Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

Naval is ok. It hasn’t been going all that bad.

Ignoring the fact I’ve only played Costal in a boat with the Irish flag for Costal the last little while.

Naval is okay, the destroyers are good, cruisers are horribly bad bar Dido, early Dreadnoughts are dreadful bar Colossus, late dreadnoughts are good but we should have more and we should also have 7.0 BB’s.

Anyone want to add HMS Birmingham? I might have the original plans now XD


I’ll add her now same br as southhampton.

Don’t worry, KGV is practically confirmed for this year.
King George V class (1911) that is, in the form of HMS Centurion.


So uhhhhh, G3 post got approved…

I’d appreciate it if it got some love as I’m very surprised.

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Forreal we are just going to get backfill ships. By the time of Bismarck we will just be getting the QE class.

actually, while this image is said as G3 in google search, this image is rendition of N3, not G3. You can distinguish by position of rear mast and funnel.

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Oh lord, well i’ve already bugged Headnaught with my other typo the rest should be accurate i’m just going to leave it as it’s a good visualiser.

But thank-you very much for showing me.

Poor whales


Oh don’t worry the Germans won’t be your problem

Russians will probably have a Kirov CGN before we even get a missile ship 😂

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Allow me to speak for some small toys very quick, please.
I think we need add something better than the current massive wooden jet-engine MTB we have, but I have no idea if British built better alternative or not. Maybe we can find some export vessel.
Btw Peacock looks horrible, considering it has only one 76mm gun and very limited ammo. Maybe we should find a better patrol boat and add into game.

peacock is litterally the most fun you can have in the british naval tree

This sounds like a good idea but i’m not very familiar with patrol boats and such things but I will have a look. If you find any, let me know and i’ll add them to the list.

Perhaps the Jacinto-class Patrol vessel which is Peacock but with a 76mm, 2 .50 cals, 2 20mm cannons and a 25mm bushmaster mount.

HMS Peacock might looks horrible, but its one of the best ship in the British coastal line, it performs very well. Basically any ship with OTO 76 performs well.

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I think you get me wrong.
I’m not saying it is a horrible ship in British TT. Here I am putting Peacock and vessels like M802, MPK Pr.204, and other capable boats around this BR together.
In general, they do encounter enemies using smaller wooden PT/MBT boats and have no idea of where to shoot. So at end of the day we don’t see a huge performance gap between them. However, you can easily sink Peacock/ Le Orla if you can disable their massive bridge and radio station a few times, not to mention that the poor ammo amount has limited its performance.
Also OTO 76 shakes like hell, where is the stabilizer? Or they just don’t have them? As far as I know, so far in the game only Pr.1204 and AA barge are “stabled”. Pr.1204 make sense since its PT-76 turret does have a stabilizer, but AA barge? Sounds like a joke…

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The problem with the British coastals seems to be they were designed to defend the British Coastline, notable against the S Boots who they are a fairly decent match with. Elsewhere in the world it was more ‘Gunboat diplomacy’ which is poorly represented . Unfortunately the game meta is split between the US island hopping PTs and Russian armoured river boats with very different design philosophies and anything sat in between is often minced.

Post war is usually single gun patrol vessels. Excellent at their job but just not made for WT style brawling.

I feel the British Coastal trees need to look outward at the export /allied boats for future effectiveness, maybe backed up by some heavyweight gunboats to counter M802 and the like . The LE Orla is a prime example of just how better the boats become when matched with the WT Meta. Unfortunately whilst the British have a long tradition of hanging MGs of ships and boats for close in protection Gaijin seem to have completely missed this and the much needed boost seems to be stuck behind he pay wall.


All ship weapons are stabilized, including HMS Peacock 's OTO Compact:

i play boats of preference … blue water bores me to tears … to each his own

Is there a current suggestion for HMS Erin?

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