Bring back M18 in BR 5.7

I wasn’t insulting German mains. Here is the FULL quote because you knew that in context it wasn’t an insult…

I would just say that you are just a little slow, but you clearly knew that the point was to demonstrate that individual skill matters and cropped out everything to make it a broad statement that all “Tiger II players are incompetent” which I was not saying.

Also this:

I did not mean that all German players need to open their eyes. Again, individual skill matters. I was saying that if you are playing Germany in the 6.0-6.7 range (specifically, the Tiger II, Tiger E, Panther A/G/F), and you die to an M18, it’s because you or your team was not paying attention, not that all German players are blind. Maybe that was ambiguous, I thought in context it was clear. I’m clarifying that now…

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They’re nerfing the horsepower? What, back to what it was or something?

Being able to relocate and move around is literally its biggest strength. Shoot n scoot, if you arent doing that then you are doing it wrong.

The rounds arent better as I mentioned, more pen but much less damage. The 7.62 is irellivant as its only going to damage exposed crew members, the armour isnt better enough to remotely matter, if you are being shot you are doing it wrong anyway.

Because its still perfectly workable at 6.7. as I said the Bulldogs gun bounces around like a mofo, it takes much longer to settle and aim than the Hellcat does. Dont get me wrong Ive played plenty of bulldog and like it, but my 6.3 US lineup has both in it, Ill spawn the Super hellcat before the bulldog every single time.

Its still one of my most played tanks and Im still doing just fine in it so I dont see why you cant.

Yeah, armour that makes it slow and unable to flank and thus being stuck firing at things frontally all the time while having the SAME GUN as the hellcat at 0.3 higher of a BR.

as one of the numerous examples
Why is the Tiger 2 player - who is far, far slower, with a longer reload, extremely slow hull and turret traverse “incompetent” when he gets flanked and killed by a Hellcat which is just about the fastest thing out there all the way up to 7.7 with 76mm APHE which is more than enough to consistently pen a Tiger 2 from the side - and one shot it.


And I say this as someone who hates playing the M18, I prefer the M36 greatly. I just don’t see how you can call a heavy tank being countered by a vehicle reaching its flank due to its speed advantage “incompetent”.

Yes, well - it is apparent that you have issues with reading, and also like creating strawmen of others inside your head.

huh, the comment made by a guy with the same name and PFP as you was som1 else. my bad.

Yeah they are setting it back to 400. 😔

M18 is completely fine at 6.0, just a skill issue if you cant play it.

i can’t find any info on this, got a link?

On the bright side, It was never a slouch even before the horsepower buff, which it hasn’t had for very long so Im used to it without the buff, so it won’t effect the tank much for me.

“Seek and Destroy” dev server changelog.

awww, boo. Ah well, I dont even know why they buffed it in the first place

wow you had a good game! thats amazing

this proves nothing especially because you arent even first

The tank is fine, the problem is that it messed up the 5.7 lineup.

There was 0 reason to move it up.


Is that smell, salt???

M18 still as deadly as ever. Not much has changed either. Battles on 7.0 are rather rare anyway due to the lack of choice of opponents on 7.0.
So it’s rather pleasant for 4.7 players.
I can’t say anything about the Super Hellcat because I don’t own it. However, I imagine the reduced engine power in a 7.3 battle would be tough.

Yeah but the hellcat has double the speed and three times acceleration, its not classified as a tank destroyer for a reason, I have played it a lot recently (italy/china hellcat + bootleg china hellcat m64) and theyre still crazy strong even in 7.0 games but you need to have a plan now.

Super hellcat is my 2nd most played tank. Its completely fine. The engine power is the same as it always had, they just buffed it for ~2 months, and then reverted the buff. Its barely even noticable honestly.


Yeah the ZSU is a huge problem.

Why is someone’s stats a reason for their opinion to be invalid