Edit due to flagging attack:
This was a personal reply to a personal message, nobody is forced to take notice.
Edit due to flagging attack:
This was a personal reply to a personal message, nobody is forced to take notice.
playing with bombers is just a waste of time and SL------------
Exactly this is the point, they are way overdue for a buff, and Snail is last to admit they made a mistake with how much they over nerfed them.
Imho you can save your energy, click on his his profile and you see he is suspended…
Edit: Flagged - boi - look for a hobby instead of spamming flags
Indeed, and they respond with flagging attacks, what a disappointment. Neither any challenge, nor imagination. (Not to mention anything interesting, edifying or constructive to add) 😑
Bravo !
And for some reason they are even worse now. Does anyone know why Snail is refusing to address this problem that an entire class of vehicles is literally unplayable?
What they really need to do is rebuff gunners. Especially in RB. Ace crews feel like a waste especially since they don’t engage up until the enemy plane is practically touching you.
Not to mention one short burst of anything over a 15mm and say bye bye wing.
Wow Scorpions I’m totally agreeing with you. Plus buff the damage model and increase the starting altitude to 20,000 ft. I never thought I would see the day you and I would ever agree - I have to go buy a lottery ticket now …
All depends how the cards line up. Disagreements are nothing to fuss over, everyone has a different personality.
But yes, bombers, heavy strike fighters, etc. (other than su25 and a10c) seem to take far too little damage. Like I used to love flying bombers years and years ago, when it took 2 fighters a good amount of time to down me. Now ?
Well, as I said before, anything bigger than a 15mm shreds the plane.
I think by far the most annoying thing is the lack luster gunners, AND the singular .50 cal round that always manages to light me on fire.
But If the roles are reversed, magically I can’t light the enemy on fire ever.
HELLLL NO on the starting altitude, especially not in AB. Damage model buffs, gunner buffs, yeah, thats fine, I agree on that, but I have enough experience fighting spaceclimbing bombers in AB to say this would make them bonkers powerful.
They already carry a heavy weight objective-wise, and I want fighters to still be able to kill them, just for it to be a bit more difficult.
I disagree with the starting altitude of what it is now at 10,000 ft; bombers are target ducks. Fine, ok say 15,000 then. But what difference does it make because entire vehicle trees of bombers are completely unplayable trash now and the Snail just won’t fix it. There has to be enough people sending in dev suggestions to the point they can’t ignore it anymore.
Maybe a minor buff in starting height wouldn’t hurt.
Ace crews feel not ace though. I feel like unless a plane kills my gunners first, they should be able to severely damage / down a plane or two first.
Which would cause more teamwork to occur on the enemy team.
Also random, but semi on topic… why is the TU4 1.0 br higher than the B-29?
They’re the same now other than aa armament, sure, a 0.3 br difference, but a the TU-4 being 8.0 should get some flares, chaff, maybe an few ZSUs being strapped to it 😂
I only level them for the sake of leveling them. As you say it’s an “act of masochistic suicide”.
Low level isn’t to bad but you are for the most part flying into the funnel of death in a bomber. I would never play them for the sake of playing or with any real investment.
In Arcade i think 500 m behind me its to near and also the autogunner dont shoot and aim very well
It has got a few ZSU’s strapped to it, whereas the B-29 only has an M16 and a few M13’s!
Well, at the rate in which .50 cal (USA)s set fire, UD much rather take those. Doesn’t justify a 1.0 br difference
You are not factoring in uptier - B-29 s/b 6.3 not 7.3 and Tu-4 6.7 because just an Me109 shreds them as is, going against a MiG-15 or an F-86 is just insane.