Thinking about it - this topic does kind of assume that air doesn’t really belong in ground, or that ground players deserve to play in a vacuum where their main threats are absent. I think one of the best aspects of War Thunder is the combined warfare aspect of ground battles. Heck, I even want naval added to ground battles. I want to be dodging 15" BB shells in my Object 279.
I doubt 16" guns are powerful enough to pen some tanks :D
I’m always at 1.5km altitude and get to drop it 8/10 times, usually hit marker reveal their position or muzzle flash/mg bullet trail, no issues with spotting enemies with a single pass unless there were almost nobody left in the map and no one is moving or engaging. Depending on the situation, I would usually J out at the airfield and respawn in ground vehicle after dropping the first one as the second one is very prone to getting taken out by enemy CAP.
I’ve saved games flying in things like the F-5E and the SU25SM3, and I don’t feel guilt because I sold my soul to Gaijin. Honestly I’m among the few people that love both SPAA and CAS and feel like the game is a lot better with them. Nothing feels better than spending days trying to acquire and spade an aircraft in air RB just to absolutely love it for CAS. I also really like SPAA’s and keeping the skies clear as shooting down planes in low BR’s without radar is so satisfying, though I do think they need some work done in top tier specifically because I feel like there is a large lack of balance between the Aircraft and the SPAA, though the separate BR’s for air and ground did help a large bit.
how much pen does it get? as that gun is toxic as hell
No i cannot make you feel less guitly about playing CAS in GRB.
However i can recommend playing CAS in GSB, guilt free.
Empathy is incompatible with WT.
Well, at your current BR CAS is balanced and you shouldn’t feel guilty.
Its part of the game there is no reason to feel bad. I got 7 kills with one bomb once, 8 if you include friendly fire. My team mate wasnt even upset. Got a challenge for bombing done in one match. watching the replay they seen me coming back and told their team to scatter so i didnt kill everyone again, and then one of them jumped in a plane and ended my bombing career.
Gaijin encourages revenge bombing, so why shouldn’t I do some as well?
I don’t feel bad about bombing annoying campers, how could I?
Unfathomably based.
Like 8mm
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You either kill other cas planes and then get into yours to make up for it OR you develop pure hate for the game and it’s player base
ah, so the filth in su25s has more targets to shoot from outside aa range?
cope more dropout
Cope harder lol call me a dropout lol sounds like a wee little plane dropped a bomb up your rear hole and you need mommy’s help to get it out. Good luck in life with your debt for worthless paper degree hope you can pays it off before your 40 mate enjoy your time doing so and try to be happy
Pro tip learn how english words are used in either a plural or singular form before you attack others your rant about su - 25s has terrible sentence structure to be critical of others
You‘re actually a dropout? Damn now I feel bad.
Also I live in a country where uni is free :)