Belgian Air Forces Sub-tree

Excuse me JohnWick9, but this statement can’t be anything else but a provocation. Either state your opinion about the tree or some criticism, or take your Historically ambiguous knowledge elsewhere.

a.k.a. stop trolling.

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My opinion, addding Belgium by itself is too little, BeNeLux makes more sense, however, it will be cursed for top tier when we get a BeNeLux sub-tree in france, Imagine, F16s + Mirage in Air and Leclerc + Leo2A6NL for ground. The only redeeming factor is giving the French that mock up Euro MBT with the Leclerc turret with the Leo hull would be easier. I dont know much about low tier so I cant say anythign about that.

My opinion as well, i think i would rather have a Benelux subtree in France than just Belgium and then see the Germans get their hands on the Netherlands.

A full tree would be preferable for me, but we might see what happens very soon

Isnt it BeLux in that case?

I didn’t talk about Luxembourg

They’re just in the name because of the IRL political union, but they have practically nothing to add in-game

Look at the previous suggestion for ground, you’ll see that’s not the case: Belgian Ground Forces Sub-tree - Resist and Bite!
Though the case could be made that the whole BeNeLux TT would be a better fit, as then NL wouldn’t come into Germany. (Then again, a separate BeNeLux TT would be better anyway)

Personally, I don’t think it would, they have far too many tanks/planes to add: BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg) Ground Forces Techtree
BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg) Air Forces Techtree

Wait, so what do you mean exactly as BeNeLux subtree? If Netherlands goes to germany and you dont consider Luxemburg, then its not BeNeLux, just Be or Belgium.

This is the ’ Belgian Air Forces Sub-tree’ suggestion man.

You were talking about the Benelux subtree being a better option than just Belgium

I said that i would indeed prefer a Benelux subtree in France than Belgium in France and the poor Dutch to Germany

Ah, okay

Ahhh I see it now, I got confused by the poll, I thought it is asking for a BeNeLux subtree, not a stand alone TT

Maybe i should’ve included a Benelux subtree option, there has been some rumors about it

I agree for this one, both air and french ground tree have a lot of stuff left of french design / origin to be added (if gaijin do it) before thinking about a sub tree, and so i would prefer a benelux subtree

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I would rather have a BeNeLux tree.

However good work on the suggestion looks nice.

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I don’t think that the F35 would be that much of a worry against a Rafale if it get at the same time its SPECTRA system to work as intended.

If the F35 relies on passive “stealth”, it doesnt mean that it is impossible to see it on a radar, you can still see it, but what it really does is making it really hard to achieve a fire solution because of how small the target is on the radar, this is what stealth is really about.
The Rafale achieve this with an active system, the SPECTRA, by jamming the ennemy radar with a lot of false echo waves that will misslead it, making it also really hard to get a fire solution.

Differents means, but same results, so as long as the “stealth” of a F35 is added at the same time as the “stealth” provided to the Rafale by the SPECTRA, a copy paste of the F35 would not only be unnecessary but damaging to the spirit of the tree.

@Thomas_Belgium @Mathll

New leak list dropped, and you guys will hate it.


why does GBR got a Mig-21 ?


But we are talking about England, if we start adding all the vehicles from the former colonies the tree will no longer look like anything

Because at this point let’s go there frankly, France should receive the entire Russian ground and air armament because this is what equips the former Africans colonies, and given that Louisanne was French before being bought by the Americans could we also have the entire American tree in the French tree, part of India was also under French protectorate at one time so we must also add these armaments to France,… …

I guess you forgotten that the T-90S Bhisma and Jaguar IS is also in the British tree?

Gaijin themselves also said it in a blog post 4 months back

Edit: PS, Benelux is confirmed for France too.