Pre-order: RDF/LT and BMD-4M

Yeah it’s funny they hinted at a specific person in the dev stream thinking he would like it’s addition and he has came out saying he hates it.

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Yeah I watched that video too, I understand why he’s upset that the people in the dev stream were talking about him liking the RDF/Lt when it’s in the state it is.

If it gets fixed, it would probably be a HSTV-L equivalent, but right now it’s simply worse.


Nice one Gaijin!


Considering how prominent of a figure he now is. Maybe they will now fix it with him taking such an hard stance.


Well, I bought my IS-7 for 1.3xx GJN in Summer '23

Took me multiple months of putting smaller increments of GJN onto the Market


Damn, I just wanted to post that here.

A hope for some fixes.

The applique armor would be very nice, and the M60 is honestly better for ASMR than killing stuff, but still a good change none the less.

Yeah a few more bug reports were accpeted for top speed to 64km and the hull model.

Watch as the same thing happens to them as the reload one.

The RDF/lt is going to cripple the already dead win rate of USA top tier. My fellow us mains get ready for gray time a head.


and spookston’s report for the firerate was rejected. its over.


I didn’t renew my premium and I’ll bid farewell to 11.3-12.0 GRB. 10.3 is bliss

Well it came out with nothing fixed. I guess always next year for it to be fixed… Maybe.

no? its 11.7

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under completely stupid terms too. there is no real reason to believe its anything but 70rpm.

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I have a BMD-4 and it bleeding from different wounds…i test driven BMD-4M and it have a same problems… let’s summarize them.

-Firstly ATGM limited number exist, only 4 piece. That mean u have limited rounds against armored targets.
-All ATGM fired: When all ATGM round fired and after check the X-ray it show u already have 4 ATGM.
How it’s possible?

BMD-4 have 2 type ammo modelled for 100mm gun,HE and ATGM… but in ammo consumable part merged into the one. So if you shot all ATGM and have more than 5 HE round the tank’s X-ray will show: u have 4 ATGM and x number of HE round. The last 4 round left is modelled as an ATGM on X-ray not matter what kind of ammo already left.(this maybe an issue …and long time ago reported but it seems ignored: Community Bug Reporting System )

Why it’s harmfull?

If you reduced your ammo number to the first hit do not detonate the whole tank the hit able to damage and destroy the ATGM modelled ammo more easily when only small number of HE round left…
If you have only HE round left and got damage which hit the ATGM modelled ammo it will detonate the whole tank…



-30mm ammo belts: When u decide to bring only one 30mm ammo belt to reduce detonation risk its not work, because if you check the X-ray (for me it set as ‘O’ button in settings) you will see two 30mm ammo belt…



-Autoloader componenet and his behavior: if autoloader componenet destroyed tank cannot able to fire. Not just not load an ammo round , if it already loaded it can’t able to fire the already loaded ammo.(Experienced with T-72A, T-80UM2…etc)

-30mm ammo belt types:

  • No universal belt: AP-T/HEF-I*.
  • Exist HE belt But not as a stealt variant because contaion an AP-T round.
  • Exist AP-T belt, but this belt every 4 th round is a HEFI-T round which is useless against ground targets and it painfull when figth against light armored targets in a criticall moment.
  • Exist APDS belt but not as stealt. This belt every 5 th round is a HEFI-T round which is useless against ground targets and it painfull when figth against light armored targets in a criticall moment. Not to talk the tracer round blow up BMD-4 position and this make him hardly to flank.
  • Not exist APFS-DS round. BMD-4 able to fight with 10.3 BR opponenets and need a better 30mm round to defeat light vehicles in much farther range or deal damage flanked 2nd gen MBTs from side.(VBCI, Type 87 RCV already have APFS-DS round.)

So please fix BMD-4M and BMD-4…

Welp they finally buffed the reload on the HSTV-L and RDF/LT


Still quite gimped, but it’s an improvement.

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