I dont know why you guys are arguing, gaijin will not allow more map bans, simple as
Then I can say the opposite from my experience and I still have the dozens/hundreds of threads complaining about matches being too short.
People leave matches early either cause they don’t like the map(nothing to do with it’s length) or cause they are optimizing the grind and just want to go to a new match fast. I never saw someone leaving a match cause it’s too large but I often see people leaving the single cap maps for the gameplay they create.
What do you mean they haven’t changed single cap maps? They have been cropping the flanks on most of those maps! Is that not a change?
Not like it has been since Gaijin added helicopters with dozens of ATGMs or jets with hundreds of rockets, guided bombs, AGMs, etc… that was when CAS really became too powerful against tanks.
I have no doubt that some players are one of the biggest problems here, but it’s Gaijin who decides who listens. Most players complain about cropped version of maps but Gaijin decided(so far) to keep them to please players that probably got killed by someone that flanked them.
In Air AB they exist to kill ground targets and end matches faster.
Gaijin is constantly changing everything in the game, from guns to damage models to flight models to maps, etc…
Exactly, it’s not really random since there are certain maps in the rotation at a given period of time.
I haven’t claimed that the majority of players likes short games, i’m just asking for evidence of the original claim that you guys support, simple as that.
The poll isn’t proof because it has not happened. It’s as good as me saying “i think poll would prove that short games win therefore thats my proof”
Ugh. Brick wall.
brick wall because you guys don’t have the required evidence to make that claim.
That tends to happen when you’re arguing with people who are correct. Burden of proof and all that. Which you’re lacking.
I’ve posted multiple links that I got from simply searching on Google “War Thunder short/long matches”, I excluded the multiple reddit ones cause they don’t display properly on this forum but they are as many. You got threads on Steam, Old WT forum and this Forum, but you can also check the reddit ones by yourself.
Meanwhile I’m still waiting for a single thread about “players wanting short matches”… 🙄
I’ll take “What is vocal minority?” for 500 please.
Seriously, understanding that the vocal parts of the internet are rarely representative of wider reality is, like, one of the most basic fundamental elements of internet literacy.
nearly all the maps they added with the last few patches are some cluster fuck maps…
And im getting so annoying by those shitty cqb gokart maps that i started to leave the game when i see the map
for that sole reason of cqb + tiny map
I love big open maps maps where i can make tanks like chieftain mk3 etc work
or other tanks that rely on armor
because i hate tiny maps
And i love huge maps where you don’t drive for 30 sec and reach the other spawn
because if i wanted that i would go play wot, simple as that
Do any of you even know what you’re arguing about anymore?
No, they cropped a select few legacy maps. That’s not most.
And single caps are not new, they’re as old as ground itself.
So kill the AI targets and make the match last longer…
It’s not random since there is a randomly selected map every couple minutes…
Sir, please… proof read your posts.
ye being able to ban more maps
because i can as Premium user ban 1 map
but since they keep adding shitty ones 1 ban isnt enough…^^
I think most (MOST, not ALL, don’t rip my head off) players in here would agree with that.
I haven’t seen a CQC map get added to WT since Sun City if I remember correctly.
Mostly medium sized maps.
Ground has never had an issue with time though, matches always lasting 7+ minutes regardless of map or BR.
They just recently started cropping them… give them time.
I never said they were new, as I said they’ve become more frequent which should be natural since there are 3 single cap version of every map for a single 3 cap version, but the frequency was changed along the way since they are way more frequent than before. The cropped versions are “new” or recent.
Doesn’t change the fact that they were added to make matches shorter.
That is not random, that’s like having a list of maps with a schedule and offer a certain map on a certain time period. Random would be to get a random map each time you try to join a battle.
medium sized maps that get cropped removing any chances of flanking or anything
if they keep going then why not spawn us on a straight line facing the enemy head on and be done with it.
Actually @sardinha08 has provided much proof, as we’ve already pointed out to you, you just refuse to look at it. Because…?
So ok, let’s all agree on something, and see if it’ll solve all of this?
Again, as a way to settle this, how about GAIJIN submit the poll and get ALL the numbers you want, we want, and that’ll be that? You just can’t logically argue with that.
And actually Bleeding Uranus, as I already said for the last time, he’s already provided plenty of proof for you to see, plus I’m sure you’ve already seen most of those posts and comments, so it’s not like you haven’t seen any of it before. You’re just denying what is out here already. Just this forums posts and comments and likes by itself are plenty enough for your “burden of proof” junk. If you’re too lazy to go look at it (it’s literally near the top of this post) then just like @simbadumba you’re purposely arguing just because you think you’re right and are afraid to learn you might be wrong.
If that’s not the case, how about both of you, or all of you on that side, agree with me that Gaijin should send out a game wide poll about this, and solve it all? Just say yes, a poll would be nice, and there’s nothing else to argue about? In life all people choose sides and sees life opposite of the other, most things have two sides, so it’s natural. But I have a way to get the answers fairly and full proof, but you guys are afraid to join me in agreement on this and just want to argue and throw insults and just act like you’re correct based off your own opinions. Lol that’s BS and you know it.
I never said there is 100% full proof either way, I agreed with others that there is plenty of evidence that suggests our view, but I’m also saying there IS a way to get 100% proof of either side. So just agree with me that it would make sense and it would be solved. If not then keep arguing with your brick wall cause your opinions don’t outweigh the anecdotal evidence he already provided, for you.
AI aircraft were added before 2013 release…
Randomly selected maps is indeed random.
If it wasn’t random you would never get the same map in a row… ever.
Changing map borders to account for there being only one objective is just good game design.
That Alaska example that keeps coming up is especially amusing, as it still has half a city, fields, and a coastal area in bounds. Nowhere that’s out of bounds is somewhere people should be, flanking is perfectly viable.
Unless of course people are using “flanking” to mean “spawncamping” and/or “sitting an irrelevant distance from the objective hiding in a bush rather than actually getting into fights”. In which case, nothing of value has been lost.
Not in Air AB which was the mode I’ve been talking since I mentioned it.
That’s why they remove certain maps from rotation from time to time, that’s why they make them BR dependent, etc… really random as for most things in this game.
So if you got map A from 17:45 GMT until 18:00 GMT and get it several times in that time period that is cause it’s random?