Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)

the char and amx br increase is the WORST idea in a long time. 8.0 with 200mm pen??? The same br as a 906??? Sure the reload is good, when you actually manage to pen something. These tanks can barely pen things in their own br, ie the t54s, t55s, etc.


tell that to mine either diving into the ground or flying into space the moment they leave the rail, despite the target flying straight at us with a perfect lock. 7M’s behave how 7F’s should, and 7F’s behave how 7M’s should. if i could take 7F’s on the F-15/16 i would.

meanwhile, it’s outperformed by every other top tier jet, but you do you.

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Happens to 27ER as well, you’re overreacting.

You know in game the 7F and 7M have no difference right zero

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Skyflash superTEMP
Aim 7E
Cw illumination is a bit janky

11.0 with M833 not make any sence


I don’t really understand why the f-15s are staying at 12.3



And a skill issue on US mains

It’s not just US mains - Japanese players get the F-15 with even better IR missiles.

Yeah but they move one they have to move all of them

No they don’t? They have different armaments.

Actually thought of another unmentioned vehicle underperforming like crazy.

HMS Renown.

Please either fix it or lower its BR down to like 6.3. I keep getting 1 tapped by heavy cruisers (fully spaded)

Its kinda insane how little armour this ship has, and with no HE shells. Its really really hard to fight any other 7.0 BBs. Especially with the 15 inch shell nerfs

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The only one thst would be differet enois the J but AAM3 is only slightly better then 9M and not a massive difference

Yes, but gaijin doesn’t care

LMAO ok so the M11228s at 10.0 get better thermals AND M900, the 2S25M gets top tier round at 10.0 but the AGS gets a 0.7 BR increase(effectively putting it into a constant uptier to top tier) because of a 20 mm extra pen? Come on…
AGS has gen 1 thermals and a 10.3 round, fighting top tier? Thats bullshit.
Give it M900 at least or keep it at 10.3, with or without M833


Wouldn’t it be better to increase vertical targeting speed on the main gun instead of giving it 3BM60?
Personally I think that 3BM46 is a very good round for its BR. I think that the thing that hampers the 2S25M performance is the slow acceleration (especially uphill) because enemy MBT’s are often before me in key positions and the poor performance of vertical stabilization which makes fighting in close combat often very difficult.
In conclusion I think that making one of those things better would be less invasive on the tank and would make it a lot more fun because of possibility of agressive plays and rewarding good marksmanship instead of relying on very strong round which would propably increase this tank BR in the future.

gaijin. before putting the AGS at 11.0 FIX IT FIRST!. give it it’s Ammo Replenisher,Spall Liner AND A BETTER ROUND LIKE M900


The Italian f104 g should go down to 10.3 as well it has less missles then the other f104’s I belive that would make it better for the Italian grind. I just recently unlocked it and it’s rough getting up tired in it to 11.7 or so at its current BR of 10.7. This is a change I’d like to see!

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Response to new changes and reaffirming suggestions from the original version:

All commentary is for RB.

(CN) F-104G
10.7 → 10.3
While it may be less effective compared to other versions, the F-104 family as a whole seems to be consistently getting downtiers due to poor weapons or defensive abilities. However, this is another example of the ongoing issue of BR compression, as the flight performance of the F-104s generally make them untouchable (especially the early models).

M48 Reload buff
8 rpm → 9 rpm
This is fine, as it brings the tank in-line with other M48/M60 style tanks, most of which also fire at 9 rpm. However, this brings me to my next point:

12 rpm → 9 rpm
There is absolutely no reason for this vehicle to have a 5 second reload when literally all other M48/M60 tanks with 90mm and 105mm guns have a 6.67 second reload. The turret layout is nearly identical to a vehicle like a Magach 3 or M 48 A2 G A2, both of which are also re-gunned M48s turrets.

B-26C (France)
4.7 → 4.3
It is identical to the American version, which is moving down this update.

T-55AM-1, T-55AMD-1
8.7 → 9.0
These vehicles are very similar to the ZTZ88B and A and should be considered a contemporary of the Leopard 1 A1 or Type 69-IIG, not to mention the gun-launched missile capability. Many vehicles at 8.0 and even some 8.3 vehicles struggle significantly to fight them, as their additional armor and APS can make them extremely tough to kill. It also is another example of why the previous decompression changes need to be considered again.

M113A1 (TOW) (CN)
Rank V → Rank VI
It should be placed at Rank VI, similar to the Italian and Israeli versions, and put in a folder with the CM25.

I will also reemphasize the fact that 2 major rounds of decompression for tanks have been more or less erased. The April 2023 BR changes, which moved most 9.7+ tanks up one BR, was undone by the August 2023 changes, which did the exact same for most 8.0+ tanks. Now, tanks that used to be at 8.7 and 9.7 are now at 9.0 and 10.0, which means only a small handful of vehicles actually saw any benefit from these changes. Those changes made in August were also somewhat undone by October 2023’s changes, which moved several 5.7+ vehicles up, although not too many vehicles from the 7.0-8.0 itself moved. However, this just created additional compression, particularly within the 6.0-7.3 region. After all the shuffles of the last year or so, the only lasting benefits of these decompression updates has been to a handful of 4.7-5.7 vehicles and a few 7.7-8.3 vehicles.

Battle ratings in Ground (and Air, too) need to be expanded farther few of the long-term issues have actually been corrected.


The amalgamation of stats used to determine the BR of vehicles is trash, and needs to be changed.