Are there any ways me feel less guilty when playing CAS in GRB

Ironic. Oh also when I actually bother with sentence structure I‘m very much capable of writing properly. I got full points in my English final.

We can also talk in German and French if you like. Except I feel like you only know how to speak English 💀

Why would You feel guilty? This is how game is and was designed, air always have the upper hand.

Just enjoy your game:

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Uhh, idk, don’t play CAS I guess, I never feel bad about CAS, because the point of the game is destroy the enemies to help your team…

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CAS is killing this game. This game is dead in 1 year! Need to raise SP cost of planes on ground and reword maps. This past year has been horrible and its only getting worse.

Exercise air combat skills, but usually do not use airplanes.
After being killed by aerial enemies, board a fighter plane to clear the sky.
Give a lesson to those who attack the ground recklessly lol.

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Not really. As long as you know how to properly go CAS, it’s all fine (unless you start a heli rush with rocket pods that is)

Personally, I usually don’t leave the ground to unlock accessories for specific vehicles. The destruction of the relevant vehicles means that my game is over, so I have to go up to the sky to end these rampant cas man.

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