Another year without MBT fixes...?

I am once again disappointed to see that the Dev Server of the last update of the year has brought no bug fixes regarding MBTs.

DOZENS of SIGNIFICANT bugs have been reported over the years, and even “acknowledged”… but it means nothing.

There just doesn’t seem to be the… motivation to finally actually address and fix these bugs.

Here’s just a very brief selection of some of the worst offenders; first, about the Challenger series- then, about the Abrams series, and then, about many other MBTs in general;

Regarding the Challenger MBTs:

1- Still missing lower front plate spall liners.
2- Still too small first-order ammo rack (back bin should be included).
3- Still too slow first-order ammo rack replenishment speed (twice as long as any other MBT).
4- Mantlet’s trunnion is still hollow (just because the shield has cavities it doesn’t mean it ought to be hollow; those cavities aren’t there to be left empty…)
5- Challenger 3 (TD)'s turret damage model is still a non-matching copy-paste of the pre-rework Challenger 2 turret even though a more appropiate model had already been ingame before being reverted the following update after having been corrected.
6- Challenger 3 (TD) is still missing 17 HP because the developers did not convert BHP to HP even though the engine power is correct on all other Challengers which have the same engine.
7- Challenger 3 (TD) is still the only Challenger family member to have a 6 second reload for no real reason at all, making it, all in all, barely a sidegrade if not a downgrade compared to other family members, even though it was suppossed to be the pinnacle of the British Ground tree.
8- The LFP add-on armor on TES and 2F still has different thicknesses and protection values across both tanks despite supposedly being the same armor; in both cases, WAY too low.

Regarding the Abrams MBTs:

1- Still missing a properly modelled volumetric turret ring.
2- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead plates’ thicknesses.
3- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead armor geometries/plates.
4- SEP and SEPv2 still missing their improved turret armor.
5- SEPv2 still unable to take off the dead weight called TUSK II (it should be an optional modification).
6- M1A1 AIM still missing its historical KE-W A2 shell even though other Abrams tanks at the exact same BR use M829A2, which is even better.
7- M1A2 SEPv2 still missing its historical M829A3 shell for no particular reason even though Gaijin officially stated that it would still be balanced (at least that new shell would make it feel like an actual upgrade in ONE aspect…)
8- Misplacement of the hydraulic pump.
9- Hydraulic pump being taken out should lead to manual targetting (slower traverses), not full turret blockage.

And just like these, many, many more issues across many MBTs.

-Type 10/TKXs still having their steering utterly broken (pulling too abruptly and losing all speed).
-Type 10/TKXs still missing acceleration (should accelerate faster, NOT slower, than Type 90).
-All of the Chinese Top Tier MBTs still missing their spall liners.
-Leclercs still missing at least 50% of their protection on the upper front plate.
-Leclercs still missing their floor fuel tank bulkhead plates, which should make the fuel tanks external.
-Leclercs still accelerating slower than other MBTs despite being significantly lighter, also missing the further additional acceleration they should have due to the nature of their powerplants.
-Don’t even let me get started on the misery of the armor (or lack of thereof) on the Merkava Mk.4s and Namers.
-Leopard 2A7V/HU still having worse armor than an early 1990s Leopard 2A5 prototype (it’s not even up to the Swedish test results’ standards) and than the 20 year older Strv 122s.
-Merkava Mk.4’s whole existence is a joke.

And a very, very, very, very long etc… as an MBT enthusiast, this is desperating. It feels like they just don’t care one bit.

Worst of all is- this is a FULL year after the Rank VIII they made such a big deal of was released, and only ONE MBT has been added during this whole year’s timespan. You would think at least they would have spent time fixing the ones already ingame, but… not the case.

And just in case- as you can see, I am talking about actually serious bugs and fixes; not inconsequential ones like changes in the names or ammo counts of coaxial machine guns or smoke grenade calibers.


Top Tier is just a lobotomy zone atp.


fix the problem with MBTs? nah that would take too long
make more copy and paste and p2w packs? no problem at all
I guess we all have to be patient… keep waiting in the darkness


I see you did not even bother to mention the Ariete’s UFP and its magical air armour, at this point it’s a joke that is no longer funny.

