Dear reader,
this topic created to provide info about the mentioned vehicle.
First experience:
After when i shot all my four Rocket with my BMD-4 and start to attack enemy and i got a hit and in kill camera i saw , enemy shot hit one of my rocket which i consumed earlier, In x-ray the not existed rocket explode and archive a kill. So the consumed rockets not disappeard after used it because one other also damaged so all live.(Screenshots from server replay.)
BMD-4 have 2 type ammo modelled for 100mm gun,HE and ATGM… but in ammo consumable part merged into the one. So if you shot all ATGM and have more than 4 HE round the tank’s X-ray will show: u have 4 ATGM and 1 HE round. The last 4 round left is modelled as an ATGM not matter what kind of ammo already left.
I have both the BMD-4 and BMD-4M, and I have not paid attention to this yet, but I will be paying very close attention now and will post any evidence and/or replays that I get to add to your information 👍
Please let us know when you have created a issue report, so we/I can post any information I gather there as well. Cheers!
hello, this behavior i already reported(Community Bug Reporting System) and closed with ‘NOT A BUG’ solution. From this i have huge doubts with bug reporting system and game mechanics… ): .
When/if a mod here reads this, this bug report manager’s reply is 100% false. The game absolutely does change how many shells you take in xray view, and also depletes the shells as you use them in xray view.
This response is wrong, and the bug report should not have been closed:
XRay view in game, with my set load out. VERY clearly you can see that shells ARE correctly shown in game when you take less shells and as you use shells throughout a match:
Furthermore, here is after firing a single shell
And after the tank replenishes its first stage ammo storage:
And finally showing the now empty space from the single shell moved from the overflow storage, into the first stage storage:
That’s not the point, the OP is stating that they are getting blown up from “rendered” missiles exploding, not HE shells. I am still working on gathering a replay where I can test this possibility, but it is very very important for the bug reporting managers to be very precise in their responses. There are issues happening in naval concurrently where they are closing the bug reports without explanation, or with improper/incorrect responses.
I greatly appreciate the mods on the forums and bug reporting systems, but it doesn’t help get bugs fixed to answer incorrectly, or without an explanation whatsoever. It makes a lot of players very frustrated unnecessarily.
I see your point, but I don’t consider it a small gain lol. The missile’s warheads have 25% more explosive than the larger HE shell, not to mention the massive amount of propellant. Also of note, I know that the BMP-2M does model the missiles correctly, and before you fire some missiles off, you get absolutely vaporized if anything touches any part of those 4x missiles on ur head lol. So, again, I argue that if the game is modeling/rendering internal missiles that are not there for the BMD-4/BMD-4M, this is a huge problem and should be fixed. The BMP-2M does it correctly already.
Hey! Every little bit helps 😂
I play light tanks 99% of the time, so every little bit matters to me. I still am on the side that it should be fixed/improved etc, but I greatly appreciate your infos and insights. Thanks friend 🍻
@Cpt_Frakk OH! I forgot, what about the BMP-3? I use that too 😄 Do we know if the same thing happens with its missiles? It’s not an autoloader, but does the same thing where it uses the same cannon for the HE and missiles.
Intresting and good point but bleeding from one thing:
1.) BMD-4’s ATGM number is not limited when it arrived into the game. 100mm HE and ATGM modelled as an HE round in X-ray. After 2 week it got a new X-ray modell and got limited ATGM number. From this if the game not able to make differents between rounds why BMD-4 have only limited ATGM?
Its limiting how many ATGM’s you can put in at the spawn screen. Its the bouncer at the door, its not exactly the vehicle stopping it, its the game rules for that vehicle. If that makes sense.
Yeah, that is always risky lol. I would be fairly satisfied with no changes if they were able to inform us of how much it would break, and/or how much time/money it would take to actually fix it. I am reasonable, and appreciate reasonable answers. I am not a Dev, but I have worked with them, and ooommmmmgggg have I seen how even a couple changes within one line of code can bork things beyond recognition lmao.
About the BMP-3 i have no info because i not researched yet. I suspect it have a same issue.
FYI (another interesting point in BMD-4(it just partly connected to this topic because it’s valid in most of the cold war autocannon user tank ))
In BMD-4 case the 30mm ammo belts also wrongly modelled in X-ray. So if you bring 2 belt you can see in X-ray both:
When the 2nd ammo belt suffered damage/destroyed when it empty have two types of result:
1.) Disappeared after the hit and enemy not know why not blow up the tank that will case fake player reports.
2.) Detonate the tank.