legitimately be a timeless TT addition…

It it is the latter then sure it will get upgrades, but if it’s just a filler, I think they’ll treat it like early versions of other top tier jets we have and kinda let the ‘newer’ jets have the fresh missiles

Unless they changed it, at speed it is producing a fair amount less thrust than what we should expect, unless its changed. Acceleration off the ground seems fine, but not entirely convinced at speed, given what we have available.

I’d be forgiving if they treated the American shit the same way. But they don’t. Just sick and tired of British/Swedish/Minor-nation-stuff getting shafted in some way or other. Engine performance at altitude seems to be how they chose to screw it this time, again unless it has changed.

And if the turning performance hasn’t been improved it is still a fair ways behind the 16, which it should be comparable to. Don’t have my desktop atm with the overlay and cbf fucking around on this very small laptop to check.

yeah, Thats my thinking. Could remain where it is to give us a dogfighter and aircraft like the F3 and FA2 with AMRAAM fill the BVR truck role. With Typhoon coming sooner rather than later or they’ll keep upgrading the Gripen C with things like AMRAAM to keep it viable for as long as possible instead of adding a replacement (like they did with the FGR2)

@Fluffy_Bucketles Btw I’m not saying the current Gripen FM is accurate to IRL - We simply don’t have those numbers available, classified.

But I think we’re close enough with the information we have that changing it further would probably be based on different perspectives of the same information

One thing that they’ve done wrong, which doesn’t matter much is it’s top speed rip speed.
It currently rips at mach 2, it’s listed max speed at SAAB is mach 2, and I believe gaijin has some 1.05x of that where it should rip in game, so it should rip at Mach 2.10 instead (but not necessarily reach it)

A fair response, but I do wish they’d give it the same benefit of the doubt they give American shit. They even shafted the flanker, which shouldn’t at all struggle with a 15. Provided it was maintained which is dubious but in game we are not limited by such problems. Not saying it should dance on it, but the current state hurts. Only really win dogfights with the yanks because they’re kinda terrible.

Regarding the C getting upgraded to take AMRAAMs in the British tree, as much as I like the Brit tree the SAAF Gripen wasn’t to take them. I’d feel a bit screwed for playing Sweden waiting for years for the C only for the Brits to get it first and it maintain parity with the Swedes, when the plane they have wasn’t meant to take the same ordnance. Just personal preference. I’d be much happier with a sea harrier.

I keep getting caught out by the wing rip. Only aircraft that has that issue that I fly on the regular is the Buc

Yeah, part of the reason I put Gripen down for a while, hoping they fix it.

Unfortunately for the Gripen, the advantages it has over Eurofighters and Rafale’s IRL, are simply not a thing in game (Electronic warfare, advanced datalink systems, fantastic situational awareness in cockpit with intuitive screens).

So I think when EF2000 and Rafale arrives the Gripen will likely just be a worse version of them…

One positive thing however is that the Gripen can carry all the bells and whistles of modern weaponry, really cool anti ship missiles, the most modern amraam(not sure about 240) and the best fox 3 in the world (meteor), aswell as compatibility with pretty much all modern IR missiles except for Micah. So we’re definitely not lacking in that regard.

If you’re referring to MICA, the french missile, then Gripen actually does have compatibility. Can’t find anything on a different missile with the name Micah, so can’t 100% say on that front, but if it is the french thing then it can carry it.

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I’ve had no issue whatsoever with wing rip? I mostly fly in damping though

yeah sorry misclicked, the Mica, I did not know that

It is unlikely to carry it, but it on technicality can.

yeah, same.

I will probably play it a lot more when they finish off the FM ( I think its 95% there). Give it the correct radar and cockpit. (Especially the HMD reticle). Revert the BOL nerfs and finish the loadout options (mostly the centre line bombs, would be handy in SB)

But ultimately. Its not British. Its a great aircraft and im gunna treat it like a Typhoon trainer, having spent so long in the Tornado/Phantom BVR trucks or mud movers. Ive got limited experience in a dogfighter. So it will be good for that. But I lack “emotional connection” with the aircraft and I think im always going to gravitate towards aircraft like the Sea Harrier FRS1 and Tornado F3 for my A2A fix in SB and probably will play the FA2 quite a bit in SB as well, with the Gripen as a niche back-up. No matter if it gets AMRAAM or not.