Feedback: Point of Interest on Tactical Map

Hi folks

I’d like to discuss the new feature where we can directly on the map mark a Point Of Interest (POI):

This feature is very welcome, especially so for Sim pilots which since a long time struggle with the fact that one only could toggle through available mission targets / bases to get the target one wants marked, and this was only possible by aligning the HUD in the rough direction of the target and toggle through until the target was indicated on the HUD (if applicable) or a seeker/sensor.

The new marking method works very well, but there are a few aspects where I think it could be perfected:

  • Marking a point: To mark a point on the Tactical Map, one has to click the corresponding button, then click at the desired point. To mark another point one has to click the same button again two times (first to deactivate the current marker, then to activate the marking option again), and click the next POI.
    It would be much easier, if for example a right click would mark a point (as a left click on the map already places a temporary marker visible by the team, accompanied by a radio call out).

  • Visibility of POI’s marked with other methods: Right now, only points marked with this new method are indicated on the map. Targets selected by toggling through Mission Targets / Bases, or by selecting a POI / SPI using HUD or Targeting Equipment does show no marker on the map, but would make perfect sense.
    Show also points selected as Mission Targets, marked in the Hud or using Targeting Sensors on the Tactical Map.

  • Markers on MFD’s: Currently, markers applied to the Tactical Map are only visible there, not on MFD Map Displays of 3D Cockpits. All other items visible on the tactical Maps (Bases, Airfields, AI Targets, Player Targets,…) are shown also on the MFD Map Displays.
    Display POI Markers also on MFD Map Displays in the 3D Cockpit.

  • Marker Symbol: Contrary to my expectations, the marker symbol for POI’s ( square red bracket) is quite well visible on the maps where I tried it out (Afghanistan, Denmark), but especially for VR a larger and/or different style (crosshair?) of marker and different colours may be better.
    Change size/style/colour of marker or - optimally - make it configurable (similar to HUD sight crosshairs).

  • Map movement: When the map is panned manually using the new function, it stays centered on the player’s position, which makes zooming and panning, e.g. to exactly pinpoint and mark a position very difficult or nearly impossible.
    Fix position of the map when panned and / or zoomed, OR make this optional/configurable. Also, as with the marking function, other methods of controlling the function apart from having to click an icon would be better

So much for my input…

Again, the feature is really usefull and I’m very happy it gets introduced! Still, maybe it can be improved even further… = )


All this would be an awesome (and long overdue) improvement, especiaally in Sim


Can SPAA/SAM/AA, can be able to use this new ability to switch maps (ground->air) in the future or it is the case? It will be useful to help teammates who request help. To add an example, in Squadron battle you can easier cooperate between AA and Planes and see their makers.


can the radial menu control the differnet modes of it? switching between air and ground versions I mean.

Hm, good additional point! Would be nice to be able to configure a button for the mode switch…

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One thing I noticed is that the feature is not available in test drive (or at least not on the western Europe map). While not particularly important, it would be helpful to have there as well.

It would be very nice for it to be a bit more accurate

Well, i think that doesn’t work because the test drive uses a different Tactical map than the regular game modes, no idea why this is so, and makes no sense for me…

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Accuracy Isn’t a problem, I think, precision more so…

BUT: You can zoom in on the map, and thus get much more precise and accurate marking, certainly more than good enough for area targets (mission targets/bases), and for small point targets you need to fine aim anyway.

Not 100% sure, but in my tests it almost seemed that if you mark a mission target marker precisely enough, the POI will snap to the actual mission target center, just as when you 'd toggle through CCRP targets.


It was a bit harder if you zoomed in because the map moves a bit while you move but it is better than nothing

I mean since we are buffing CAS might as well add the ability to snap POI to the yellow squadron marker, or its last position.

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  1. It would be great if the map could remain stationary when zoomed in during flight. The current behavior, where it moves, makes precise target marking on the map more difficult.
  2. Is it possible to add a feature to select bombing targets in reverse order? Currently, it’s only possible to cycle through bases or airfield module numbers in increasing order.

I’ve noticed that the map does remain stationary when the POI (Point of Interest) mode is activated. I’m not sure if this was a recent update or if I might have been using it incorrectly before ;)


Ad. 2. I wish it would remain stationary whenever I manually zoomed in, not only after designating a target. This is a cool feature and it only needs few tweaks to be a true game changer - because those who know how to use map, use it constantly to check what’s around.


This feature is promising. I also wish there was a way to pan the map without clicking little buttons first.

Would be just amazing if we could:

  • pan it with right click
  • warn your team with left click (this is already how it works)
  • and mark the ground target for guided weapons with middle click.

All controls preferably customizable - if I want to press Numpad 3 when pointing on the map, I should be able to do it.

Also I would love the map not to move when I already zoomed it in (or make it optional with some reset button).

Kudos to others who shared his feedback here - hopefully this gets better and better over time.

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I noticed that the POI marker shows up now in sim, is that intended?


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Sadly, like operating the sniper pod or tv, this new map marker method falls short for players like me that operate all in VR and AirSB. Awkward to be in a 2D view.
The suggestion from some players to me was, take off the VR headset when doing CAS or Strikes.

Hell, no! I have a VR headset to be 100% sim. I am no playing WT for the sake of winning or loosing, but for the sake having some well simulated fighters and jet aircrafts and a more convenient and easy battle arena than DCS. MP in DCS is no where near WT.

Controls in WT for the HOTAS cannot be mapped as expected, are no yet precise enough and MFD / HUD are not functioning as expected.

But hey, GJ is not claiming to be a perfect F-16 or F-15 sim. Its supposed to be a fun game for everyone ;-)

I fly in VR exclusively, and also tried the new features in VR. For me it works perfectly well with the Tactical Map window: Visibility is good, screen shaking not an issue/not observed, and precisely clicking a POI very.

But yes, fixing the map when zoomed and better (configurable) controls would be appreciated.

Added new point about Map panning/Movement and controls to the list.

Maybe you could send me your control mappings. I don’t get the RDR Cursor of my Viper TQS properly finetuned to operate the RDR in all directions … Same holds true for other axis.

Hm, will not be of much use for you because I chose to use “toggle through targets” instead of the 2D radar cursor, because the latter (afaik) only allows to hard lock TWS contacts, the first option allows soft locking as well…

It’s a pity that in many regards control configuration is so restrictive in WT, and often makes no sense, like in this case:

  1. You can soft lock in TWS, but only if you use toggling as target selection method…

  2. …but if you do, targets will get soft locked automatically and can not be unlocked.


  1. You can use cursor for target selection method…

  2. …but if you do, you can not soft lock but only hard lock targets.

Other case (the most crazy one I’ve seen so far):

MCLOS controls for early ATGM’s on tanks is fixed to tank steering, and can not be configured otherwise. So it’s only possible to really use it with automatic gear, and working with keyboard. If you use manual gear and e.g. pedals and throttle controler to control tanks, it’s nearly impossible to use MCLOS ATGM’s like SS.11.