Amx a-1a battle rating

The Amx A-1A is such a bad plane at such a bad battle rating, I don’t understand who decided to give it thrust vectoring missiles which will switch target jus because it wants to, when it was supposed to be added, Gaijin said it will have R-73s, which it has, but they’re not flare resistant at all, if someone is flying towards the Sun, it will start targeting the sun jnstead, that’s how bad they are. The plane is too slow to bomb, but too fat to dogfight, this is THE worst premium plane in the whole existance of this plane, it’s only good for ground battles, but there already is the same plane which is just with aim-9Ls and at a lower battle rating. In my opinion, Gaijin should at least lower it’s battle rating or give it the R-73s that they promised.
Thank you.


Why do you fire an IR missile in direction of the sun?

What? Where? Why?!?


No, i meant it as if the enemy turns to the Sun, the missile will loose him, happened to me against a F-4S.

Hopefully it’s addressed, if you check the planned battle rating changes thread there are plenty of people asking the same, and why would Gaijin give, a Italian plane, R-73?

This is every IR missile as far as I am aware.

Only ones that might be more resistant are things like Aim-9M which may swap to IOG when it sees the sun and then will reacquire the target later if the target is still within the FoV and potentially IIR seekers which arent in the game yet. Given the BR. Aim-9Ls though will definetly go for the Sun under these condtions

I agree its BR is too high and would be better suited for 10.7 as I dont feel the MAA-1s are a significant upgrade over 9Ls and I dont believe there is any difference with the TT version other than that (could be wrong though)

I actually quite like them, just a 9L side-grade but you have to accomodate their delayed start.

Source either for Gaijin saying it will have R-73s and or a source that the AMX A-1A was ever equipped with R-73s?

I dont believe Brazil has ever operated R-73s

Not an uncommon problem for even supersonic strike aircraft in ARB. Try out Air SIM

This I was finding myself in ASB, its a bit of a bus. Fun aircraft to fly, but you really cant throw it around quite as much as you can other aircraft.

Eh… there are definetly worse

Its very good in AIR SIM. Was Napalming my way through the event token last night and was picking up kills with the MAA-1s as well.

Yeah, it should be 10.7. I cant think of any reason why the MAA-1s are so significantly better than the 9Ls that they warrant being a higher BR and even IF they do. Its at most 1 stop, not 2.

I did a post for it in the last BR Change which was picking up a load of likes. Though, that might get ignored, its not guarantee, even with a load of likes. So we’ll have to wait a few days and see.

As for the R-73, gunna need a quote for that

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Of course, that’s a viable tactic to use the sun as big decoy in air combat. As attackinf fighter, you need to be aware of this, as you have to be when you are the one defending.

This. As stated in every other thread I’ve read so far about the AMX A-1A, and I keep repeating for many attackers that people complain about in RB: Sim is THE game mode where those aircraft can shine.

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Yup, 99% of the balancing issues with strike aircraft in RB can basically be summed by “ARB is designed to be bad for them, play Air SIM instead”

Though in the AMX A-1A’s case, its really hard to justify it being any higher than 10.7, especially when compared to aircraft like the A-10, Su-25, Buc S2B or even the AMX

  1. They never did

  2. The AMX can’t carry a R-73, and I doubt Brazil even has any R-73’s to begin with

Yes, I fully agree it makes zero sense to have the Brazilian variant at a higher BR than the Italian one. But it works very well even at its exagerated BR.

What I find waaaay worse in BR placement is the Pakistani A-5C: 10.7 with no CCRP, no SAS, very mediocre air/ground stores, and rear-aspect IR-AAM’s that are already introduced with dedicated fighters 2 BR steps down (French Crusader). And this is on the same level like (Italian) AMX…

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Yeah that sounds rough

…but even so the A-5C can wor very well as base bomber in Sim, just not as comfortable and fun to fly as say an AMX. Or Intruder. Or Buccaneer. Or anything else, basically. Izt’s in no way better than for example an early Harrier. at 9.7…

Yeah. I recall spending most of 2023 sneaking a Tornado Gr1 past Mig-29s and F-16s and that was when they were really really bad. It was rough, but I made it too and from bases fairly consistantly

uh so your telling me that fighing f16’s and company on SIM makes this usefull ? Nuh Uh
the plane lacks pretty much everything to survive at that BR , playing on SIM with it on my experience is just as bad as going on ARB .

Ive lost count on how many of my MAA’s went for the enem missile / rocket instead of keeping on it even when I get people not paying attention they sometimes shoot something and the "insane missile " some ppl claim it to be just trows itself to it and misses the target

Looking at what planes sit on the same br as the amx you see something interesting , most of the planes and im talking about the attackers , have something that stands out , either great/very good playload for striking , good Air-Air ordnance often having 4x AAM , and some being much faster .
Its quite funny how the strike aircraft also sucks at it on GRB , I regret so much buying this plane and yet i just play this because its the only vehicle my nation got on the game…

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How do you even manage to fight F-16’s with a 11.7 plane?!?

If you bring the AMX A-1A into a 12.7 battle, that’s your fault…

Doesn’t fit my experience. I think at least 3 out of 4 Piranhas I fire hit and kill their target.

No they didn’t

I don’t really have source for that, I just remember watching a video from Tankenstein when it was in the dev server, and in that video he said it’s gonna have missiles, which are almost identical to R-73s

From what I know the AMX only used AIM-9’s and MAA-1’s till these days , never heard of it using anything else for air - air combat