Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The GR5 never had a TGP, T.10 has the full GR.7 combat suit

Looks like it, it has the same MAW as the GR.7 which should mean that it gets sensor fusion.

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Thst’s nice then, would negate a little bit of the lack of BOL but still, i see no reason that the pods are even being left off

Its currently 11.7 in ground RB

less air to ground kit
less countermesures
worse flight performance (its heavier AND slower)
and its not even getting its correct BOL kit

Look at this lol.

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It will have even more than the AV-8B NA as it will have Phimat with an additional 216 chaff + 60 internal.


The Vector indicator does not function.

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Yeah just testing it in the dev server and it does get sensor fusion. Just wish the MAW’s wouldn’t just drop all the flares for 1 missile. Even with Phimat and taking 60 flares it doesn’t seem worth it to keep the MAW’s on. It needs BOL honestly and just adding Phimat and call it “Balancing” feels like a cop out.


if you gave it BOL, its actually a home run swing as a premium in the same role as the AV8B NA

Trade flight performance and less weaponry for a better electronics suite of MAW and 700 countermesures

I dont see how it having BOL is causing a problem, especially since the harriers engines are incorrectly modeled (front thrust points are cold air IRL, but act as hot air ingame)

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Bit cheeky that you can’t allocate between flare and chaff due to the Phimat, yknow a problem fixed by adding just a couple of BOL rails… =D

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But still 60 flares on an aircraft that you will struggle to flare a R-60 with because of the broken IR signature. Also with the worse FM and performance even with Phimat’s 216 chaff it doesn’t make it equal to the AV-8B(NA)


Eh, Smin I love ya, but the Harriers always need more IR than chaff countermeasures, + correct me if I’m wrong phimat mounts on the outer pylon so you’d have to give up ordnance for the addition chaff.


Never try to please brit mains. Thats the lesson here.


Not bad attack aircraft premium, and no problem without BOL dispenser

But sadly no AIM-9M

After USS Alaska ?

Gajin decompression max BR to 7.3 for Bluewater fleet next quarter or third quarter this year ?

you know, the british fixed this problem by adding these rails that go between the hardpoint and the missile…

i happen to have photos of the T.10 using them as well…



For a pre-order this looks underwhelming, and that’s coming from someone who genuinely wants to buy it, and I typically never do pre-orders.

A nice title and camo might make up for this but I won’t be playing it much outside of my top tier ground lineup without BOL, especially given the IR sig combined with obnoxious amount of irccm/all aspect spam at 11.3


and will i have to replace a missile to equip this pod?

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The issue isn’t the aircraft they chose, it’s the neglecting of key features that keep a subsonic like that competitive against supersonic Fox-1 slingers at the BR (being CM count), besides it is worse in every way than every other harrier 2 so shouldn’t be regarded as a competitor to the Av-8B na

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On the Harrier subject is their any plans to further Buff the First gen Harriers and fix the way the flap deployment works? As well as increasing AOA limit in virtual instructor to a useable limit.

This is critical in the Sea Harrier whose primary role is a fighter aircraft. Even in the Shars HUD the AOA symbology goes all the way to 20 degrees AOA not 16. The flap deployment was instrumental as well as it allowed more G to be pulled and Higher AOA to be sustained before buffet occurred.

The Wing is fitted with 2 sets of dogtooth extensions and loads of vortex generators and it was known for having really good High ADD and heavy buffet handling.

AV8B NA (180cm, 10840kgf, combat attacker version)
T.10 (60cm, 9940kgf, trainer combat version)
Same BR for airRB and groundRB
No JDAM either if thats you plan for SimRB