Baz Meshupar no TWS no radar HMS slaving no Israeli munitions no Python 4

F-15C used the APG-63 PSP.

Also, in Israel, the official name of all F-15A/B/C/D is Baz.

So there are no issues here. Developers implemented the IAF F-15C with the Baz-2000 upgrade.

Some later production versions for the USAF were equipped with the APG-70, but these did not go to Israel.

APG-63(V)1 was upgraded after 2001. This is after Israel has received all F-15A/B/C/D.


APG-63 PSP was upgraded to use AIM-120 in the late 1980s and 90s. Datalink channel is exists.

When nonexistent loadouts and vehicles got added to War thunder points like this became moot.

The Baz Meshupar should’ve gotten the APG-63(V)1 in the name of “balance” end of story.


F-15C MSIP II and F-15J MSIP fitted AN/APG-63(V)1 radar

Air National Guard F-15A retrofitted AN/APG-63 PSP radar, and F-15C early production used AN/APG-63 PSP before MSIP II program

Assuming that Israel’s own F-15C is not enough to upgrade the configuration of the F-15C in the United States and Japan as you said, then why not give him Python4 as compensation or better CAS ability instead of laughing at Israeli players before I asked 1080P to reply Answer: Python4 is too strong. I thought that the BVR capabilities of the three F-15Cs are the same. Now let’s see why only Israeli things are the most rubbish and there is no high-altitude BVR combat capability. This is really so balanced.
Why is it always so bad in Israel? When the United States gets F-16 Block52, Israel can only get the more rubbish F-16 Block40.
When Japan lacks useable fighters, Gaijin will intimately create F-16AJ for Japan. When the United States and Japan get a better F-15C, Israel can only get the most rubbish F-15C.
I don’t want to output emotions, but what Gaijin does is really unbearable.


To be precise, APG-63(V)1 was equipped after the MSIP program. MSIP retained the APG-63 PSP radar.

Here is an article from the Boeing website from April 2, 2001:

The U.S. Air Force has begun deploying the APG-63(v)1 radar - a Boeing-installed system that greatly improves radar performance and reliability - to its operational F-15 units.

Last month the Air Force’s 27th Fighter Squadron at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia became the first unit to receive a production (v)1 system.

The (v)1 is an upgrade to the out-of-production Raytheon APG-63 and APG-70 radars. The upgrade includes a new transmitter, receiver, data processor, low-voltage power supply and signal data converter. It provides a 10-fold increase in radar reliability while increasing system capacity for future growth.

“The (v)1 program provides F-15s with world-leading radar capabilities,” said Bruce Glaser, engineering lead for Boeing F-15 programs. “The Air Force, Boeing and Raytheon are working to ensure that today’s F-15 crews, and those that will fly the airplane years from now, have what they need to maintain the airplane’s unequalled combat performance and air superiority.”

Boeing, which builds the F-15 in St. Louis, is responsible for installing the (v)1 components, which are primarily supplied by Raytheon. Boeing has integrated virtually all subsystems on the F-15 since the aircraft entered production.

At least 170 U.S. Air Force F-15s are expected to receive the (v)1 upgrade. The (v)1 is the world’s newest operational radar. Other nations that now operate F-15s are also interested in upgrading to this system.

Most F-15C/D were produced with the APG-63 PSP. Only the last 47 for the USAF were equipped the APG-70.

After some research, I found that the information about the 63(V)1 being installed was incorrect. Furthermore, when Israel received its first and last F-15C, the Peace Fox III (1981-2), the AN/APG-63 did not even have a TWS (TWS was added in 1984). Unless information is found that the Baz2000 project was equipped with the same radar as the F-15I, it is highly unlikely that this Baz Meshupar will have a TWS.

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False, those load outs still require documentation linking them to the vehicle and that said vehicle has the ability to use them.

You wanna talk about the F-16AJ too?

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As an Israeli fan, I would like to see a historic upgrade, such as the addition of the Python-4, rather than an unrealistic radar, which would differentiate it from the American F-15C and give people a reason to fly both aircraft.

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120s??? shitty???

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120s are the best missile in the game right now.

No, since that would be off topic.

It’s bugged in-game then I suppose, there’s no mention of any Datalink channels anywhere on the statcard. (Also can’t provide mid-course corrections to AMRAAM w/RAM soft lock)

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AN/APG-65Q was also not given any Datalink channels in-game (Hornet radar on the AV-8B.)

It has TWS but it can’t use it to guide missiles.

Python 4 are my choice if i had one between 120 or p4

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You’re picking an IR missile over a 35g ARH missile? brother are you okay?

Brother imagine using the terrain to defend against an arh missile. Then, getting close to the enemy, starting dogfights and winning most of them.

best? cant kill target farther than 30 km, AMRAAM loosing all speed on small turns and choosing shitty trajectories to intercept target, loosing all speed simultaneously, easy to dodge

According to one source, Israel also acquired 25 F-15A/Bs in 1991 with avionics from the F-15C/Ds of the time. Does anyone know anything about these avionics? This may have included the AN/APG-63 with TWS.