Maybe we can have Scharnhorst dissapear and HMS Duke of York suddenly pop up for us
They could change the name to HMS ‘Vincible’ lmao
Does that mean if we complain about all the other ships, they disappear too?
Guys i’ve got it, a way to make the Russian Navy Tree realistic!
Given they couldn’t maintain a warship built for them by the British I highly doubt they could develop and build their own accurate 12 inch guns.
Actually Royal Soverign sent to USSR with some malfunctions. It’s not the problem of russian capability of developing guns.
Kronshtadt’s gun is doubtful, but Sevastopol class’ imperial 12-inch gun was never a bad thing. Reliable, quite accurate. The reason why it could stand for more than 40 years in battleships, railway guns and coastal guns.
Imperial gun designing and production was quite good. Indeed, Russian empire is who first developed and fielded APCBC.
this is a list of ships i have compiled a few months ago of all battleship’s and battlecruiser’s that could be added i have also though a bit about where they should be placed and what AA armament some of them had
well Gaijin has to give every update one British battleship to fill all the tree you propose XD
But really, at least for now from QE class to Nelson, Gaijin should do it for now.
it was more a just what was out there to be and there is a massive amount compared to other nations in game but you would expect it from the former kings of the sea
Still hanging out for agincourt considering the current br’s
Im fairly certain Gaijin is convicned Britain barely produced any vehicles and the ones they did were bad. They seem to be going out of their way with naval to prove that is the case recently.
Yeah Britain needs the QE and R.
I still have concerns about Nelson. 14 inches of armour on an all forward layout is the second thickest armour in the game (only Scharnhorst), that is also angleable.
The 16" guns being barely better than the current 15" might be a balancing factor though.
Well way much better, would be similar to Mutsu(or little worse as faster speed but lower weight)
But now Mutsu’s AP penetrate 555 mm at 10km, Nelson still would be like 540~550ish in my expectation.
Why would that be the case? I would say otherwise, they think british ships are too op and would dominate the games with other countries having no real counter to them. And playing hood I can see why is that.
They would get slightly more pen than mutsu with double the explosive filler. And you get 9 cannons salvo with very nice angle.
@NOM1337AD i haven’t done the calculations but IRL they were considered barely better in penetration performance than the 15’s. I don’t know how they will compare to Mutsu.
I am assuming in WT it may be similar, but that said they use the German style projectiles which is lighter but higher velocity so perhaps this will improve their performance.
What is certain is that their explosive mass will be no joke and Nelson herself will be a very good ship able to fully angle with 9 guns.
japanese shell has 790m/s velocity and mass of 1,000 kg
Hood’s has 752m/s velocity and a mass of 871 kg
Nelson would have 788-797m/s (depending on early/late rifleing) and mass of 929 kg
fair, I was incorrect, it would be bit worse than mutsu.
My main concern with the Nelson is her narrow belt. At the moment, every shell is a diving shell and my fear is that Nelson might find herself detonation prone because of it.
i would say that nelson and rodney are the “glass” canons and that the KGV class will be the “tanks” as they had some decent armor
Not sure i follow you on the narrow belt part?
narrow part underwater. Currently Nelson’s main belt is like those of Renown ingame.
It would be really good if this refit is really done, but quite pessimistic.
Oh narrow and in short underwater, okay yes I understand now. That will be an issue.
To give us any sort of good AA they would need to give us a post-1938 configuration which should include these armour additions so I should hope we will be alright.