Another Brake of the game R-77 vs AIM-120 most failer update. Blalance missing

womp womp

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I grinded the Mods on AV-8B myself. Don’t have a negative KD unlike you despite playing it in ground RB as well, thus i have 33 ground kills as well. I just buy talisman for faster grinding.

so you play like half the games I had to using only 9Ls, that’s stupid
I only played a handful of games after getting 120s, 90% of my games in it are with 2 9Ls only, pretty stupid way to cope
maybe you can hope Russia gets something better in the future instead of taking your anger out on me :)

You are coping, cuz of your lack of talisman lol

and you are whinging because muh Russia suffers :(((((
why would I waste 3k gold buying a tali for a tree that I have already researched every single vehicle in

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It is also VERY important to remember that last patch, and the ones before it, were Fox-2 metas because the game had strong multipathing that was defanging ALL radar guided weapons. It is what prevented any SARH missile, even the objectively best in class 27ER, from being meta in that environment.

The amount of “Russian bias” revisionism taking is astounding. People are just blatantly ignoring the elephants in the room like how sim battles were consistently imbalanced to the point of 2:3 red team vs blue, or how the “overpowered R-27ER spamming Su-27” was completely ignored by the competitive community during the e-sports ready twitch tournaments. Does anyone seriously think Russia was overpowered, but not attracting the masses? That players seriously competing in competition for prizes are just going to ignore the “overpowered” choices? At this point claims of russian bias are like religous dogma that must be accepted without proof.


i am not whining, i am simply stating facts unlike your garbage non existant arguments.

I have stated reasons, all you do is shittalk like a 10 year old kid, without any real statements.

Tell me 2 advantages SU-27SM has over F-15C. But they must be real advantages, not niche small things that will be useful 1/20 matches, like muh r-73 can turn but no dogfight happens ever.

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and here you are wasting your time responding
why would I bother, I know the Su-27SM is a shit plane, I’m not here to argue that Russia is good I just think it’s funny the planes are bad after being overhyped

Then if you are not going to add anything useful or make actual statements go play the game or something, instead of spamming useless things about muh russia suffers actin like a provocateur trying to get threads shut down

If you are gonna say SU-27 is great say its great by backing it up, or say its garbage and tell why its garbage, thats it

I am not playing the game because I’m waiting for stock ARH on the F-4F ICE and Su27SM before I bother spading them it’s that simple

The 2nd US keyboard battalion is here in another Russian missile thread, go cope somewhere else for once lol. The R-77 is a** and the AIM-120 is the best Fox 3 missile in-game at the moment.


why is lil bro telling me something I already know?

Skill Issue, as you yourself used to say sometimes before in the previous meta to US Mains/anyone complaining about the R-27ER.

Now that was revisionism, there’s dozens of videos from even Russian leaning content creators (such as MatAWG, Silent, Migthunder and so on) confirming the functional superiority of the R-27ER even with multipath being applied at 100m.

niche problem, most of sim players live in this forums, and how much users this forum have in average a day, like 400 at most? ARB is way more popular. And even AAB is having a comeback after tough times compared to ASB.

E-sports maps are close quarters maps with lots of height, with no more than 20km from airfield to airfield. The Su-27 definately struggles in that competitive layout, but give the competitive scene a clasic ARB game and i’ll bet that the plane will be played at least a couple of times, as the R-27ER is still a decent tool for supression. The best close-quarter airframes were the F-16s, Mirage 2000/4000, and the Gripen. Stop using the competitive scene as a mirror to the expected meta, as it is a terribly convenient evaluation of how things work.

Keep trying to fool people here, like you always tend do to in this forum, in the end you just spit the propaganda that entitles Russian mains claims, and thus, you never cared an inch about game balance at all.

And for the record, The only way you’ll get the R-77-1 is while also giving the AIM-120C-7, your arbitrary superiority is gone for at least a decent while.

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Unless R-77 fin drag at supersonic launch parameters does get fixed, R-77-1 will come before Aim-120C. That’s for sure.


Same can be said whenever there’s a topic about the Abrams tanks series, anti-american users arrive to claim skill issue on anyone complaining.
This isn’t a sanctuary when you can share illusory thoughts without being questioned. this is a forum, you can question and be questioned for your comments.
It is entirely fair game.

The R-77 is subpar, no point on denying it atm, but there’s also no competition to the Kh-38ML in GRB. The less amount of babysit you guys get on your platforms, the more balaced the game it’ll be.

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Carried by garbage subsonic attacker, meanwhile F-16C can lob mavericks and bombs all day while dodging everything and maintaining speed, unlike SU-25 and killing fighters that come to kill it with invisible missiles

you forgot that part.

And you forget the Pantsir, which negates a huge area of influence for CAS/CAP.
We both better get less amnesia episodes.

I genuinely don’t think so. At best, Gaijin will buff the R-77, but they’ll stick to this pool of ARH for a while. The next important update in avionics will be IR missiles.

The R-77 is subpar, no point on denying it atm, but there’s also no competition to the Kh-38ML in GRB. The less amount of babysit you guys get on your platforms

I’ve always said the SU-25SM3 is stupid and I’ve always been against the addition of the Kh-38ML lol, them lacking a vehicle with FLIR pod was a bad excuse to add the Kh-38ML.

The SU-25T/SU-39 could’ve easily gotten the Khod which has thermals if I recall

Same can be said whenever there’s a topic about the Abrams tanks series, anti-american users arrive to claim skill issue on anyone complaining

And those people are obnoxious, I honestly hate those type of people on both sides (both Russian and American).


Threads like this are what convinces me the forums are meant solely as a social experiment for how angry Gaijin can make people at eachother


Ooooh, we cant use anything except militipath!1!1

Thats not trouble in balance
Blue always had more players
Oh, and soviets are too weak by players, they cant use r-27

And most of previous used MiG-29 9-13… also with r-27

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