Battle rating

Leopard with sweden is 1 i know of

And its not like one or two is uptier. Its 90% of both my team and enemy team…

You should be used to this.
Gaijin did mention in some post (haven’t searched for it) that only UP TO FOUR players per team have a downtier match (read: they have the BR of the match). Given 16vs16, only 1/4th of players are maximum BR, all others are uptier to some or full extend.
The chance of getting those toptier slots seem to depend on time of day, day of week, nation and BR bracket. It can happen that within 1h of playing, you have 30% toptier matches, the next hour, you literally have none. Just like the weird map selection.
I suspect that Gaijin has some hidden, yet offensive code in their match maker which is responsible for those things in order “to keep games balanced”.

In my suspective experience, you will have about the following BR placings:
50% full uptier → Match BR - 1.0
30% near full uptier → Match BR - 0.7
15% near full downtier → Match BR - 0.3
5% full downtier → Match BR

Yeah, but this cannot be true.

See the picture I posted from one 11.3 game today with my 10.3 germans. The battle was full of Leo2A4’s basically. This confirms there were as many german players as there were Leo2A4’s or Leo2A4 PzBtl123 (which is also 10.3). About 90% of the team I’d say. One tank was CV 9045246, all others german.

We cannot have any full tier players, as germany does not have any tanks in 10.4-11.3.

Only explanation would be that some players have planes in range 10.4-11.3 and hence mark them as higher tier, but that really doesn’t help that much to make a difference.

Then maybe you never seen the highest BR unit as you can not vew players line ups. Do you remember the SP costs ?

Well if my fellow team member has also Leo2A4 in the start of a 11.3 then what other tank could he possibly have? Some U.S tank?? Germany has no tanks 10.4-11.3. No fellow german team member can have some hidden top tier tanks as they don’t exist in 11.3.

What about aircraft. Only needs 1 that 0.3 above

There is a german tank at 11.3, premium leopard 2PL

From 10 years in the game, and thousands of hours in games with SBMM… This game does not have SBMM. You can click on the available players in queue, when queueing to see that it’s not the case.

It’s just a matter of who is available. You are likely going to fight a lot more experienced people because a lot of old school players only like the OG vehicles. Top tier can be a drag, and so people go back to their favorite eras and stay.

The Leopard 2 PL is one of the most common tanks in the high tier German tree and 11.3.

The strategy remains the same throughout all BRs. Shoot through the side.

If I can bring a BR 3-4 tank and get kills against 11.0 and 12.0 tanks, then it’s not THAT crazy at 9/10. You day you immediately DC and that’s a big issue itself.

I’m not a high skill player. I’m not a great player. That being said, I can handle the same matches described without it being crazy. The only thing that’s insane to me is when some BMP blasts the whole teams frontal armor 😂.

Same overall strategy, don’t fight people head on. High BR is only ever really crazy to me in Air BR and SIM. Ground plays about the same from 1.0 to 12.0.

Well, you are right. It is the most common german tank 11.3. It is also the least common german tank 11.3 as it is the only german tank between 10.4-11.6.

That being said, it is very rarely seen in combat. At least looking from my 10.3 Leo2A4’s view ports.

I also was a bit annoyed from 1DL or even 0DL, but now realizing what a shitshow this german 10.3 is I have no problem doing it myself, and surely won’t judge others doing the same. I don’t mind if someone enjoys taking challenges 10.3 leo vs 11.3 MBT’s of whatever nation, it’s just not what I like to do on my spare time. I just get destroyed and lose credits. I have already realized one can grind silver MUCH faster by not playing -1.0br battles.

Looking at the image, you definitely had at least one 11.3 tank on your team. I imagine there was more as the first line tanks and the lower tanks are what was left at the end of the match. Your best player performed about as well as the enemy team. It looks more like you just didn’t have an effective team which happens quite frequently.

They can’t BR skill into people. Not even with decompression 😂

The screenshot actually tells the whole story.

What happens when you have team of 11.3 MBT vs team of 10.3 MBT?

11.3 gets a kill and 10.3 gets experience without kill. Look at the picture, all our players scored experience, most without capping a flag nor destroying tanks nor planes. That means hitting enemy but not penetrating and destroying.

Skill can’t produce more AP. Without AP, you just tend to scratch and get killed.

That is why I skip those battles. Not worth my time.

It doesn’t tell the whole story though.

You have a lot of people who purchased a premium tank. Are they long time players or brand new ones who wanted a cool premium tank? Are these good players who are getting shafted by up tiers or are they doing a lot of frontal hits and deflecting? Did they use aircraft and attempt bombings? Did they just suck…

The only place I’ll agree with you is Russian ERA eating everything. That being said, a side shot should still kill it.

That single picture doesn’t give us much to go off. Record a video with the kills that matches this. If we can see hey they ONlY used 10.0 tanks that’s different. I often drag along tanks in my lineup from a previous BR or two, just too lazy to make more lineups lol.

Gather actual data and evidence. Make recordings of what you see happening and then provide that. Put it on YouTube so it’s undisputable. Not just one off images or videos but actually prove your point. As of now, my guess is you probably have more PL2 players than you noticed. It’s a very common tank in this BR.

Yeah, so the same thing could be said if we put the russians to play with T-34-85s against our Leo2A4’s and in case they lose, question remains if they just did not know how to play.

That’s a stupid statement.

The problem is 11.3 vs 10.3 battles. Not that 10.3 players suck.

This 11.3 vs 10.3 does not happen anywhere else in this game, at least to this extent. You can have practically entirely german teams (like in the screenshot), meaning 15/16 play germans. Very rarely you see 15/16 players playing france/italy/sweden/japan etc. So when 15/16 of the team is playing germany, and the battle is 11.3, there are no tanks other than 10.3 Leo2A4s (or something lower like 9.7) to spawn. The gold-tank Leo 2 PL 11,3 is a rare thing to see, and even then such player surely doesn’t have more 11.3, 11.0 or 10.7 tanks to spawn if the PL get’s destroyed.

So we end up just being a complete 10.3 army against enemy 11.3, 11.0 and 10.7 army. When enemy loses one 11.3, he can spawn another 11.3 most likely. When german 10.3 loses one Leo2A4, it’s then next some radkampfwagen or PUMA to throw against the 11.3 T-72B3s and what not. Can’t spawn any 10.7,11.0 or 11.3 tanks as there aren’t any in the german tank tree.

Germans lose 19/20 times. The battles are not interesting to attend.

Then you either don’t pay attention or are paid to not pay attention. Easily observable by casual players at many BRs.


Sorry, I’m writing through Google Translate. I’m from Russia, and I’ve been keeping statistics on BR for a long time. Someone here “joked”, saying that players from Russia are probably playing on BR -1.0. This is wrong.
Today I played 20 fights, with a battle rating of 2.3 USA. I played all 20 battles at a battle rating of 3.3. Without exception.

My average profile position for the current month is 90% (all time 78%), and I can confidently say that when the position was lower, I played at different battle ratings. Not now.

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