Are Bombers now too fragile to play?

It is bloody fast.
Stay low and keep the power on. It outruns most.

faster than the tempest mk5 at 5.7 - in a straight line ofc.

What alot of people fail to remember or consider is energy status.

If your at 1k alt and full throttle - then a 190 or something drops down on you, your not gonna outrun it most likely.
Because the 190 already is 100% power - then his alt - potential energy - so when he dives ofc he will be faster.
Honestly if you put the mossie in a straight race with aircraft of same br - the mossie will win.
The image shows speed - i simply took off from airfield and held down throttle.
530kmh is not slow. - BF109 -G2 cant even accomplish that despite being 4.3…


If on a “phone” you need to scroll out so when clicking on your profile it actually shows the menu = logout.

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So… what are you gonna do so low? You have no potential energy, so you will have to play the entire battle low? And you may be able to outrace them to… where? Off the map?

And they don’t seem very maneuverable. Mosquitos will lose turn fights, and the majority of the players are in single-engine fighters. They were designed as high-speed bombers, or bomber hunters. The payload is not all that useful, and there never seem to be many enemy bombers. If there are any you are in a race with team-mates to get to them first.

I’m quite disappointed by them - especially as 100% of my battles are uptiered. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. So my mosquito is not outracing P47s or FW 190 A-4 or Yak3s

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I came into War Thunder about a year ago as a bomber Main, and to be honest in the early BR they are a lot of fun. I have since put in the hard yards and ground out almost every top tier jet, but I always have time to re-visit the F-105 Thunderchief.

The Thud is the last the final aircraft on the bomber tree and probably one of the best vehicles in the game. It is super fast and has no trouble operating at Mach 1 with enough dumb-bombs to level two bases. After the rubble has settled at the drop point, it can multi-role reasonably well with 4 AIM-9 missiles and over a thousand rounds of 20mm GAU. The only downsides are turning performance, it’s sheer size, and that it does not have flares (but who needs flares when you can go fast?)

As far as any other bomber goes… it sucks how far AI gunners have been nerfed. They won’t even open fire at a contact at 100m with direct line of ire sometimes. Additionally it also sucks how much explosive it takes to destroy a base, and at high levels you can no longer win by bombing the enemy airfield.

I would be grateful if my gunners weren’t constantly in a deep sleep. In addition, it is almost impossible to fight hunters properly with the controller (XBox).

Similar here, im not too sure but there is the g8n1 which had 4 prototype(all not armed with defensive guns) build but no production units ever got into service nor gotten into production when the project cancelled, also i never managed to find a picture irl of the g8n1 with any defensive guns mounted, same goes for the r2y2, ho229(not completed aircraft,unsure whether flown for testing by the americans),bv 155 b-1(unsure whether the guns were actually mounted, only found proposed gun scheme), i dont know much of others than what i wrote for now.

It’s quite simple our Gaijin forgot that in war there are objectives that the General wants taken, and any pilot who fails to obey orders, no matter how many planes he shoots down, gets court-marshaled for dereliction of duty since the the target was ignored, and his hot shot action accomplished nothing.
Gaijin would assign targets like airfields that required bombers to destroy , but the Hot Shots should have NOT won the game ignoring those same targets, even if you shot down all enemy planes. But this isn’t real life just a game.


The HO229 mock up in the US (picture) sported 2x 30mm guns (mounted).

Yeah, the enemy always destroys you before the gunners react. The range needs to be increased for sure


I really dislike the way groundstrike mode is handled. The awards for killing vehicles needs to be lowered so bombers have more influence here. Fighters already have better influence in the other modes domination and capture. Fighters would still have a decent role in groundstrike as thery can 1 shoot down bombers and 2) defend bombers from enemy fighters.

The groundstrike mode needs a big overhaul - it should not be winnable just by killing a bunch of weak vehicles.

Gaijin need to programming the bombers model better, not like paper.

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Average bomber experience

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I am playing Tier 3 and 4 bombers as my main means of getting 40,000 pts for the Summer event - sure you get shot down sometimes, but more often I’m scoring 3-5,000 points for a game.

So certainly not all of them are too fragile.

Nope - My Me264 gunners have had more kills in the last few days than I’ve lost a/c.

Gunner engagement range is like a few hundred meters at best.

I feel like playing the ME264 is a slightly biased perspective. It might be strong. But it has signficantly better turrets and armor than most equivalent heavy bombers that actually sit at higher BRs

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In RB, its 200m I think

It’s a joke really. 200 meter is nothing, and then it for some reason cannot track and fire at the same time so even with 200 meter range is only fires 56% of time? I don’t know what it does the other 43% though, if it doesn’t track or doesn’t fire.
And even then only 1 second bursts within 200 meter and only 0.56s of that is it actually leading and shooting, or something along those lines.


I think its not it only fires 56% of the time. I think its that the “primary” gun will fire within 200ms and additional guns will fire on the target 56% of the time.

But yeah, it low. I get why they did it. But should be more like 300-350m I think

In AB you engage at 750m, 300 is absolutely nothing in air.

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