Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs


HK_reporter being a chad once again

they also said the difference between the 4crh and the 6crh shells would on average be around 50mm penetration across all ranges iirc


is that source from the “His Majesty’s Range Table 1918”?

If not, that particular one is stored in Greenwich Maritime Museum iirc


yeah it is, their post is actually in this thread too lmao, its 118th

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Seen, cheers. Lost it among the deluge of other threads I interact in 😭


yeah i had to find it by searching discord channel history after i complained about 15 inch accuracy to a friend of mine lol, really easy to get things lost

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I mean I swear the Mandela Effect curses me whenever I’m on these forums. I ask or whine/complain about something, only to be politely informed that someone else has mentioned it, or has cited it in an earlier post

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my experience with them is their plunging fire is devastating… if you can get them to hit.

Drach in his Jutland video quoted from a German officer at the battle that when the queen Elizabeth’s fired their first volley the accuracy was terrifyingly accurate. because the ranging shot was off they fell short and he said if they had been just a little more inaccurate they would have been in a lot of trouble. the guns were so accurate they almost all hit or all missed but none of the dispersion the size of a cruiser rubbish.


This is 100% fact. Fairly certain its been confirmed by a tech mod that this is how they balance different calibre of ships. Though alternative solutions have been suggested (i dont know what those actually were) but alas, nothing has changed.

Whilst I agree that some kind of balance needs to be added, because 15 inch shells do a lot of damage when they hit in the right spot. Nothing is more frustrating that getting your range/lead perfect and yet having every single shell miss (even spread either side of the target). But the ship you are fighting, with a slightly smaller calibre, is able to land… every. single. shell.

So they really need to find an alternative that works.


Another one has gone missing


Gaijin remove a ship every time I complain.

My bad guys.

Which will be their next victim?


i think thats incredibly silly and its probably just bias from them. been found in the code a while back that russian 12 inch is actually more accurate, comparable to 5 inch guns of destroyers than other nation 12 inch guns (was a year or 2 ago, if things have changed since, im unaware)

probably why they chose to go with the 12 inch guns on the kron too.

otherwise, realistically speaking it would be better for higher calibre shells to be more accurate, not only because they fire slower, but because it would make them more threatening.

destoryers/cruisers with smaller guns have the capability to spam them, thus bad accuracy not affecting them as much. would not only improve the position of 8 inch cruisers, but also just make the game much more enjoyable at the later tiers and in the future, when inevitably we’ll get more 15 and 16 inch ships

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just saw it lol

well what can I say, it is historically accurate for Hood to disappear just like that

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you shush I don’t want Invincible to be historically accurate as well


Maybe we can have Scharnhorst dissapear and HMS Duke of York suddenly pop up for us

British troll face by LUNCHMONSTER on DeviantArt


They could change the name to HMS ‘Vincible’ lmao


Does that mean if we complain about all the other ships, they disappear too?

Guys i’ve got it, a way to make the Russian Navy Tree realistic!


Given they couldn’t maintain a warship built for them by the British I highly doubt they could develop and build their own accurate 12 inch guns.


Actually Royal Soverign sent to USSR with some malfunctions. It’s not the problem of russian capability of developing guns.

Kronshtadt’s gun is doubtful, but Sevastopol class’ imperial 12-inch gun was never a bad thing. Reliable, quite accurate. The reason why it could stand for more than 40 years in battleships, railway guns and coastal guns.

Imperial gun designing and production was quite good. Indeed, Russian empire is who first developed and fielded APCBC.

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this is a list of ships i have compiled a few months ago of all battleship’s and battlecruiser’s that could be added i have also though a bit about where they should be placed and what AA armament some of them had

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