BAe Harrier II (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Green camo is planned for secondary currently.


Only thing I will wear on mine.

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Hopefully then the standard one will be swapped for the older two-tone strike/attack camo used 1997-2008, instead of the T.12’s single Medium Sea Grey camo

^^though I will contest that the IRL side/lower was Dark Camouflage Grey BS381C:629 instead of Medium Sea Grey BS381C:637^^
vs what’s currently applied:


Why is the T.10 not getting BOL? Even if it comes only on the AAM pylons but we need BOL, 60 flares is not enough for 11.3

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This was a balancing decision by the developers. It will come with Phimat. So you can have 60 flares + 216 Chaff.

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Large chaff too.


Is part of due to the MAW? I can understand if that is the case because its counterparts have more countermeasures but no MAW

MAW and its RWR combo yes.

Ok, I understand now. Thank you

do you know how the pod is mounted? i assume its centerline like the GR.3 retrofit

GR.3 using Philmat


still doesnt help the T.10 IR issues and the fact people are going to want to use a plane in the plane gamemode (same br as the MUCH BETTER AV8B(NA))


It’s on the outer pylon of the port-side wing

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YAY i love artificially gimping my aircrafts air to air capabilities so i can defend against the enemy!!!

Thank you

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From the GR7 manual;


Except Phimat replaces a 9L. and the main threat for the Harrier, Especially with its MASSIVE IR signature issues, which are getting worse this major update., at that BR, Are from IR missiles, not SARH or ARH weapons. On the FRS1 I usually run mostly flares anyway. (perticularly in SB where I can avoid the main SARH threats by picking the right bracket)

So if I want a decent loadout of Chaff, I have to sacrifice an A2A/A2G hardpoint, which is only going to be occasionally useful. Given the AV-8B(NA) at the same BR has both a better engine and triple the CM count. This “balancing decision” is rather stupid.

From an Air main perspective. This decision without a BR reduction to 11.0, has more than likely killed the deal and you’ve lost at least one sale by this decision. I doubt I will be alone.


The MAW also does work properly anyway

Yeah, but with only 60 flares and no ability to control MAWS release patterns, that is 1 or 2 threats at most. I think Id rather take Radar + IFF + EEGS of the FRS1 at 11.0 than I would the PD MAWS at 11.3


Does the MAW even use PD? I thought it was still a C&P of the F111’s MAW

It should have been fixed this major update, or at the very least bodged to wrok correctly, At least that is my understanding

No its all new on the dev server, the RWR also now helps the MAW ID the missile if its IR/SARH/ARH/SALCOS etc

Did the T.10 ever use TERMA?