Bombers need to have a Big buff and i say BIG

nah, easily can be made balanced, gaijin is just terrible at it.

Why can’t we expect this?

Cool, greatly increase bomber hitpoint pools to make up for this or make AI gunners good again.

Oh wow it’s on him for asking for bombers to be buffed to be competitive. Wowsers.

What puzzles me is where the belief came from, that bombers should be incredibly durable aircraft that can survive a multiple fighter attack?
Is there any data that shows the incredible resilience of these machines? I don’t mean anecdotal examples like the one in the photo. One such aircraft will come back, 10 others will go down - it’s obvious that no one will publish their photos (because they are simply not there/not impressive).
I fly both bombers and fighters (because I fly everything) and I don’t notice any great problem in the endurance of either.
I am not saying, we should weaken them or make them stronger. I am simply curious from where you took the idea behind their survival rate?
I hope it’s not from the fact, that someone named one of them “Flying Fortress”?


It would be cool if matches were a bit more structured, with big formation of AI bombers in which the player bombers could spawn. So that they are not flying alone, but protecting each other as they actually did.
Also, having some way for fighters to spawn close to them as escort would be cool, but I guess players would just use it to rush forward. Still, they would meet the opponent escort

The defensive armament stats. Like accuracy and precision and stuff. Like when you’re not actively using your defensive armament the skill of the AI gunners comes from that. As for the looked at part, I think that they could start firing farther away at enemies, but looking at those stats I mentioned earlier, it seems that they do fire earlier when upgraded, so I don’t think they need to be looked at

??? You just don’t know what you’re talking about. Bomber gunners right now with ACED crews start firing at like 400-500 meters which means you’re already dead, anything short of an expert crew basically only fires at point blank.

Well the thing about bombers is the outliers, yeah, a lot of bombers are painful like Lancasters and Lincolns, but some of VERY similar capacity for bombing and speed, are incredibly good (Shackleton), and especially at low tier, are incredibly good at dogfighting. You can look at a Lincoln and think it’s basically the same as a shackleton, just a little different. But it’s not. The Lincoln is a heavy bomber in game, and the Shackleton is a fighter bomber (irl it was a bomber/marine reconnaisance) because of it’s incredible handling and gun handling

I mean how far do you want them to start firing?? 1 mile? Feel like that’s a little crazy for most bombers with only MG’s to defend themselves with… Like just because of their caliber, not that I don’t want them to get buffed

Was playing my Beaufort yesterday to spade it, expert and maxed out crew, gunners wouldn’t fire till 150m away, I gave up and spaded the rest of the bomber from dogfighting (controlling gunners myself + outmaneuvering the enemy) so I think I can say it’s not like they were in a deadzone, because they were DIRECTLY able to see the enemy.

personally I think they should start tracking the closest enemy, from 2 km, and start firing at about 750m that would be fine imo

I’m all for the tracking, like as far as the human eye can see, naturally depending on the visibility at that time. But idk about the firing still. I think it should still depend on the weapon being fired. Like if it’s a 7.7 I don’t think it should fire 1 mile out like a 20mm cannon could. That’s just me though

that’s true, and I would love to see that, but we both know gaijin will never do that, so we need to find some form of compromise.

Simply rework crew skills to where you do not invest points into defensive guns (because otherwise bombers will be useless until aced because their highest gunner range is still tied to being aced and therefore you will never see them actually be competitive because everybody is too afraid to move the range out to a reasonable distance with just 5/5 crew skills instead of 10/5 aced.

After that… inaccurate fire should start at 1.1-1km and it should ramp up accuracy and volume as you get closer assuming you are loitering and not doing passes

Pilot vision/observation skills are the most important for bombers. The further out you detect and ID enemy planes the more likely you are to be able to evade them.


Seriously it’s not, the best is vitality, you can view the enemy aircraft with the naked eye you don’t need to have a red marker up

Vitality isn’t going to help you when your tails been cut loose by a single 20mm round.

Vision tells you with enough time if what is coming at you is a XP-50 or a B-18. No, you have a maximum detection range on the ‘gnats’ that is controlled by this skill.

Rarely happens until higher BR bombers

Higher BR being… 2.0?

I played italian bombers (the worst ones in the game debatably), never got killed without a massive fight despite zero armor and all of the planes are made of wood, but they go to 3.7

neither does spotting distance.

If you have eyes at about 8 - 10 km you can tell if something is twin engine or single, < 8 you can generally identify what type of aircraft it is, < 5 you can determine the model. That’s all you need to know.

No, that won’t happen till roughly 3.7/4,0 and at higher tier bombers you can sometimes dogfight depending on type (ie Shackleton)