Bring back the old semi-historical matchmaker as an option (+ NATO vs Warsaw Pact as a new MM)

[Do you miss when matches weren’t mixed all the time and there were more specific theaters of war?]
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As an old WT player (from 2013), for many years while playing this game, one of the most infuriating things had been playing in mixed battles. Now this is the norm, and most players don’t know about how the game was quite enjoyable due to that regard, compared to now.

In the old days, Japan used to fight the US (with the UK sometimes) on Pacific maps only. There was almost no other matchmaker for Japan at that time. A6M Zeroes, N1Ks, J2Ms and the like would go head to head with Spitfires, P-51s, P-47s, P-38s, etc all the time.


Germany (and later Italy) would fight the US and UK over Berlin, Ruhr, Norway and many other maps. I’m also fond of USSR vs UK + US over Krymsk, Alternate History Berlin or Korea when you had to side climb to boom and zoom those Yaks.

Or the old jet matchmaker on Korea, with MiGs vs western jets.

Of course, times have changed since then. We now have Sweden, Israel and China; nations whose presence is conflicted with this idea of a matchmaker due to their limited or absent military involvement in those theaters of war. This explains why we still have a mixed matchmaker.

This is why I propose that, much like how Gaijin integrated the option of picking smaller matches in air RB settings, we would also have the option to toggle historical matchmaking which would especially affect prop and early jet matches.

While we’re at it, I think they should also add a NATO vs Warsaw Pact MM as a toggleable option as well.

This way, those who want the mixed matchmaker will still get what they want, whether those options are toggled or not, and those who want more historical accuracy or to relive the old days have the chance at doing so.




I really would love this if simply to increase the probability of getting pacific theatre maps.

I want my naval dogfights in my american cats (no, I won’t play naval RB.)

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Yes, I still hate the mixed matchmaking ever since it got shoved down our throat without any announcement or indication. And, despite the delusions of some that say it is now better, it wasn’t unfair and it didn’t cause any major waiting times, so there was and still is no need for it. Neutral nation like Sweden could be a joker if necessary and got to either side.

Best regards,

My post don’t be accepted but for me i’m wanted sim with that. When i play bhisma, ot taiwanese tanks i have 50% of that I’m killed by teammember, but if we do Sims with NATO vs WP they can play on right side… If you can take only 3 machines it is no problem to make lineup for that…