BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Ok? And this was just added with the dev update, don’t really get your point?

I mean it was almost pointless asking him <:-(

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Public ticket about the T.10 having a T.12 skin that doesn’t match the model
I guess comments/votes can be used to indicate whether users would prefer the two-tone green or two-tone grey camo

Also Smin has confirmed it will have Phimat (chaff only, takes up one pylon) rather than BOL

Use of Phimat instead of BOL tends towards early 90s Harriers (green era)


It should have the BOL,this number of the harrier has lots of photo ,some of them have the BOL,also have the training missle.

To be clear, there is no dispute on the BOL capabilities of the T.10, this is a balance choice made by the developers.


balancing decision?

Su-39 has 192 CMs + IRCM + R-73 at 11.3
A-10C has 480 CMs + All-aspect MAWS + Aim-9Ms at 11.7
AV-8B(NA) has 180 CMs at 11.7 (and is the same airframe)

But Harrier T.10 is OP with 60 CMs + 320 BOL at the same BR?


Very strong argument for making it green if it only has Phimat. Think BOL came to the GR.7 ~1995 after using Phimat on Op Warden in 1993

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Yeah… This is a deal breaker for me I think. 11.0 or 2x BOL I mgiht consider it, but with all the IR issues the Harriers have… I dont think the T10 will be even remotely playable at 11.3 with no BOL


why not both!

If they limited 2x BOL to the main A2A pylons and the phimat to one of thsoe 2 pylons as well. You could then choose between 2-4 Aim-9L + 2x BOL or 1-3 Aim-9L + 1x BOL + 1x Phimat. I can see the use case for that and it would be perfectly balanced for the BR

Anyone know why I can type on some threads but not others right now and gives me an error code about ‘play a match in game to be able to respond to this post’?

Game servers are dying and I think the forum authentication to make sure you’ve played is bugging out. Wouldnt let me post at all until I logged into the game

Decided to give this a try, please vote

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Well that’s the weird thing; some threads work but others don’t.

Someone must have stepped on the snail

Don’t know, maybe so.

can we get phimat on other harriers now aswell? (gr3 my beloved)

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T.10 Cockpit;

Over the shoulder;


mmm It’s a shame you can’t hop into the rear seat, would be cool.