Bring back the old Forum

That’s incredible if it’s true. They could so easily get/make code to take all the old forum posts and copy them over to the new forum. It’s obvious they’re doing this for no good reason.

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Any sane company wouldn’t just drop something like this out of the blue with no communication whatsoever, the way you’re meant to change a system like this is to run them in parallel for a few months first, let users adjust to the new forum before forcing a switch, let the new forum populate with topics before forcing us to switch and actually iron out any issues people have with it before forcing us to switch, there was no good reason to just freeze the old forum and push this onto us with no warning.

Not to mention the fact that it looks as though this forum was set up in an afternoon by some random intern, if they we’re gonna force a switch with no warning they could have at least ported the old threads and topic over completely but instead we’re left with this barren wasteland, years worth of info thrown to the wayside for this, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little easier to navigate, it isn’t worth all that lost content.


remove the trust levels. they dont really add anything except confusion and frustration.
Especially considering that the highest trust level that we can achieve(Level 3) is NOT PERMANENT. its absolutely pathetic that you do not let us edit our stuff without having to post a lot of stuff, get likes, like other posts, read posts, etc, etc just to EDIT our contributions. A lot of posts(like my IRIS-T and Eurofighter posts for example) rely on edits to update information(because who wants to read all of the comments, especially with this terrible timeline in this new engine). You need to be level 2 to edit your posts after more than 24 hours yet ITS STILL LIMITED to 30 days!
All this does is prevent users from communicating like NORMAL PEOPLE.
Remove this Trust level garbage right now.


The point is to make sure users are Active members of the Community so that things cannot be taken advantage of by just anyone…

On the old forum, you had to participate in battles to post on our Forum, so something like 3 battles let you post for the week, and something like 14 battles let you post for the month

Things can be adjusted as we gain more feedback anyway…


So you are telling me that nowadays I do not need to play the game or touch the game for months being out of touch with the changes to the game but I can argue with other community members with my outdated opinions ?
I am just wondering because we got no warning nor explanation how will this forum operate at all…


While I think the default dark mode was an improvement and I was more optimistic than most for future improvements… this reads terribly oppressive and dysfunctional for new members.

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After trying the new forum, my conclution is that the interface seems worse on phones than the old forum, as it is much harder to navigate.


Give us back old forum.


The fact that you need a certain trust level to edit your own post is beyond me. I mean if you make a typo or something why can’t I just edit the whole thing. If you make a post that I don’t agree with anymore, why can’t I just edit it… Making another post is just unnecessary. Also why aren’t there any sub forums? Lot of vehicles, would be nice to have a option to have these things split.


So before I could had the 30k matches I’ve played but if I missed playing for a week for some reason I couldn’t use the forum to give my feedback…

But now, I can not even play the game and still give my opinion about it…

Is this an improvement to both the game and this forum?

Also, when Gaijin removed the custom profile pictures, one of the excuses was that we would be using the in game profile pictures and it would make the game and forum more connected for everyone. And now you can keep a default picture non related to the game or it’s theme and don’t even need to play the game to use this forum.

Sometimes I just wished that Gaijin simply do not touch in anything related to this game…


It’s my wish as well.

Preferable, don’t let them to touch the game as well, anything they do 10 other things get broken, and it takes them years to fix, if ever.


So you took what was classical structure forum, the best way of asynchronous communication, and replaced it with poorly structured thing that pretend to be a forum but does not even have pages in threads instead using this stupid, infinite scrolling timeline thing.
Not only that, you failed to do the basic things like migrating content of old forum to new, meaning nothing on the old one was preserved and made accessible on new one.

So not only is forum layout worse, it’s also harder to search in threads, you failed to properly migrate threads from old forum and you lock basic functionality like editing posts behind some idiotic “trust” statistic based on activity on forum. Having dark mode is nice but it’s such a basic thing that it doesn’t even count when such bad choices were made.


