Bombers need to have a Big buff and i say BIG

Idonno I find the Italians ugly but pretty rugged too. American and Brit seem to be the worst for “1 hit wonders”.
Point is crew skills don’t do much for aircraft survivability and you are almost surely going to lose any fight if you are caught.

italians have literally zero advantges… no armor, no guns, mediocre speed.

Yeah 😞

I mean that’s another solution to it. I’d like to see the crew points go away. Or even stay, but as long as you get them faster. Like I’ve been playing for 4 years now, and I’ve not gotten a single crew to aced yet. Granted I play like 5 nations, both air and ground, but still my highest crew is maybe level 60 for a German ground… Doesn’t it top out at 150?

What bombers need is objective setup that allows them to matter at all when they survive.

Currently things are a lose-lose situation no matter how you slice it. They are easy prey for anything barring 7.7-only planes, their gunners spray much more than equivalent guns on fighters for no apparent reason, especially on mechanically-operated turrets that wouldn’t be able to shake around from recoil much unlike hand-aimed ones (and even those shouldn’t shake around that much), and most importantly their objectives have no impact on match outcome.

Thus even IF they survive, they still don’t matter. Either they are fighter food or “no active players left on hostile team” renders their contributions pointless.

As long as Air RB is just a TDM box with some bait strewn out to lure CAS and Bombers into fighter gunsights, this isn’t going to change.

Play AB, we get like 4x or 10x (I forgor) what RB gets.

I used to play AB. I didn’t like the arcady feel of it. I still do occasionally for BP challenges, but only with fighters or attackers

If you have the german heavies, (Tiger or Panther), ground AB can also work.

109 meta 109 meta

Or you can do top tier AAB if your a psycho and want VPO and stuff to murder you lol

I mean they work fine in GRB IMO

Lol, I’m crazy, but not that crazy

Try playing the panther in GAB.

It uh…

Yeah its got the speed of a light tank because it gets medium tank boosts. >:)

Crazy? I was crazy on-

Oh fun


With a realistic damage model but unrealistic firepower, that isn’t a feasable result.

Impossible since damage models are shared between the modes. So the DM simply needs to be realistic. You will just cause imbalance elsewhere.

No it is on him to expect irl results in RB… I explained that already.

Bombers historically where designed and showed that they in fact could take extensive battle damage.

Yes 100% agree that bombers need there own gameplay redesigned, they need strategic targets like bridges, Factories, ie strategic targets given to them.

Also start working on more, cold war / modern Bombers and bring them into the game they need love too.

They all need to be represented

I think a mayor point is to extend the Gunners Range and the range depends on the Mode you play( like the BRs when playing Arcade,Realistic,Simulator or now upcoming plane Brs in ARB or GRB)
So in Arcade/Realistic Aced crew Begins to Aim when the plane is 1.5-2-0km away and opens up at 1.0-1.5km and the closer you get the higher the chance the AI hits you like warning shots at first.
Doing evasiv manouvers decreses of course the chances of getting hit aswell going very fast from above and vice versa you become a easyier target if you come in slow and or from underneath the bomber.
In Sim these numbers can be lowerd or even stay the same since you get more personel and up close there most time.
this avoids Bomber AI gunners to be OP in Sim.
I think this would balance all things quite good and if you say “they just need to go up and become untochable”, well nobody forces you to follow them, just go for ground targets (reminder the longer the battle goes the more RP/SL you get)

because you said so?

Then rework DMs to be mode dependent.

Oh wow it’s on him to expect balanced vehicles! You’re not sliding out of this bud.

bombers are already OP in sim anyway, its their only good mode

AB gets a flat buff depending on class of aircraft iirc, similar to tanks. AB is also wierd, imo wouldnt mess with its non-bomber DMs too much.

We’re stuck in a problematic loop here. Currently, fighters unquestionably own the mode, and nearly all people have been conditioned that ending the match via TDM is “normal.”

Nonfighters ending the match is seen as abnormal, and due to this the devs have little pressure to add new targets for them. Which keeps them worthless, but also prevents mass outcry by fighter mains, because god forbid nonfighters are relevant to winning matches and they have to go use their fighters for more than just jousting each other…

No, because it is just logical. If you take realistic damage models in an a world with mouse aim that increases the effective firepower, the survivability cannot be the same as with realistic damage models and realistic firepower.

This should be obvious.

I am really not a Gaijin employee, so i cannot do that. I am just telling you what is.

But if you want seperate damage models, then why didn’t you advocate for them in the first place, instead of asking for buffs in general? Asking for DM buffs is putting the cart in front of the horse (which was my point). Don’t ask for buffs as long as the infrastructure to support them isn’t there.

He didn’t say balance. Look again he wanted the game to be like real life (hence the photos on what happened irl). And that is stupid as long as you have mouse aim, since that didn’t exist in real life.

It was complaints that bombers are too weak, but it didn’t say for balance purposes. You made that part up, he was making a comparision to rela life, so that is how i will treat it.

bombers are just weak. If we can make them almost the most tank-like flying vehicle then it will be fair and people with mouse aim can now face a challenge

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