Belgian Air Forces Sub-tree

Yk it’s also to complement the ground sub-tree where France does need some help, especially at rank 4

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the ground tree is another problem, for this one it can be understood, the Belgian tree including many unique vehicles, but for the aerial tree it has absolutely no interest

Bit harsh isn’t it…

Faireys, Spitfires, Hunters, Meteors and an F-16, original planes never seen in game let’s go !!!. The Mirage 5 variants exist among the French and are already in suggestion.

Well on the other hand the Renards planes are interesting I have nothing to say for these, plus they are original concepts

Tbf, a Benelux addition would be really funny, F16s in air, Leopard2A6NL in ground. However IMO it should go to germany, as people in the netherlands and luxemburg speak a german dialect and belgium shares the flag colors of germany.

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Yeah the Faireys are Belgian but the rest represents a grand total of 5 vehicles out of 19 barring the premiums, i don’t think it’s worth calling it absolutely not interesting

Again, I did not mean to be rude, I don’t know the ground tech, but the air tech has nothing new/unique etc to offer, besides the Mirage 5BA, but adding a whole tech for 1 or 2 “unique” planes seems like a waste of money and time for gaijin knowing that there are a very high amount of nations that could (and even deserve) to be added

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that’s where the magic of copy paste comes in!

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Error on my part for the Fairey but the tree is still not of great interest, not having a single truly unique vehicle above rank 3 is not incredible

The Mirage 5 variants have French equivalents with the Mirage 5 COAM Mirage 50 and the Mirage III NG

I support the idea of ​​sub trees, I think it is a great way to represent minor nations within the game in addition to helping to fill some spaces or diversify the way of playing, I have been reading the comments of people who are against this suggestion and I want to say that when a sub tree is made the logic is to make all the corresponding branches (land, air, naval and helicopters) otherwise it would be an unfinished job, take for example the sub trees of Thailand which was sent to the developers, it is natural that, for example, the terrestrial tree is more unique than the aerial one since not all branches always have things that are too unique but it is normal, after all there are few nations that manufacture their vehicles 100%. The only criticism I could make about this suggestion is that I would have liked to know more about the specific armament of some aircraft since that helps give them a range and BR, so I do not agree with some of the BRs in this tree. Besides that, good job, I hope that in the future you also do the naval sub tree ;)

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  1. wrong suggestion post
  2. What in God’s name do you mean with German dialect? I can guarantee you that Dutch’s is not High German. It is West-Germanic, but not german. West Germanic languages range from Scots, English and Frisian to Dutch, Low German and High German.

And with all respect, but only the recent Dutch equipment would fit in the German TT, most of their old equipment wouldn’t make sense at all in the German tech tree and would frankly be very cursed.


What would you like to know? I will admit i know little about later jets such as the F-16. I do need to add the F-16AM at 12.7 i think

Think you misread, this is a Wend- Belgian sub-tree suggestion


You heard me. Also there is a benelux option in the poll.

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Dutch is not a German dialect and the Belgian flag came before the German flag (if even it mattered at all, which it doesn’t??)

If Dutch is not a german dialect why does it sound like german with a few changed letters? About the flag, I see your point, but when I was there when I was 12 year old, I saw a Panther G as a monument in a small village. It had hit marks, but otherwise was completely fine, so maybe it was even used after the war. Clearly a german connection in my humble opinion.

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Excuse me JohnWick9, but this statement can’t be anything else but a provocation. Either state your opinion about the tree or some criticism, or take your Historically ambiguous knowledge elsewhere.

a.k.a. stop trolling.

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My opinion, addding Belgium by itself is too little, BeNeLux makes more sense, however, it will be cursed for top tier when we get a BeNeLux sub-tree in france, Imagine, F16s + Mirage in Air and Leclerc + Leo2A6NL for ground. The only redeeming factor is giving the French that mock up Euro MBT with the Leclerc turret with the Leo hull would be easier. I dont know much about low tier so I cant say anythign about that.

My opinion as well, i think i would rather have a Benelux subtree in France than just Belgium and then see the Germans get their hands on the Netherlands.

A full tree would be preferable for me, but we might see what happens very soon