A subsonic attacker with very limited air to air capability is unfair to be placed at 12.3. This plane sits at 12.3 while the SU-39 which gets twice the IR missiles and a very potent radar pod is going down to 11.3. The competition at 12.3 get good radars + SARH / ARH missiles, IRCCM IR missiles. I request the current proposed battle rating change to apply to simulator battles as well.
Vehicle: Sea-Vixen F.A.W Mk.2
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 9.0 ----> 8.7
Reason: It has no guns and extremely easy to defeat rear-aspect only IR Missiles. Anything with flares renders it unplayable (not that you need flares to defeat the Red Tops, turning slightly is enough). Increasing its BR increases the number of aircraft with flares it can encounter and therefore it is rendered unplayable.
Alternative solution: Give Red Tops their missing All-aspect lock ability and add the Sea-Vixen’s Missing Napalm (2 year old bug report for those)
Vehicle: Harrier Gr7
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 12.3 ----> 12.0
Reason: The Harrier Gr7 has no radar and sub-sonic flight performance. It is well equipped with a defensive loadout but has limited ability to survive against a smart and determined attacker. Its BR also renders it extremely hard to use it within its main role of A2G attack. Additionally, there is no 12.3 Bracket. So the Harrier Gr7 is always at a minimum fighting 12.7s and therefore has a Psuedo BR of 12.7 not 12.3. Lowering it to 12.0 would massively increases its playability.
In ARB, its now going to be directly facing aircraft like the F-16 on the regular with their BR reduction.
Alternative Solution: Give the Harrier Gr7 its native MAWS and not the C&P from the F-111A. Add the missing 2x Aim-9Ms and 2x AGM-65s . Fix the exhaust being sooty to reduce visiblity. Fix the IR signature being so hot its nearly impossible to flare anything and overhaul BOL so that its modeled correctly and not at 1/4 strength
Since the Israeli F-16C Barak II is going to 12.7 in ground, does it mean it will get mavericks or something? I think the current CAS payload for it does not deserve a +0.3 in GRB.
Also, any chance stretching air vehicle GRB BR to 13.0 so players could avoid playing with 11.7 prem players?
Vehicle: AMX A-1A
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: ARB: 11.3 -----> 11.0. ASB: 11.3 → 10.7
Reason: The AMX A-1A has an identical flight model to its TT counterpart but with slightly better AAMs, but not good enough to justify it being 0.7 BRs higher than it.
Additonally it has a similar combat performance to that of the Sea Harrier FRS1e and has a similar A2A loadout. It does hold an advantage of higher CM count and better AAMs, but this does not justify being 0.7 BR higher and the FRS1 with 4x 9Ls is also 11.0, lower than the AMX A-1A.
10.7 for Air Realistic is possibly needed, it really comes down to the relative performance between Aim-9Ls and the MAA-1 Piranha’s and whether the 120 CMs and MAA-1s are better suited at 11.0
Air Sim should get a lower BR as the lack of radar greatly impacts aircraft with All-aspect AAMs to use them in all-aspect, and any advantage over the Aim-9Ls the AAMs on the AMX might have is mitigated by this fact and the overall slow speed of the aircraft to get into good rear-aspect positions on a succesfully ID’ed target and should share a BR with the Sea Harrier FRS1e
Vehicle: Phantom FG1
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 12.0 ----> 11.7
Reason: It has one of the worst A2A weapon loadouts at that BR and is being carried by the fact it has decent engines and slightly more CMs than most. But VS equivalent F4s like the F4S, it stands no chance, let alone aircraft on its own tree like the Tornado F3 that is universally better in almost all respects at the same BR.
(Add Aim-9Ls to the Phantom FGR2 and leave it at 12.0)
arb,grb,srb,AMX A-1A, 11.3 > 10.7
reason: cant bomb base because f4s and other premium jet, cant kill ground because always dead by missile radar, cant kill enemy because this missile bad and jet too slow…
missile piranha its bad too 45g feel like 30g + easy to flare
Ground RB, Tiger 2P
6.7 > 6.3
This tank has no reason to be the same BR as Tiger 2H sure it has the same cannon but the armor is less it can be killed frontally from most of 5.7 tanks so there is no reason for it to be 6.7
Air RB / F-4EJ ADTW/ 11.0>10.7
It has poor performance, bad missiles, and constantly geting to 11.7 or 12.0. It has only 2 differences form F-4C: It has Flares and a bit better missile. But they have differece +1.0 br.
Tzefa B (Israel)
9.0 → 9.3
It’s basically better in every conceivable way than the Bo-105 CB-2 / HKP9A and identical performance to the AH-1E (Jp) while being at a LOWER BR. It makes no sense.
Lets address the elephant in the room again, like it is doen every single br change time
GRB, 2S38 10.3 → 10.7/11.0.
Ah mobile IFV with a big autocannon that can penetrate MBTs as well as double as a great anti air with its proxy rounds. It is an anti everything vehicle.
It does not compare performance wise to competitors at the same tier like Puma, Namer, Strf 9040C and performs a good bit better then them.
Every single time it gets brought up that the 2S38 should receive a br bump with the last one even getting 228 likes, but it doesnt get addressed
Yes it did get a “nerf” in the sense of the internals getting modelled more, but it was just as much a buff cause it now has an unlimited ready rack with a gun that doesnt overheat
Vehicle: Phantom F-4J(UK)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Simulator
BR Change: ARB: 12.0 ----> 11.7 ASB: 12.0 —>11.3
Reason: It is an identical airframe to the F-4J(US) but unlike it does not have the Agile Eagle or HMD upgrades, lowering its performance notably. It is one of the weakest 12.0 aircraft in RB at the moment and doesnt belong at 12.0.
In Sim, its equivalent TT aircraft are currently at 11.3 and there is no justification for it to be at 12.0 given it is weaker than both with less CMs, weaker engines and a weaker RWR
Vehicle in question: Thai subtree attackerrs
Game modes: all
BR changes: none, but moved to the locations of ex-R2Y2 branch(4th)
Following the R2Y2’s removal, it would be the best idea to collect Thai CAS aircrafts onto the branch which contains Japanese CAS.