Armor problem for top tier

The national archives

dummy what is the source

What is the source the national archive holds sources

Shows a picture with decent thermal quality just using the 4x zoom and not the 11.5x zoom?

i wonder what British group who tested the M1 and Leopard 2 with Challenger 1 and has their documents in the British national archives

Lets be honest here you just don’t agree with reality

God you’re actually stupid ive been asking for the source the entire time and all you’ve done is go “its the national archive” the archive is a holder of sources WHAT IS THE SOURCE

skill issues

you know what im starting to understand why gaijin doesn’t listen to challenger 2 bug reports you’re physically incapable of saying what the source is

what do you want the document name? Mytho wont have it because it’s flames doc.


So its currently just him posting a picture with no context surrounding it got it guess ill go look for this document myself

The context is the Challengers thermals are better then the Leo 2 and M1

This is coming from a guy who has done multiple bug reports using documents from the national archives

We have provide enough to show it is gen 2 but it doesn’t fit your world view of the Challenger so why should we bother

And yet you’re physically incapable of naming a single source this is why cr2 bug reports go nowhere

one we gave you sources

Two im not giving you the names

Three the bug reports the sources are given so i don’t know what you are on about

All you’ve done is claim SPRITE is gen 2 despite is having no relation to thermal generation and use an unsourced image from the NA how is that enough proof at least name the document/soyurce you used so i can look over it

So you haven’t given a source got it, you cant have one without the other

Oh, is this the reason why it has been modelled as 2nd generation? Because of the pixel resolution? Thermals are even more erroneously modelled than I thought. By this same logic, a lot of 3rd generation TIs should be actually be ‘2nd gen’ as a pixel resolution of 800 x 600 is not too uncommon.

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