ASEAN Founders Aviation Sub-Tree

As expected (and originally suggested):

AV-8S (Late) with 4x AIM-9L


Hey all. I’m guessing I may be a bit off here but the A-7E (USN and RTAF) should be getting mavericks (2x 65F/G) and AIM-9L. Far as I know it never had 9Gs in Thai service as Thailand never got them. ( And the US one, in the current config, was used used even in '91 with up to AIM-9M!)
It would be another irrelevant plane for air RB as it currently stands ( and it really is in the US tree too) and wouldn’t be a hugely good one in GRB either. The matchmaker around it has changed way too much for it to have a good fighting chance.
Community Bug Reporting System ( this one’s been closed but id beg the devs to reconsider)
Thx for the attention ))))


It might researchable vehicle if T-50TH (P3) for premium tree (pack or GE)

Very good attack aircraft top tier for japan, maybe

Battle rating same USA F-16A Blk 10 but better airframe and Air-to-Ground armament

The ultimate thailand F-16, located between F-16A

But lack Lizard III LGB and KGGB

Battle rating 13.7 minimum, or 14.0 max

Derby and Litening III pod capabilities, but I never saw RTAF access.

so limited infrared Air-to-Air Missile only and no targeting pod. But armed KGGB ?

F-16 C/D block 25 were upgraded to be equal a block 50/52

But I don’t know radar

Great light multirole fighter top tier in the future


quoted to have an AN/APG-68 V(9) PD radar


Hello, my suggestions for the AJI T610 ‘Cali’ Super Pinto has just been approved for posting. Please do check it out!


ASEAN Founders Ground Sub-Tree Suggestion is finally here:


Yes! Of course
For Japan sub TT


quite a late one but R2Y2 is going to be remove from JP tech tree on April 30th, could this mean for making room for more ASEAN Founders members (on air side)?

Yep, means one line is open starting at rank 4.

Seems quite perfect for an Indonesian line if we want to go by the two subtree dynamic other nations go so far. That would also be the first (maybe second if you count BeNeLux) time that the two subtrees get dedicated lines.


Recent News; FA-50M Block 20M are taking final shape - delievies to take action in 2026.


(Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Chief General Tan Sri Mohd Asghar Goriman Khan’s visit to Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) was his participation in a test flight aboard a KAI-owned FA-50 fighter jet alongside a test pilot)


(RMAF Chief visited Hanwha Aerospace and Korea Aviation Engineering & Maintenance Services (KAEMS))


What upgrades does that version have over previous ones?

PhantomStrike AESA radar, able to sling AMRAAM, one of the first to include refueling probe (won’t matter in game but it’s something)

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I posted that a couple of days ago, I hope gaijin brings in Indonesia imo it’s the best option to couple with Japan and Thailand’s current hardware and options for the future, unfortunately I posted on the ground thread lol


rather this than just the thai tech tree for japan, adds in some massive gap fillers


Best case scenario a nation mix just like Benelux or rather Bene since Luxembourg is only moral support lol, but multi nation subtrees are already a thing so why not, to me adding Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines as yet another mix would make it the most complete it could ever be, but if I have to pick just 1 more it’s definitely Indonesia


Just a friendly reminder. We Thailand Ya just bought Gripen E/F with some Meteor missile
Tu tu tu tut tuu Hallo You order ASEAN air force? Fuiya it meta outside and You got every thing everyy thinggg


Gripen E does sound nice. Sadly it will only be delivered in 2029, so it can’t be added any sooner than that.


I realize getting five might be too much, so personally I would choose Indonesia and Singapore, maybe Malaysia if we could get lucky. We’d get the F-18 and MKM as well :)))


Yeah I would be happy with Indonesia + Singapore or alternatively Indonesia + Malaysia, it would definitely be enough, and to be clear I meant the other nations as just a vehicle here or there perhaps even as event vehicles, not every single vehicle of said country as that would be pretty much impossible


yea while it looks like would be Indonesian only subtree line but a little in me think it could be Malindo subtree line just for the combo and vibe, despite indonesia has more offerings for every rank from 4 till 8 which:

  • rank 4 P-51D/K and Ki-61
  • rank 5 MiG-17+CA-27 and MiG-19+MiG-21F-13
  • rank 6 A-4E and Hawk 53/100
  • rank 7 F-5E and Hawk 200 (AIM-9P)
  • rank 8 F-16A OCU (12.3 without AIM-7 (and with AIM-9P-4(or P-5?)) unless going for eMLU with AIM-120(though the Thai one is just as similar as it)) and Su-30MK2

may be packed if Malaysia being part of the line, which Malaysian air collections starts at rank 5 since ours don’t have prop fighters ever since Malaya federation period (1957-1963) until getting CL-41G in 1967 which is 4 years after new federation of Malaysia formed. which in the case would be:

  • rank 5 CL-41G and CA-27
  • rank 6 A-4PTM and Hawk 100
  • rank 7 F-5E and Hawk 200 (AIM-9L/M)
  • rank 8 MiG-29N (or pre-2000’s A?) and F/A-18D, mixed opinion on Su-30MKM as it either in tech tree or event/squad plus the debate ongoing earlier, still no idea if FA-50M should be in or not (guess not)

(also ignoring the MB-339 since it was never used as attack aircraft, as the role was taken by A-4PTM and later BAe Hawks)

so yeah both are crowded to be in combined subtree line unless messing up rank 6 and 7 since both have near identical jets going on (just minor detail changes like the F-5E tail on both nations), rank 8 may able to be foldered by BR of each jets(?), rank 5 still a challenge (or CL-41G could be event or battle pass like the Strikemaster(?)(would be pain if it’s the latter but can’t do much anyways))

meanwhile, I could see Philippines could be combined with Singapore since there’s not much going on later rank for Philippines, and Singapore could fill in rank 7 and 8 (still have mixes in 5(unless indonesian bombers do fill in those) and 6?)