Barrel damage adds insult to injury for heavy armor

German mains when they get barreled and tracked by a Sherman


Shermans are weak against german tanks
This tactic is just like a weasel trying to survive

and the german mains want to take away this. Destroying the barrels of Heavily armoured tanks is the only way for 75mm shermans to destroy them.


Well it better be just removed from ab
Let it be in rb

I dont see any reason to remove it from AB. Removing certain features from AB would make it same as WoT.
They should remove CAS from AB instead.

Thats what is happening here 👇

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That is yet another nail in the coffin for bigger cannons it doesn’t need.

Just being real

It just creates more imbalance and downsides without upsides.

Then just leave it as is, there are bigger issue’s

Have a slice of cake

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Nope, historically accurate and makes any tank have some kind of viability even in the most extreme uptier. Your in a heavy tank and getting circled by a light tank, you messed up. There are ways to reduce the chance of barrel damage.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Honestly, I didn’t think about that possibility to solve things.

For anyone wondering, my irritation against barrel damage is universal, regardless of which nation’s tanks I’m playing. But it was especially brutal in the IS-3, IS-4M, Object 268, T32, T32E1, T95, Tortoise, etc. It’s less bad for things like KTs of all flavors in my experience, but still a big nuisance.

A single instance of a Pershing putting a round down the barrel of a Tiger 1 happened in reality by sheer accident. Yet ingame it seems like THE weakspot anyone goes for if they can’t carelessly frontally pen what they encountered. It basically means that your “heavy” tank or TD effectively has no armor because even with all that deadweight you still cannot survive the first engagement with your ability to shoot intact.

I have no problem when people shoot through the barrel from the side. If I stick it around a corner and someone takes advantage of that, that’s my own fault. But when I’m aiming at someone its literally not possible for me NOT to hide the barrel tip or muzzle brake.

I mean, if you want to counter heavy armor, you should bring a derp cannon SPG to send their turret to the moon. Like using a Dicker Max or Sturer Emil to counter a Churchill VII nobody can crack.

If you end up in front of a heavy tank in a machine which cannot pen the actual armor of the heavy tank, you made a critical mistake and deserve to he sent to the hangar for it. Why should I in my heavy which throws away everything for armor still lose because you hit my barrel tip when my turret traverse is far slower than yours, your reload is faster, and my larger weapon caliber means a more obnoxious target for barrel-knocking? Your light or medium had all the mobility advantages you need and failed to use them.

Like I ended up flanking light tanks at 12kph in the T95 because of barrel damage rendering my “armor” little more than delaying the inevitable death.

It is Your own fault if You allow enemy to shoot at Your barrel


Okay, no factor. You just go back behind cover

It doesn’t you are behind cover, but let’s say it does for the sake of argument.

Your team pops him, when he tries it. That sounds like positioning issue on your part.

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historically accurate

Here’s some historic footage from the Soviets in Poland

Your in a heavy tank and getting circled by a light tank, you messed up

Yeah, a faster small tank circling your bigger slower tank, clearly a skill issue, should have sideclimbed.


You know, being aware of surroundings is part of a skill.

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Yeah, I’ll just vanish into thin air when I hear someone coming.

In the scenario images above, yes it is.
Wedge yourself next to the wall as the KV-1 and they can nolonger circle you.

And occasionally i dont see the issue of a very inferior vehicle managing to craft a sitation where it will win.

Edit: and its “historically accurate”. Many many vehicles have lost against vastly inferior weapons. Like recently when a T-90M very much lost against 2 M2A2 ODS Bradleys


They won’t circle you yet nothing else changes.