Quite disappointed here as well. I submitted a few reports on my end as well, only a couple were actually implemented (Magach 7C side skirts and Merkava 3 BAZ CPS not being stabilised). They keep pushing for top tier but it feels and plays like it is still in beta stage.


Agreed. At this point in time. Id quite happily not take a single new ground addition in 2025 if every single update fixed multiple critical bug reports for the high tier MBTs instead. This is getting rediculous.

With the introduction of the Typhoon. the most valuable thing Britain can do at top tier, is scout their way into the Typhoon and just play that instead. Almost no point bringing a Challenger 2 on most maps.


Well. I’m just grinding british for the 10.0 lineups and higher only to see if the Black Nights APS can actually intercept 3 Top Tier darts in a row like i’ve seen in a (hunter i think) video. But Psssst dont alarm the snail here.

If thats true ill just run into the open match after match laughing my ass off having 4 “get out of jail free” passes

dont forget the Leopard 2 DM Rework they told us we are getting… )))


I’ve never had APS intercept a single dart.

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damn maybe its already patched out. no need to grind further then, my gb tree is finished

its not patched out, had it just yesterday when the APS denied my DM53

Praise the looooord, i’m back in :-)

Oh, yeah, sometimes I forget about Ariete’s existence, hahah.

That being said, the 80mm of air changing to 80mm of composite wouldn’t really change anything at all.

Ariete’s only hope is its turret; as far as I know, it should be around 470mm KE and 590mm KE with WAR kit, which would make it strong enough to withstand 3BM42 and 3BM60 respectively. Additionally, all of the Arietes should get WAR as an available modification.

To continue your emotional roller coaster, I second what @Morvran said. I’ve never once witnessed the APS save my BN from a dart lol.

It was shortly after playing BN that I outright abandoned the British TT. Chally 2’s are just utter misery in WT. Worse than everything else in just about every meaningful way.

Stopping at 10.3 is probably the smart move. Above that is only pain.

I think… the dart has to be traveling fairly slowly. So it only has a chance of damaging the dart when the dart is fired at long range. I think

i don’t wanna derail the thread any further, but its in his 5 days old tornado vid right at the beginning (not sure if youtube links here are allowed or possible). it was long range and he was something between hull down and tank down position so maybe that played a role that it was aimed at his turret front. still weird af.

I think it’s the reaction time which is the issue. Has to be fired from far enough away that so that the dart takes longer to impact than that timer. (Not ingame so can’t check what it is, but should be simple enough to math what that minimum distance is for each dart based on m/s)

Just WT’s map pool is like 80%+ CQB slug fests, so you’re hardly ever at the kind of distances for it to actually be useful lol.

Even when it does ‘intercept’, it seems like it doesn’t actually stop it so much as just weaken it, but with Chally’s butter armour it still finds a way through anyway.

(But yes, sorry OP for slightly derailing, I fully agree with the take btw)


the BN only intercepts at longer ranges

The addition of composite could help with the random autocannon dart going through.

If they have no problem removing and decreasing specs (engine power, optics magnification, steel thickness etc.) then they should also ameliorate those characteristics that have been proven to be there.

Regarding WAR, yes indeed it should be greatly improved. I am just not sure that the base PSO can mount it, with the AMV/C2 Ariete they modified the side modules of the PSO turret armour so that WAR could fit when both kit are installed.

Uses a different gun and ammo layout, Technically a rear bustle and single piece ammo should be faster than the CR2s three piece ammunition just from ergonomics.

Top tier MBTs are a mess, they always will be with how patchy legitimate information is but it shouldn’t be this poor.

Welcome to slop thunder. No we wont actually fix anything or fundamentally change the game. We will instead add one identical tonk to 7 trees so you can enjoy it seven times as much. Decompression? Dont be silly, muh queue times might be 3 seconds longer. Just play the newest power creep til next update. Btw we will be adding the premium F-35 for 100 dollars soon, don’t miss out!