Good luck then!
That stll doesnt mean that we should not express our opinion or show our dislike
And while it is a privilege we are the reason this company and game still exists.War Thunder cannot exist in a vacuum
Express your opinion all you want. until you are blue in the face.
That is not the issue.
The demands, ultimatums and threats over literally a forum update is not an opinion or productive. Nor will it do anything in this case. Because it will not hurt GJ’s bottom line one way or the other.
The very small minority players who are on the forum are NOT the reason this company and game exist. That is where you self-righteous entitled users get it twisted.
The mass majority of players never set foot in the forums most of you call home. The game can survive without it, and there are other ways to report bugs and make suggestions.
Go make another thread voicing your opinion and stop creating unproductive derailing arguments
“The Community” is always upset about something. I can probably find a player who hates every single thing in this game (spread among players…although I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one dude who did hate everything.) This outrage about the forum change is well within what would happen no matter what changes they made.
I am sorry you are unable to differentiate from what a opinion, demand, threat, ultimatum, discussion and petition is.
Everything I am talking about right now is on topic. You can go back to what I said on Myspace in 2008. It still will not make a difference here.
We have every right to an opinion. We have no right to threaten a game developer because they updated a forum none of us have a legal or moral right to manipulate.
Honestly the new forum is fine, I wish they had moved the old topics over. That being said the main complaints I see are some old boomer -removed-.
Yeah, but unfortunately according to our web devs, it wasn’t possible. Myself and some of the other Staff are working to move the more “important” topics over, and users are free to copy & paste from the old forum which will be in read-only for the next two years.
Could Not disagree more.
Instead of Return to the old Look, lets people Switch the Design for themself. Idk where it is confusing, its complaining at a Level of Kids and only because of the will to complain about something….
Rip me. I’m a F**ing ghost now.
Old forum account :
To be honest, okay yes the new forum has a new engine, and a new UI and design. Different doesn’t mean worse, but it also doesnt always mean better either. That is something people will get used to.
I think the main issue is that we have lost a LOT of functionality. I agree the trust level thing is really stupid.
The loss of content is also immeasurably bad, so many extremely useful resources will be lost, and easy and convenient access to those resources especially for new players who won’t know about the old forum have already been lost.
Im also not a fan of how sudden the change was. No warning at all, just, new.
Really, this post has been flagged by the community ??? Everybody feels more or less the same as this beotng so it should read “This post has been suppressed and has been censored !!”
Just roll back to the old forum or bring it’s content to this brand new idea of yours. Changing to this lame forum and trowing away all the content created there is a NO, SIR !!! You can’t have both things !!!
I think it was flagged for the cursing, which is funny because the old forum would automatically censor swearing, just another way in which this new forum is a waste of time.
Worst thing is I can’t even edit it lol. Because I’m not trust level 2
So, it goes like this… This is a Private forum, everyone here are Guests, and yes including Moderators and everyone has posting privileges, but we all have Rules to follow (but thats not the point here)
Gaijin can pretty much do whatever they want, (within the Law(s)) they do not have to notify anyone about anything that they do
War Thunder is their game, and they can do whatever they want with it (again within Laws where their servers operate)
But, they share their Game and Forum with the Public, they want to know what people think about the game and what possible improvements can be made for more enjoyment
Hence why this Forum is here for… so, yeah Demands/Petitions have very little impact and maybe ignored… we do still read them for feedback, but really you do not give into demands… and members pretty much have no Rights, since everyone are Guests!
What Gaijin does however, is listen to “Feedback” and will consider Feedback, even negative feedback as long as it is respectful and constructed properly
Somethings can and will change for 95% of things… for other things tho, they are pretty much set in stone… like this new forum, there is no going back we have to make do with what we have, but there will be improvements or additions coming in over time!
So at times if there is something overwhelmingly negative from the community about a certain change, then it is taken very seriously, and there has been proposed changes reverted or abandoned in the past… But, as I mentioned some things will just be set in stone… again, because the Forum and Game are theirs to do as they please!
So, when something is not reverted… it is not because they have not listened to the Community, it is just a fact it is a direction that they want to go in… and sure it may not be very popular at times, but Humans always find a way to adapt
There should be additions and or improvements made over time for sure… somethings will be possible, but that being said… somethings may not be possible and or will be very difficult and may just take time… so we will have to see how things go
You can say what you want within Reason… such as following the rules… but yeah, you can make Demands or Petitions… they wont be banned… but they will be ignored for the most part, since we are more interested in “Feedback” and quite frankly “Feedback” is more civilized and constructive compared to making demands or petitions… we have no believed in demands nor petitions since the very beginning 10+ years ago… because everyone on Staff are Gaming or Forum veterans and we know what happens to many games in the past…
Demands in the past have destroyed good games, because they have given into demands that not everyone wanted…
Petitions tend to have maybe 50 - 1,000… just… +1… and that means absolutely nothing… +1 can mean anything and we will never know what that particular +1 was for… it could be that they only like the colour change and hated everything else… meanwhile the other +1 was because they hated the colour and liked everything else…
So, this is why we have asked for Feedback over the past 10+ years, because we want to know in detail what the community thinks
The way the suggestion forums have been brought over is honestly disgraceful, from the ouside looking it, it appears that this forum was dropped on them with next to no notice, without the tools they need to even do their job, sort of like how the new bug report forum is literally a downgrade from the old system, as your actual bug reports are drowned out under a slew of content that is either single line complaints or something in a foriegn language that google translates into broken english.
The whole thing just comes off as rushed (Inability to edit my posts, literally demonstrated here with my second post) and missmanaged, and the complete lack of any heads up about this after gaijin just had that violent economy backlash just means that their promise to improve communication was a gross overstatment