I think you get me wrong.
I’m not saying it is a horrible ship in British TT. Here I am putting Peacock and vessels like M802, MPK Pr.204, and other capable boats around this BR together.
In general, they do encounter enemies using smaller wooden PT/MBT boats and have no idea of where to shoot. So at end of the day we don’t see a huge performance gap between them. However, you can easily sink Peacock/ Le Orla if you can disable their massive bridge and radio station a few times, not to mention that the poor ammo amount has limited its performance.
Also OTO 76 shakes like hell, where is the stabilizer? Or they just don’t have them? As far as I know, so far in the game only Pr.1204 and AA barge are “stabled”. Pr.1204 make sense since its PT-76 turret does have a stabilizer, but AA barge? Sounds like a joke…
The problem with the British coastals seems to be they were designed to defend the British Coastline, notable against the S Boots who they are a fairly decent match with. Elsewhere in the world it was more ‘Gunboat diplomacy’ which is poorly represented . Unfortunately the game meta is split between the US island hopping PTs and Russian armoured river boats with very different design philosophies and anything sat in between is often minced.
Post war is usually single gun patrol vessels. Excellent at their job but just not made for WT style brawling.
I feel the British Coastal trees need to look outward at the export /allied boats for future effectiveness, maybe backed up by some heavyweight gunboats to counter M802 and the like . The LE Orla is a prime example of just how better the boats become when matched with the WT Meta. Unfortunately whilst the British have a long tradition of hanging MGs of ships and boats for close in protection Gaijin seem to have completely missed this and the much needed boost seems to be stuck behind he pay wall.
All ship weapons are stabilized, including HMS Peacock 's OTO Compact:
i play boats of preference … blue water bores me to tears … to each his own
Is there a current suggestion for HMS Erin?
There is on the Old forum but it hasnt been copied over to the new forum nor has it been forwarded to the developers on the old forum.
Hello, do you know where I can find these sources online?
I would like to make a bug report community-side in order to see if we can get some fixes for this accuracy fallacy.
I would also like to suggest to Gaijin that they model Naval guns based on real life performance data rather than with their formula as it does not scale well and frankly I can’t think of any ship that is currently viable as a suggestion that does not have real life shell performance data.
A quick search into Google shows that Royal Museums Greenwich hold his source (for the UK guns) in question:
How you’d obtain a copy, I haven’t investigated. Presumably either a visit to London or a mail order.
There has been a lot of talk here about possible BB additions but what about missile destroyers. Bravy has been in the game for quite a while now and I would expect more ships of that type to make appearance soon.
For brits it would be definietely first batch of county class destroyers that I would see at around 5.7.
Was there any other british early cold war ship that used seaslug missiles or something comparable?
Short answer: no
Long answer:
Destroyers… not exactly. If we went and said “yeah lets add Exocet” maybe we’d have a bit more to choose from. But I’m aware that probably wouldn’t be very fun.
County was the first DDG for the Royal Navy.
They was supposed to be followed up by Type 82/Bristol but only one was ever produced as the ships they were meant to escort never made it into service.
Eventually we got Type 42s and so on. In any case, 42s only carried Sea Dart in terms of Missile Armament, and 82s carried Ikara and Sea Dart.
Seacat is the only real other option that’d probably be balanced, but that thing has a hideous range (something honestly pathetic like 6000m)
Currently we have suggestions for the Type 42 Batch 1, and a number of Frigates with Seacat/Exocet combinations, but right now we’re waiting on those. I’m currently preparing to work on a Type 82 suggestion.
Also had a horrible thought - could Russia get the R class because Royal Sovereign? That really would be a kick in the balls, given they basically wrecked the ship and made it unusable thanks to their “maintenance” (or thereby lack of)
Considering the Soviet Battleship Novorossiysk exists in game the Battleship Arkhangelsk will likely come.
I really should’ve commented on this post earlier as I really wanna see a lot of British ships for both branches.
I mean I’m gonna be honest, maybe it’s the inner Brit within me, I really do not want them to have Archangelsk. They couldn’t maintain it enough to return it to us in a serviceable condition (they themselves, in an attempt to try keep it allegedly said it wasn’t seaworthy), why should they get it? Because as far as I can tell, the Russians just did not have the ability to build and maintain such warships. Russia just devolves into a copy paste tree with a load of Sverdlovs and everyone else’s battleships. Not really interesting imo.
I expect to see the Russians get Royal Sovreign/AArkhangelsk as soon as the UK does. Actually i’m very very surprised the UK doesn’t have an R class as it benefits Russia. But then again, Russia has 3 top tier ships now for a full lineup and every single one of them is good.
It’s alright, I hope you like it so far.
Surely they will since soviets have only 4 classes left to be added: 2 of them are WW1 designs, one is basically paper Kronstadt with more speed and AA, and one is too advanced at this point.
Yeah the Royal Sovreign will be their best ship until Sovetsky other than maybe Novorossiysk or Kron. But they are effectively stuck at 7.0 until Yamato drops.
There is also technically the planned 380mm version of Kronst but that still is minor improvment given that kronst armor is already weak compared to other ships.
Yeah but she has less turrets and worse armour than Arkhangelsk so Royal sovreign is just going to have to carry them over.
They also have the Stalingrad but again she is worse than Kronshtadt.
And what people forget about Kronshtadt with 380 mm is that its german style magazine directly below the waterline which makes her 100% detonable, while at least 305 mm with shell room directly below the waterline sometimes saves her