Are there any changes planned for air sim QOL?

Generally the main logic behind every update is like:
*Add new vehicles-check
*Improve Graphics-check
*Improve game mechanics for Arcade and Realistic modes-check
*Air-Simulation-Neee, it is perfect just leave it same since 2012 :)

Somehow no body in Gaijin can understand the potential of Air-Simulation mode. With some slight improvements-changes, this game mode can be a beast (for those who do not know, many players left this game mode in the last 3-4 years because there were almost no change and negative improvements like SL or RP gains)

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nice joke

Gaijin barely pays attention to any gamemode, and sometimes they even make them worse. For whatever reason, they tend to ignore gamemodes, and the potential they and new ones have.



RT day/rain

RT night/rain

Is it really that difficult to make runway lights to be real lights?

I’m even afraid to mention nav, taxi, landing and formation lights…

Something is not right with the lighting in the DX12 renderer.
The instrument lights are also barely visible.
DX11 solves that. And if I look at the reflections from hell, its unplayable with RT anyway…

…and there I was hoping that RT would actually solve the reflection issues. = /

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Reflections are good without rain, which seems to switch every surface to be extra reflective.

I made a suggestion recently to suggest the addition of these lights, with a bit of luck it will come out of the pending in a while

New QoL request:

Either -

  1. Remove the effect Keen vision/awareness has in air sim (normalize all players to a specific value because no way anyone expects a skill that affects MARKERs to also affect rendering of the black dots)
  2. Make it blatantly clear how and why it works.
This post is inspired by a video making it blatantly obvious planes phase out of reality while flying in a straight line while you're looking at them.

I’ve seen it happen, but I blamed my own skill issues or that the bandit did something funny to get out of my sight and I lost track.

The spoilered video shows a straight-flying plane doing that against flat, farmland-covered soil.


I made it twice on RU forum a year and a two years ago (on old forum). And both times it passed the voting and was “sent to developers”.






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Can we have such lights on airfields?

I can confirm when there’s a dog fight in the distance and the friendly “loses sight” of the enemy, the enemies black dot disappears… especially noticeable in VR.

I’ve also noticed enemies at other altitudes do not appear, which can be especially game-breaking.

Frankly that whole mechanic doesn’t belong in sim; if I can see my friendly I should be able to see the enemey near him even if he can’t see him or I can’t tell who’s who… show me the dots.


The dot situation has been a problem for like a decade now. It’s completely busted depending on your monitor, gpu, driver settings, game settings and so forth. Instead of making it easier and simplistic, diehards on this forum champion keeping it broken for “immersion”

The behavior of the SAS damping function in this game seems more like the ATT mode (autopilot) common in modern military aircraft.
I suspect that Gaijin is probably confusing SAS with an autopilot with ATT mode.
This also explains why trim doesn’t work when using SAS.

SAS: A counter rudder is inserted between the pilot’s input and the control surfaces to suppress unnecessary oscillations. It is a function of FBW and CAS.

ATT mode: The device actively controls the aircraft to maintain the attitude at that time, or overrides the pilot’s input.

There is a clear difference between the two.
In fact, many modern military aircraft have both SAS and ATT modes, but this game does not currently have this.
The Su-27 is particularly affected, and in this case, there is no normal control mode, only autopilot and Cobra mode (AoA limit release).

My suggestions on this are as follows.
・Implement SAS and autopilot (currently implemented as SAS) separately.
・Aircraft equipped with SAS via FBW or CAS will have it function by default.
・For aircraft that can be intentionally deactivated by the pilot, this will be made possible by adding a control to disable SAS. (It would be even better if roll, pitch, and yaw were separate.)


I highly doubt that this will be added.

99% of players want five-minute pew-pew in mouse cursor. There’s no need (for devs) to make complicated systems that will be used only in unpopular sim.

Sadly, I tend to agree, especially seeing how little even the Sim community bothers to employ realistic procedures.

When I watch how even sim players don’t even care about staying on the runway when taking off, or simply plop down their aircraft at high speed roughly in the area of the airfield, and consider this a landing, I don’t see that more detailed and realistic systems are even appreciated…


It wouldn’t hurt the game if there was some roleplay.

Can we please get a grace period after spawning in a plane? This is inconsequential with my ki-43, but if I spawned a plane costing 15k SL I’d actually be pretty damn miffed.

Saw a lobby that was only 17 minutes in, 4v4.


“No players left on enemy team” after I spawned in and boom, -3k sl.

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It doesn’t help that the pre-game lobby (Room List) lies about the player count.


Please see my discussion about the new POI marking function here: Feedback: Point of Interest on Tactical Map

Great addition for us Sim pilots - but maybe we can get them to improve it even more?

So please head over and discuss/support! = )


Anytime! If you do more posts like these in the future, don’t hesitate to send them my way, I’d gladly support any way I can!