Being able to lock on target with an Xbox are a PlayStation

Whatever you think buttercup there are a lot of people on here who like what I said and know it to be true so go home to mommy buttercup and cry on her shoulder Boo Hoo! Yes, because you would like the lock on that they put in this game for your PlayStation Xbox players it’s a cheat and it shouldn’t be in realistic battle mode End of story

If it’s such a cheat why is it in the game, hmm?

ULQ is cheating as it dumbs the graphics down to nil, allowing PC players the ability to circumvent concealment being used to hide tanks. So by your logic it should also be removed.
Frankly it really should as it’s literally cheating, but moving on.

Also following your logic, PC players should also not be able to turn faster than console players, because it’s cheating. Ontop of that, PC players having better aim is also cheating because of using a mouse. The keyboard also means they have more keybind options. That’s also cheating by your logic.

So by your logic, console players having a function that only helps them track air targets is cheating. And for PC players they have access to ULQ, finer controls and more keybinds also means they’re cheating. Which means everyone playing the game is a cheater who should be banned.



The funny think is, as a mainly PS5 player myself , in 1 vs. 1 Situation i have more respect for other console players, because PC player thing that Console players are EZ clap… but when fighting against other Consoles you never now, do they play with mouse and keyboard(like me) or do they take the Suffer and use a Controller

Edit, since the lock feature is not realy gamebreaking, it might be a option to give the tracker just to REAL Controller player since the feuture in combination with mouse and keyboard can sometimes realy be nuts…
Buts since some PC player eill always cry when they get killed by a console player and call then cheater/fuc*ing aim bot user… it should stay just to annoy then