Bring back the old Forum

Every single game always balances their premium content… and they are not as overpowered as you make them out to be… hell… I even used the A-20G back in the day when it was truly overpowered, it had no drag at all, so it would not slow down and out ran everything… and that is not even a premium content… so yeah, somethings will have issues, premium content or not and they will be balanced and or tuned to their historical values… at times the Devs may just have one historical document to go by… and later Community members hand in better historical documents that can be cross referenced and then they can update the machine

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Is that why the 2s38 is a better OTOMATIC and HSTVL a full 1.3 BR lower than two objectivly worse vehicles?

Since when does one have to be a moderator to determine what is right or wrong? Does one have to be a police officer to uphold the law?

No, you cannot say what you want and go off cursing on the forum as you have been. Threatening GJ to quit forever unless they take the site down over a FORUM UPDATE. Every community member has a right to rebuke such a childish tantrums. These are not opinions. they are purely tantrums and unproductive.

They are detrimental to the community. Do you know what a community is?

What are you freaking out about??
“All our research and post about the T-34 back in 2015 is going to be erased forever!!”

If you feel so distraught about it… You have 24 months to simply go and pull all the data you feel is relevant and start a new thread.

Get to work.
Because mark my word. This forum is here to stay.

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You can threaten GJ all you want.

It will not work in this case.

There is literally only about maybe 5,000 players who live on the forum. The mass majority of players can care less if a forum exists or not.

All of you can quit forever and would not make a difference. More players will replace you and you will not make a dent in Gaijin’s bottom line.

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I don’t care what you say and it won’t change the fact that I will continue to complain. And the next round of review bombs will start soon.


The reviews on steam have not even been turned back on, its still in review bomb mode as its remained overwelmingly negative since the backlash


Your not complaining. You are threatening Gaijin moderators over a forum update LFMAO

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keep it going.

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just means there are no recent reviews for the game

the only slight bump was due to that road map, then straight back to negative XD

I don’t think so. I have threatened no one directly and the review bombing was not my idea. I just think it’s good that it continues.

LMFAO don’t walk it back now!

This dude literally threated a senior moderator. Over a forum update! lol.


Funny thing is you do not have to be a lawyer to know the reality of a situation. You just have to be a man.

Let me spell it out for you, son.

This forum is here to stay. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. The money was spent and no matter how much you wail about it from the roof tops it will not do you any good. You can either be a big boy, and a team player and go and pull whatever data you deem relevant and start another thread.

Crying, threatening GJ with review bombs and threatening to run away from home is not an opinion my boy. Nor will it do any good.


And burning the people who keep your buissness running is not a good way to keep the lights on. The people using the forums are some of the most interested and passionate people who play the game, if you burn them enough to jump ship you literally lose your hardcore center to the community, which are the people making bug reports, suggestions and the like. For an example of what happens when these people leave you just have to look at the husks that are armoured warfare and world of war planes.


Sure you might say its only 5000 people, but when that is the majority of your whales your going to have a bad time if even a fifth of them quit or lose interest in paying for the game.


Gaijin has already bumbled over the trust thermocline with that economy change, so they dont have much goodwill if any with the community to make another whiplash change with no indication or headsup whatsoever after literally making a post less then a week ago about being more transparant.

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I agree with you. 100%
But please explain how Gaijin is burning the community?

They updated the forum to their liking (it is their forum after all). They are still allowing us to pull any data we want and bring it over instead of immediately shutting the other site down. **For 24 months. **

Yes, there are still things to iron out. Just like with any update there always is. But threatening to review bomb and quit the game is not going to make the situation better.

So what is the issue?

“well I was not warned!!” some say.
That sounds like a personal issue. Get over it or quit.

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Regarding Steam removing posts that something that happens automatically when their system detects review bombing.

“If you feel so distraught about it… You have 24 months to simply go and pull all the data you feel is relevant and start a new thread.”

That’s the exact reason you gaijin firefighters should be fired. Gaijin created the problem and so gaijin should fix it. But obviously it is much easier to make people do your job and fix the problem that you created by yourself.
I highly doubt you would have the amount of negative reply’s to the new forum If the content generated in the old forum was migrated to this new one. If that was the case, the new forum and it’s obvious issues would be no big deal, and most members that are now really pissed would be instead supporting gaijin.

But disregard to others efforts is what we have here. The immature way you and gaijin are handling this situation will sure leave a bad and lasting bitter taste in many of your customers and it may last for more than 2 years.


Thank you!

We all feel a little entitled from time to time its natural. I am not mad at any users here. But this is now home.
Instead of immediately rejecting it, I say everyone at least give it a chance. Provide feedback to improve it. Instead of threatening quit and burn it all down.

Give it a at least a month guys good lord before going full scorched earth. Good Lord.