Being able to lock on target with an Xbox are a PlayStation

And it’s not $70.00 the cheapest one I found is 18 dollars and on the new Xboxes and the new Xboxes and PlayStations you don’t need an adapter for a keyboard or mouse!

Yes, it does lock on to tanks and that’s all by pushing one button on my mouse in arcade mode set time on PC but this can be done in realistic battle mode as well for Xbox and PlayStation.

I wonder how many console players are required ITT to say it does not work on tanks.

That’s in Arcade, and it only works in arcade. I can do the exact same thing on a PC in arcade.

It DOES NOT work in ground RB.

Yes, it does lock on to tanks in realistic ground mode They say this doesn't lock on to tanks here's proof that it does you can lock on to ground targets on Xbox and PlayStation in arcade mode and PC's can do... | By TerryFacebook

Proof it doesn’t.


Send a working link and embed the video here.

Here’s your proof it does work just click on this Blue link They say this doesn't lock on to tanks here's proof that it does you can lock on to ground targets on Xbox and PlayStation in arcade mode and PC's can do... | By TerryFacebook

PC players cant disable cross plataform. There are not enough console players to play separately. As console players are usually less effective, there is no real reason for this unless PC players want games to become “harder” :)

It does not. There was a reply by a senior mod on some other topic, perhaps old forum.

I am assuming the ability to lock on planes is to compensate to the inferior accuracy of controllers…or something someone forgot…
Perhaps it can be used to some advantage on some specific case…but from the “tone” and considering the “errors” on the reports i am a bit sceptical…
It is difficult to look at this without thinking that some PC player woke up annoyed because one console player got lucky…and decided to pick the ONE not very relevant difference…and ignore the many others that go the other way.


you’re on Arcade settings.

Guesswork, smoke and flash. I do it all the time and I figure others do it to me if I am blasting away .Dont need to see an enemy to kill them. Big lesson to learn early on.
I play Xbox and not even sure how to switch auto aim on. I never use it and have never got a kill with it.
It will track you from 3 or 4 streets away in Urban which is useless as the mini map and crew skill tell me anyway. I want to be in control of my gun not the have console steal it from me when I need it most.

Thanks for the info. 🙂

From my understanding it is Sony and MS that are an impediment to making WT a better gaming experience for console players. No access to the market and no console only cross system gameplay is likely a factor in console players leaving WT. Opening these options to console players could increase the amount of console players who actually stay with the game.

@Duke012Cav I stand corrected about the ability for PC players to eliminate cross-platform gameplay.

Because when you fly over the field and get literally plucked out of the sky by a snapping SPAA manned by a console player you always have to wonder how much of that was skill, compared to merely locking and clicking.

Yes I’m on arcade settings because I’m on a PC but Xbox and PlayStation they can do this on realistic mode as well as arcade and that’s what I’m trying to point out it’s a cheat

Yeah, I was going to write you back and tell you I couldn’t find that setting

The only one needing their ass busted here with a belt is you. You dare try to speak from a position of authority when you have none and you also don’t know jackshit.

Sit down and zip your lip. The adults are talking.

Cute post flag, btw.

I want to tell you, something Kid, I’ve been to every state in the United States including Hawaii I’ve been halfway around the world South Korea to Germany I’ve been in every province in Canada so you’re telling me I don’t know anything I’m 65 years old and I’ve been on this earth a long-time buttercup and I was in the US army for nine years and a Tank commander for Seven years and been to war once in my life in Desert Storm what have you done boy do you need your diaper changed are you still going to romper room?. So, grow and stop acting like a 12-year-old or is that too old for you kid and you truly don’t know anything about how Tanks and Planes and helicopters, but you see I’m a private pilot I have flown single-engine and twin-engine aircraft and I’ve flown a Helicopter four times so buttercup what have you done in your life said cry like a baby!!! One thing about a kid you’re truly not an adult so you better leave the room

Typical reddit-tier response. Even if you’re telling truth here I couldn’t be paid to care any less. Your entire post here is irrelevant.

Well…not sure about your specific scenario…as i never played top level RB with console. But i still wonder why the fuss about a 1% scenario, when 99% of the time is the console player that has to struggle against the odds, settings and controls.
You are talking about an advantage that MAY occur only in RB, only at top BR and only with SPAA vs Planes. And this about something that AFAIK it is very very rare.

Conversely, PC players have advantages at ALL modes, ALL BRs and ALL vehicles…and as a console player i ACCEPT them as part of the “cost” of having an “inferior” system, but still wanting to play a WW2 game…
OK…i admit i find ULQ a bit annoying and could be improved…but i try to adjust to the Control and Fluidity issues…and have my fun, even when PC players do things much faster and precisely than i can do.
(I hear it is even worse in planes…)

To be clear. There is NO ADVANTAGE whatsoever for console players when targeting GROUND targets. ZERO.
Like said above…PC players can usually do this faster and more precisely using a mouse and their better frame rate…but i can live with this…i could add a mouse to my console system…(not the same precision and reaction, but maybe would be better)