Top-Tier Ground Battles Team Composition

We all know what it’s like playing with US on your team in Top-Tier…Premium n00bs, 1DL, you name it.
I believe the fix would be queuing NATO countries together vs. RU & CH. This would give the US side better tanks and SPAA on their team, which is desperately needed. This team composition appeared once in a blue moon, but now its never seen.

  • Yes to realistic matchmaker in Top-Tier Ground Battles
  • No to realistic matchmaker
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Currently playing with US teams in GB is a death sentence, because most of the time the US team is filled with premium players whom 1DL if they cant spawn CAS, and the opposing team is usually USSR & Germany, sometimes with Sweden. Also… why does the NATO side get teamed with China but Red side gets Germany? LoL. This leaves “Blue” team with ADATS for the best SPAA (KH-38 etc outranges, and cant even be tracked by the IRST), & if its a map like Fulda where there’s no cover in spawn, GG because no smoke grenades. Meanwhile “Red” team has Pantsir-S1, KH-38 spam, Vikhr spam, spall lined tank, AND arguably the best tanks on their team (Leo-2A7V & even STRV 122B+ on some occasions). Furthermore, the argument of “spawn CAP bc AIM-120 go BRRR” is negated because roughly 50% of matches are vs. RU + AMRAAM capable jets.

What if I wan’t to play with a friend who has tanks from other countries, also what happens to the warzaw pact vehicles, they just dissapear? For that kind of matchmaking is simulator. Its not always top tier but it is what it is