Speaking of bad decisions.
Trust level description if you missed it:

This system is toxic to any kind of discussion, sharing information or generally making this “forum” useful for players.


You can’t even send an unlimited amount of private messages. Like you said, it’s toxic and counterproductive. The trust system is highly flawed. All of this should’ve been a gradual change. Can’t even submit suggestions anymore because the system is all over the place. I think if anything they should’ve taken the time to do a data migration to the new frontend instead of shotgunning everyone with this.


Granted the suggestion freeze is temporary but still. If anything, should’ve just updated the last forum

Well, old forum was kinda limited in certain things, also had some issues that couldnt be fixed

Somethings here can and will be changed over time as we get more feedback and or get a feel for how the forum and community are working out

may or may not be able to change somethings and or add some features, but Staff and Web Devs will do what they can to help make things more comfortable as we go

I can’t tell if it’s that bad. Have to get used to how it works. Also it’s nice I can post again. :)

i dont mind the dark mode, i prefer it personally, lower battery usage when on mobile devices, less blinding when im on my desktop where everything else i use is in some sort of dark mode or skinned as such, but the option to swap between them should be an option for sure, and the way forum links are just gone to some pages i may have googled for example is baffling so much information is now going to be impossible for most people to find

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I am going to keep this short. Gaijin, I am one of your “whales.” Meaning, that I have put a ridiculous and embarrassing amount of money into this game to mitigate the painful grind to get through a bunch of stuff I do not want to play vehicles I want/like. I have accepted all that, but this seemingly minor change for you, the change of the forum to this mess, is the last straw. I am done. Not another cent until you revert the forum and actually follow through on your economy changes. I am tired of your condescension to players. I am tired of your greed. I am tired of your petty dictator, stupid decisions that you double down on even after they are shown to be stupid changes. You have an okay game that is somewhat unique, but you do not care about your customers enough.



In regards to the old forum, i’ve never encountered to not being able to reply to a post while being on a vacation?

BTW, 'til a couple minutes ago, i couldn’t reply for several hours…
After 10 years of sticking with your company and dumping a boatload of money into it, i haven’t earned enough trust. Nice.

It’s surely benefical, to not beeing able to reply to a question…
Surely 100% in the favor of your community and beneficial to a healthy Playerbase.

That’s just not a clever move, to keep it frankly.

You’re restricting the possibility of your community to actively communicate with each other and specificly screwing over any dedicated player who wants to start or keep on writing guides, weapon / vehicle descriptions, explanations a.s.o.

Are you - as a company - realising what you are doing to your community with this messanger like platform?

By the way, being able to immediately edit Posts is a necessary MUST from the get go, especially if you’re not native english speaking person (like myself) or after writing a guides a.s.o.

Additionally, not being able to edit those Post’s anymore after 15-30 days (whatever Trust level you are) is downright unintelligent, because new mechanics WILL be ADDED, WILL be CHANGED and HAD CHANGED FREQUENTLY.

IMO you guys didn’t want those dedicated players anymore, right?

Otherwise you would have chosen a completely different approach, different software and would’ve behaved otherwise and additionally, informed your player base beforehand.

You / Gaijin easily could transfered all those old threads created by your community.

All this knowledge.

That’s not a big deal at all, would’ve only cost about 1-2 weeks of work of a single programmer to do it flawlessly, regardless if it’s a completely different engine or not.

You had chosen not to do this.

This new system isn’t anymore capable of gaining my attraction, no knowledge left and no way to keep on exchanging opinions and thoughts about already started subjects any further.

Starting from the get go? God forbid…

Black / dark Blue UI at bright sunlight, surely was a “bright” idea at the beach in Greece…

Not being able to change the appearance, underlines the status of an “in development software” wich was rolled out way to early.

In regards to your company’s future, i’m certain you’re in need to regain trust.

But that’s not the way to do it, neither for your company as a whole, nor your community.

Actions speak louder than words.