Baz Meshupar no TWS no radar HMS slaving no Israeli munitions no Python 4

Thats quite weird thing…

So u guessing that it not replaced just bcuz its never mentioned specifically … but the Program it self stated it got avionic systems that the f15i had ( your own source didn’t listed specific list of specific model of systems , its all general writings so we have no clue)
and the source u gave said “FROM” means it not just what the guy wrote there…

I can bet that it wont appear on any source that is wildly available.

You better to remove that aircraft and when we can get stuff ready release it fully baked
Or just get something temporarly to make balance between the other nations…

like HANZO2 said we just want to have fun at the end , it wont make any problem if it was staying with APG-63(v)1 , no1 complained about it when it was available for 2 week straight in the dev server.

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I might want gajin add Python 4 on Baz Meshupar for third major update. at least improve close range fight enemy better 35 or 45 %

Israel modified Air-to-Ground munitions on F-15C/D Baz Meshupar, but unlike F-15I Ra’am because not full Multirole Combat Aircraft

So I’m waiting F-15I Ra’am for israel tech tree in the future

You’re focusing on the wrong point. F-15I equivalent avionics is not about radar.

They use the same weapon computers and HOTAS as the F-15I, and they have GPS and MFD that they didn’t have before. That’s about it.

There is a list of other upgrades in the public, and there is no reason for radar upgrades to be classified, and they are not in US export records. You keep repeating one point without any evidence.

Do you want a radar upgrade? Bring the sources. All sources show that there was no radar upgrade.

Welp i guess because Israel is secretive af and does not share every tiny bit of upgraded equipment, we’ll just stay with old crap because “no sources, well damn”. Bruh -.-

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That’s what happens when you push the game more and more towards modernity. (For literally every nation btw)
I can only see Gaijin and the players getting into trouble because of this kinds of issues and nothing good otherwise

Could get solved easily …

When it comes to japan
They get the F-16 Fantasy edition because they needed balance and i completely agreed on that one!

When it comes to unspecified Israeli Air force Radar and Avionic info,
it get pushed down to old crap level radar! amazing!

  • My take for this issue , is just give the baz meshupar the radar that is the closest to what the MAIN
    REASON the baz meshupar exist ( F15i avionic upgrades that never got specified to the extreme details)


just remove the Baz Meshupar completely its not worth any research time and effort even with 8XAim120A the RAM is useless and not getting close to 13.0 BR radar performance of the other nations.


true, and for realism sake i’d take the python 4 over shitty 120s anyday

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wow couldnt agree more. take those shitty amramms and give us our beloved domestic python 4. no need a damn ARH on the f15.
just make sure to fix the Derby first.

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Python 4s should already be realized on the barak II. The aircraft lacks a bit in FM to, that makes it comparative to the SMT and its place within the MiG-29 family. However the MiG-29SMT does fire a lot more options in CAS and much better avionics compared to other MiG-29s while the barak II cannot even feature equally CAS options compared to the F-16C/AM whilst having worse FM.

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With this baz situation and the netz lacking its extra cms and still being 12.3 with only python 3s im thinking there are no plans to improve or balance this tree at all lol


amraam arent that bad matter of fact they have the lowest drag compared to all other fox 3 and is better at retaining energy
plus i doubt you would take aim 7s instead
Phyton 4 should be added and replace the 9M since the Baz never carried 9M irl only 9L and python

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Baz Meshupar having AN/APG-63 PSP is correct I’m afraid.

However, the AN/APG-63 PSP on both the normal Eagles and the Baz Meshupar does not have any DL Channels and therefore is unable to guide the AIM-120A and provide mid course corrections. Are we really deluded enough to believe that Israel upgraded the FCS and weapons computers of the Baz to Ra’am standards without giving it any Datalink channels?


AN/APG-63 PSP can provide mid-course corrections to the AIM-120A with an STT lock however this is most likely a bug. Without any datalink channels it should be physically impossible for the radar to communicate with the missile. This isn’t a SARH missile, there’s no illumination involved.


Why do issues and forum moderators treat this as a Baz2000 upgrade from an F-15A with AN/APG-63, when the internal data says f_15”c”_baz_msip? Even if there was no radar upgrade in the Baz2000 project, the F-15C would have had the AN/APG-63 (V1) from the start.


Wait real? That’s huge.

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Do you think they just want to stop people playing Israel because it’s too much to maintain?

Internal names don’t mean anything.

They wouldn’t have them then.

I didn’t say that and no, they just want to push people away from the Israeli tree for the time being. Every other air tree is 100% more profitable compared to the Israelis.

So follow me on this one, you’re one of the devs and you’re trying to make a boat load of money.

Would you

A. Give the Israeli tree identical F-16s and F-15s as the American counterparts so people skip the American grind.


B. Gimp the Israeli F-16 and F-15 to encourage players to grind the bigger and more profitable American air tree.

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