Attackers in air RB now is pure suffering

There are a few problems about flying attackers in air RB :

    1. Attackers or bombers focus on ground attacks, but in RB mode, they’re often at a disadvantage. Their slower speed makes it hard for them to counter attackers or defend themselves (especially those without HMD), and faster fighters can easily take them down, making them feel less relevant in PvP air combat.
    1. Spawn points are usually farther away from the battlefield, and attackers have slower speeds, before they even reach the battlefield, they are often shot down by enemy aircraft or Fox-3 missiles. This puts attackers at a severe disadvantage, as they are often engaged before they can perform their intended ground attack role, further limiting their impact on the match. Additionally, being easily died, the time it takes to reach the battlefield in a new game is lengthy, increasing player fatigue.

Solutions that may be able to solve the problems :

    1. A mode specifically designed for attackers or bombers could focus on larger-scale ground attack missions, where these planes have clearer objectives and less vulnerability to faster fighters, this would emphasize strategic bombing or ground strikes.
    1. Adjusting the spawn points of attackers further forward could be a potential solution to help them reach the battlefield faster and begin their missions more effectively. It would allow attackers to strike ground targets in a more timely manner, increasing their presence and impact in the battle.

Such an adjustment could make attackers more competitive and improve overall battlefield balance, as they would be better able to fulfill their roles without losing their strategic value due to late arrival.

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What is needed is this:


Realistic mode EC when? (it would be fun for fighters too)

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