Wow, again - I never said that I want planes removed. I want the air mission system replaced with the same spawn system that’s in naval - from them the balancing BR offset but in opposite way, and from there we can start seeing where the balance problems remain or not of SPAA vs CAS in ground AB. I predict it to get significantly better and less problematic, and when that happens, there’s a comparison between RB and AB and even RB may get some improvements from it.
I talked about it multiple times here on the forum, and on the old forum.
Who said I’m not considering other options? It’s just that from a perspective of a developer that would want to make the game equally fun to every one involved, most of the options laid out by others don’t make sense.
Pick up an SPAA is a “git good attitude” and that’s a not good approach if you want to keep the game alive - alienating new players is usually not a good strategy, although from what’s have been happening for some time in mobile, maybe the point is to limit the player base to just those who accept the punishment as they are most likely to convert. But as a player of this game as well, I’m trying to push for the approach that is fun and fair for everyone.
I would say most of topics/opening posts, not all. But all topic have the issue of people coming into them and doing exactly what you say. And that’s a problem. But that’ seems like a divide and conquer strategy from the point of view of developer - let them fight about it so we can’t say that there’s a majority in it.
But the developer here has the power to make a poll and ask about multiple options that people would have proposed, and if those options would be explained to the community in layman terms and the voting would only count people that are playing mostly arcade or continuously play arcade, then devs would have the answer.
Unless that happens, all there is that can be done is discussing the topic with others and trying to convince them that something can be done, maybe different than just pure tank battles, and that they could go vote for a suggestion or ask in the comments about it when they can etc. That’s all we can do as players - the developer here has unlimited power.
Of course I would like to have an actual discussion about the options and people throwing reasonable suggestions, but most of the people go straight for the axe to cut something away as the quickest solution without understanding the consequences from the side of the game being a money making machine and having to stay like that. I think I remember just one time that someone brought a valid idea in similar discussion on reddit, but it was about multiple players controlling single vehicle, and we had a valid discussion there. Apart from that, sadly every topic is like you said - people entrenching themselves in the only solution they want, the quickest ones, seemingly simple and easiest one.