AIM-120C8 is a recent purchase, Python 4 has never been publicly known due to massive OPSEC reasons, and it will very likely stay that way.
This is the issue with Singapore equipment in general, just like Israeli OPSEC, we are extremely tight lipped on many things because there’s no real reason to show our absolute best to the neighbours around us.
Gaijin uses photos as a primary source, if there is no photo of the aircraft carrying a specific weapon then it is not added, since there is no evidence to prove it regardless of whether it is in the air force inventory or not.
I’m not disagreeing, I’m literally just putting out reasons as to why researching on SG equipment (and Israeli as well) is much harder than most nations because of said OPSEC.
Take for example the unknown data of the AMX-13 SM-1, its claimed to have an upgraded power pack, a stabilised turret and shoots 75mm sabot, neither of which we can prove.
Or the “Tempest” MBT, which is a refurbished Centurion Mk.5/7 of sort with an L7 gun and a new power pack as well, problem is there is literally 0 evidence of its existence and the only photo that exists isn’t proof either because there’s no obvious marking that it belonged to the Singapore Army, and till this day it is still being denied of its existence.
+1 I want it now and if I don’t get it now i’m gonna start crying cope and seeth, Because jap tree is lacking LIME UP and some GOOFY vehicle ikr is gonna take YEARS for this to become real and come to think of it Gaijin hate fake tank and paper airplane and Japanese tech tree is start to running out of content and this ASEAN sub tree gonna save this miserable (My Beloved Child btw) tech tree and WE japan main will wait we will wait for this to save our beloved tech tree
This is my biggest concern. The vast majority of information about their domestic vehicles is from secondary sources / speculation. What little figures they do give, they’re very often clearly exaggerated.
Gaijin could still add a lot of them, there’s often very clear design links to other known vehicles, and a lot of the time visual analysis is enough to get a 90%+ accurate understanding of them.
But if they do something wrong? I can certainly try and make detailed breakdowns of why something might be wrong (let’s say weight, or ATGM type, or engine model, or vehicle name) but there aren’t really any primary sources to back that up.
My guess it wont be a sub tree anymore as i think they want Thailand as the main sub for Japan…instead it might be similar to the U.K tree where we might see individual additions when needed or just to give more to the tree… this includes events as well.
To be fair Britain had India added as official subtree, even if it’s mostly premium so far. Italy had Romania too. With Japan having more space left, I think there is even more potential for techtree additions here, especially for air where they could even add another line like the Thai one.
My guess would be Indonesia, since that has been a pretty well accepted option so far, with Singapore and Malaysia probably being stuck in limbo for another while.
I will add that with the removal of the R2Y2s from their respective line, said line will only have vehicles up to rank 3 and become the shortest branch in Japan, I can only hope that in this situation gaijin sees fit to bring another subtree eventually to the line, I’d say Indonesia sounds like the perfect candidate specially considering their recent acquisitions for the future which include the Rafale F4 and F-15EX, as well as the KF-21, gaijin could also add some of their MiGs if required but I’d say they could probably steer clear of soviet aircraft and add the western ones for the most part
Apparently, we’ve reaons to assume that Thailand may got their hands on the K1A1 at some point - In fact there is an official Document with technical information for a tank designated K1A1-TH.
No details can be shared in case someone asks for it.
However, there is a chance to suggest Thai F/A-18C/D Hornets, stay tuned for more.
A photo inside the museum shows another Sherman, with this one having what appears to be a riveted mantlet, and with a smaller cannon of possibly 37 or 47mm caliber.
We also have some interesting portees which, as evidenced by the sign, were constructed by the EME (Malaysian Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers) across multiple different “Eras”.
From top to bottom we have, as best as I can make out:
Nissan Patrol 160 series with 125hp P40 engine, mounting what I assume is a ZPU-2.
Dodge M37 with a “76mm mountain gun”, which seems to be this piece that I cannot ID.
Just your typical M40A1 recoilless rifle (possibly of Spanish or Pakistani construction according to Wikipedia) mounted in the rear of what I’m guessing is an M38A1 MD jeep.
T16 carrier with 20mm Hispano, also found within the museum.
Better photos of these models and their respective plaques would be much appreciated.
I’m not even sure if these are all the SPG models the museum has, so I might do some more research later since there’s bound to be more photos from tourists.