Are Bombers now too fragile to play?

lets look at if from the perspective of reality…

as good as you claim the bombers defenses were, WHY then did bombers still need fighter escorts???

if as you claim the bombers defenses were so good they should have had 30mm armour all round, carry one ton bombs and have the acrobatic skills of jackie chan

lol, ‘kill stealing players’
not tankers in bombers though eh? they aren’t kill stealers are they?
so very sad to be you.

I wouldn’t say they’re impossible to down but the addition of EFS and nerfs for cannons did help bombers survive a bit more than before. A lot of what you said just seems like schizo rantings tho.

The recent hit detection or shrunken hitboxes in Air AB have given bombers(and everything else for that matter) a much better “life expectancy”. I mean, yeah they still go down, and for bombers I have to admit, they were too easy to kill before, but . . . they did this back in late August/early September if I remember correctly . . . around that time. And it went on for a few weeks, then poof! . . back to “normal”, until the changed it yet again not too far back. But they have always made it really easy for us to kill stuff in the game, which is ok . . most of the time. Makes us think we’re “good” . . . lol. It just gets harder to re-learn how to play after a while . . . but that’s what we do here . … adjust, adapt . . . overcome.

Perhaps you havent played air?
Half of the time atleast two planes are fighting to get the final shot

The only flight path that negates contrails in bleeding altitude until you don’t have them anymore. Some maps don’t even allow you a chance to lose the contrails. They completely ruin the ability to be stealthy for every aircraft, not just bombers.

Yep, I was looking forward to sitting at 30k ft lobbing AMRAAMs in the FA2, but because of Contrails that is pointless to consider. You are a giant beacon the entire map can see. (in SB)

It bothers me so much because Air RB already has spotting, and I think the average player cannot spot a plane at all without the markers. It took me a while, but I will find my target long before my maxed crews spot them. This is also the reason I like ground RB now, dogfighting without markers is actually fun and stealth can be used to effectively intercept targets. I enjoy Sim in jets, but I forced 1st person and full controls just isn’t really my cup of tea. I did get full flight sim gear, but it just wasn’t worth the money to me.

Ive swapped almost entirely to ASB for Air to air combat, though I quite like the cockpit and do have the HOTAS. but you dont need markers to see anyone above 10k ft. I can usually spot them long before my radar does.

Proof that you’ve never played bomber… dropping 2x1000lb or 10x200lb bombs changes absolutely nothing when your target is a huge red circle, if your goal is to force bomber players into precision bombing then give them a specific objective e.g. a bridge, an air base with specific objectives: hangar, control tower, planes parked on the ground.



I specifically won’t fly bombers because they are too fragile. They are a waste of time in most games as you spend a good few minutes getting hight, and when you are halfway, or nearly to the enemy ground troops, you get shot down really, really easily, and the gunner is no help, he doesn’t shoot anything down.

Bombers are just not worth the effort you have to put in to grind them.

EDIT: This exact post was flagged and hidden as "“off topic”. The topic is Are Bombers now too fragile to play?.
I have not re-written anything in this post, but, can I draw your attention to my 1st sentence, “I specifically won’t fly bombers because they are too fragile.” and then why. How is it “off topic”? It is bang on topic.

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You might wan’t to check the title of this thread - and the tags…

Your last 3 posts are completely off topic - and if i see stuff like reducing payloads / bomb weights: You sound like a blind man talking about colors…


This is talking about bombers IN air gamemodes. Such as Air Arcade and Air realistic battles. NOT Ground battles. Read the tags, its for Air not ground


Actually not - your posts are priceless regarding their entertainment value.

Flagging your posts would deny others the possibility to get enlightened whilst reading them.

Edit: Flagged - imho a kind of “revenge of minions”…


I feel the same about your posts wickypoo. 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously you tend to make cogent and pithy comment. But yes this post is absolutely only about air battles and if bombers should be bufffed. Not some spoiled CAS rant.

Response to flagging attack … Reply to member only, no others forced to take notice, not off topic I am the OP.

I’m on his side, your completely off topic.

The fellow player who insisted that the B-29 was available in 1942:

…which gave me the possibility to enlighten you:

Actually i miss such statements as they allow me to use charts like this:


But as your post is rather friendly (except you mixed up my gamer name with the guy you met last weekend in your local equivalent of a Blue Oyster Bar) and i really can’t blame people for spreading fact-free opinions due to lack of actual knowledge, i can’t use it in this case.

In any case - thank you for giving me a small hint that i should adjust the time settings on my ignored list - 6 months were obviously not enough.

Have a good one!


I do agree - to a certain extend - that the core message of this thread is rather hidden and not easy to identify (plz accept my apologies) for third party readers, but the core message is imho clear:

  1. WT has a high number of very passionate forum participants with limited knowledge about the things they are talking about.
  2. There is nothing wrong with spreading fact-free opinions - this is rather the standard in most exchanges within social media

So i replied here to a very passionate player which tried to argue that a B-29 should have a lower battle rating as plane was “available” in 1942 whilst based on his pov jets were available in 1945 (see linked claim in my reply).

Such things can’t remain undisputed. Everybody with basic knowledge in aviation history is aware of the challenges of introducing advanced technologies, that’s the main reason why the USAAF needed 2 years to make the B-29 somehow operational, therefore the gap between maiden flight (1942) and operational service (1944).

The main flaw within this logic as their potential enemy above Europe would have been the Me 262 with shared the same dates regarding maiden flight (1942 with jet engines) and operational service (1944 - google Nowotny).

So out of this correction grew a kind of mockery with a imho friendly undertone - acknowledging passion for bomber game play with just different perceptions of actual aviation history.

What matters is that we both see the B-29 way too high with the current BR. I am not really upset about mockeries about my gamer tag and the fellow player gives at least indicators that he has a similar pov.

So imho - no need for an off-topic flag, nothing to see here…

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Again, always love your comments Wicky 🤣😘😍

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Oh yes now I remember thank you!😁 When I cited this fact from the Encyclopedia Britanica ( B-29 | Definition & Facts | Britannica ) that the XB-29 first flew in September 1942, you practically wet your pants like a little girl in furious anger. Is it a size thing vs. the Lancaster? Sad that I’m back on your blocked list because I do so love our across the pond back and forth wickypoo 😘 So it is then, see you again in six months my limey pal 🤣👍